White boys belong in permanent chastity

White boys belong in permanent chastity.

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>white """"""""""men""""""""""""

Godd, wouldn't want your genes shitting up the next generation.

why tho?
I'd rather just fugg his boipucci no reason to punish his peepee tho

a weapon to surpass metal gear OwO

i don't even understand what's going on in this picture


he's stretching his penis with the pink thing

go back to

why is this a fetish?

wait a minute this isnt video games this is anal sex

a cute boy is wearing a lock on his penis to make his erections hurt



why do you retards keep replying

that's like a video game

Orgams denial I guess, that and control.
Dont see how you'd piss in that thing without getting a pisscovered dick though.

faggots and hyper cucks, mainly

So it triggers sissy faggots like you.


There's a hole on the end of the thing for urinating.

the future of all white men
get used to it

white brains are too intelligent not to have these perverse thoughts, same as japonians

video games

Kill yourself ban-evading Argentinian (Barneyfag)

but you're white

what videogame is this?

kinda hot for me because they can only orgasm from anal stimulation.

I can't get in to the whole sissy/cuck/denial part of it though

Am I a cuck if I want to fuck sissy white bois? I'm black btw.


Your point?

Sure, but what are the odds of no piss hitting the plastic and covering your dick.

Racist thread

And niggers belong in permanent incarceration.

Is this the new HE?

feel free to kill youself

be the change you wish to see in the world

That means you're a nigger and you should kill yourself.

If nothing else I appreciate the fact that your presence will at least kill this thread sooner.


traps are gay. You aren't straight if you jerk off to traps or twinks. I don't know why you would ever think you are.

>make his erections hurt

Reported for racism


You've certainly got your priorities straight, Lee


But why would I do that when there's so many cute little white bois to fuck?


everybody is shitposting about this shit and still noone cares that i got rejected by the girl i like :c

How does that dick looks so smooth?

don't question it

to stop the spread of stds

it's cased in plastic

wypipo taught to hate normality, embrace the perverse
some may blame the jews but i say YTs are just naturally fucking degenerate


>tfw too intelligent for racially masochistic Jewish feminization and penis mutilation porn

I'll be your girlfriend (male)

Wouldn't it hurt to wear that?