So Sup Forums xbone x or ps4 pro?
Macbook pro my only pc, I have a 4ktv, and I don't like weeb stuff
So Sup Forums xbone x or ps4 pro?
Macbook pro my only pc, I have a 4ktv, and I don't like weeb stuff
>I don't like weeb stuff
get a pc
PC and Switch
do you like halo and forza? No? Get a ps4.
Sounds like a xbone x would be the way to go but you will probably have trouble finding one Black Friday is coming soon and pros are plentiful
Honestly not that many options if you don't like weeb stuff. Ps4 has BB, horizon, New spiderman coming out soon and other games as well but I can't remember them. Xbox has halo and forza and also sun set overdrive. Have no idea if that's good or not
eccksbox one x should be able to do 4k better than a pro, but seriously just build a pc
Steam is full of all the anime and VNs you crave.
Go for XboneX.
Get GamePass & EA Access so you start with ~100 games.
PS4 has quite the range of games even if you trim the weebshit, however Xbone has more dudebroshit
>PCbros falseflagging
Real Gamer Tier:
>PS4 Pro for Sony Exclusives and Weeb stuff
>Xbox One X for AAA and Halo
>Nintendo Switch and N3DS XL for Nintendo Games
>Raspberry Pi for emulation
If you are an obese 14 year old subscribed to Linus and playing PUBG you are probably a PCbro.
>Buying a Halo game post Reach
non-neckbeard version
>xbone for multiplats and multimedia
>switch for mk8 and getting bitches wet
>PC for excel at your high paying job
>PS4 in the dustbin of history
Xbox is for multi player
Playstation is for single player
I've got both but play Xbox way more because it's online eco system is better.
They also support cross platform play.
get a PC retard
I'd actually say go for the X if you don't own a PC.
If you don't like any of the following:
Uncharted 4
Nier Automata
Horizon Zero Dawn
Gravity Rush 2
Death Stranding (To be released)
Get the Xbox One X
Not OP but I am seriously considering changing over to PC
But I'm very concerned with the compatibility issues pc gaming seems to have
>Macbook pro my only pc
>I don't like weeb stuff
It's retard proof. Google "[your graphics card] [game name] youtube" and you can see how a game runs before buying.
>xbone x or ps4 pro?
>Macbook pro my only pc
Xbone X, you subhuman hipster brainturd.
save up and get a PC. No exclusive on the xbone is worth a fuck and no exclusive on the ps4 is unique or anything special, you're not missing out on anything by not playing them.
PS4 has games, mostly weeaboo games though. Xbox has no games. I would get a PC if you don't like weeaboo games.
>PS4 has games, mostly weeaboo games though. Xbox has no games.
People play the exact same games on both. Funnily enough this will probably change when pubg comes to the xbox and not ps4
I meant more to do with operating systems and how that affects game compatibility
regardless, if im shelling out a significant amount of money for a pc, i want to be able to play every game available to be old, and new
>i want to be able to play every game available to be old
It depends how old the game is/what it is. Nothings perfect but altogether digital pc games generally last longer than anything else
>significant amount of money
If you want to save money wait until you need a new pc anyway for general use, and when you get one either put a $100 gpu into it if it's a desktop or spend an extra $200 on it if it's a laptop. This is easily the cheapest way to play videogames (and the only one people can afford here)
t. third worlder