Competitive Starcraft

Guys I want to get into competitive Starcraft but which one has the more active competitive player base, 2 or remastered?

Also Starcraft thread.

Either is fine just pick the game you like the most

I like BW more than SC2 but whichever one you want. Both have decent enough communities.

BW and WC3 have been picking up steam again so a lot of new and returning players to learn with.

Which one do you think has the most potential for long-term health player count wise?


in the west neither, but BW is back and more alive than sc2 in korea, imo

SC2 because broodwar is a solved game. most games will play out the same more or less as far as build order and unit composition goes. for that reason i prefer sc2

2 is pretty much ded in Worst Korea. At this point Wc3 is more alive than SC2

If we are just talking about NA, does Starcraft 2 still have a better competitive scene than BW?

I wouldn't say currently due to the release of Remaster though I have no actual numbers for either. BW and WC3 are reasonably healthy considering the genre and are both old as fuck if that's something to consider.

Just play whatever, user, throw a dart at a dartboard. Just don't expect a population the size of any other competitive genre until maybe WC4 comes out.

Good luck catching up with the people who have been playing this game for 19 years. You will never reach their skill level

At this point competitive 1 is an uphill struggle against an outdated control scheme with your average opponent having two decades worth of experience in dealing with them.

why lie?

Both have completely healthy playerbases, you'll find games within seconds (literally)

The esport scene of sc2 is dead, but there are still thousands of non-pros online any time of the day, will probably last for another ten years or more

A word of warning though

Starcraft 1 is INFINITELY HARDER than starcraft 2, and starcraft 2 itself is already incredibly difficult (as in, requires weeks/months of training) if you want to get into higher leagues

I'm Diamond 2 after 2 seasons of SC2 (just started in LotV)) and feel like I'm reached max potential without endless grinding and practice.


At this point, there is no feasible way to keep up with competitive players in any game that was made in the 90's or early 2000's

I'm plat 1 / diamond 3 right now and I'm worried that I'll get bored of the game once I hit the MMR ceiling that requires actual practice


I don't want it to end like this

Just go 2v2+ where the actual fun is at.
1v1 in SC is for autists.

Happened to me too back in WoL and HotS days. I hit diamond and got high diamond a couple times but felt like my zerg playing had hit a wall unless I really spent a lot of hours pushing past it.

It was too much work for something that I do for fun.

>Guys I want to get into competitive Starcraft

I hope you're 18-22 years old, otherwise your reflexes will be too slow to gookclick your way to any kind of competition victories outside of locals in bumfuck nowheresville.

>1v1 in SC is for autists.

I am pretty autistic

Also doesn't 2v2 always end in airtoss carrier deathballs anyway

also the only guy I know who actually plays sc2 is pretty bad

SC1/SC2 aren't difficult at all. Fighting games, Tribes 2 and Quake 1-3 are much harder games then SC1/SC2. Hat Fortress 2 is harder to master.

SC2 just has a lower skill floor because they fixed the stupid UI issues with SC1. SC1 suffers from "fake" difficulty due to its early 1990s era RTS UI. It is the QWOP of RTS family.

>I beat the SC2 computer on very hard lol what an easy game


What a dumb fucking post.

Kiddo I played SC1 back during the beta and you were probably in diapers.

SC1 is fun, but pretending that is 'Hard" is being disingenuous.

You only need 60-100APM to be competitive in professional arena. The 200-300APM figures are just queuing the same command 2-3X and aren't useful unless you are trying to micro-manage 100+ Zerglings.

>You only need 60-100APM to be competitive in professional arena.
Jesus Christ.

Doesn't even get me to respond with the navy seal pasta

what? a new player hovers in the 160s before even achieving diamond

That's wrong, novices go around ~20-50APM.

Button-mashing doesn't count.

>hurr durr butotnmashing

Good luck trying to get your army up a goddamn ramp without clicking twenty times.


SC2 bronze leaguers are at 40+ APM and that game doesn't even require you to spam movecommands to reset pathfinding

Because, I'm not wearing the nostalgia goggles.

I'm seeing SC1 for what it is. It is pretty much dead outside of South Korea. The novelty and nostalgia from the remaster is wearing off. People now remember why they gave up SC1 for superior titles.


>I want to get into competitive Starcraft
People have been playing this shit for 20 years, forget it man.

SC2 is more than twice as big, but SCR is still big enough to find games quickly. Both games are great.

Sup Forums hates starcraft but loves mw2 and smash, now

what happened?

What the fuck has Starcraft being dead outside Korea to do with the retarded bullshit you spewed the other day?
You're like one of those retards screaming "artificial difficulty" at Souls games.

You can get SC2 starter edition and the original starcraft for free

Just give it a try against the AI

Sup Forums is terrible at games

Nope, they are much slower than that in practice.

You realize that 60APM means you are least constantly click an action per second? That only happens in lower-tiers when a player panics and button smashes. You see that kind of rate consistently at higher levels of play (Semi-Pro to Professional-tier).

Stop looking at peak figures.

Those are actually some rather impressive numbers.

Mate I'm literally watching Afreeca VODs right now and the APMs never dip below 280.

brood war is 100x more satisfying to play

Masters 1 (ex-GM) in SC2, 2k+ MMR in SCR. 350+ APM. Took games of pros in both games.

Ask me anything.

>still shitposts on Sup Forums

"Fake Difficulty" from shitty and poor game design is no excuse.

Ghosts 'n Goblins is a difficult platformer because the game design and controllers scheme is just bad.

Drop the nostalgic googles kiddie and stop sucking Blizzard's cock so damn hard.

SC1 is fun, but ultimately a WH40K rip-off (SC2 is a much more blatant rip-off) because Games Workshop didn't give Blizzard a WH40K license.

What's the most fun SC2 race

I'm starting to get bored of zerg

Pressing 5 S M 6 S M 7 S M 1 1 drag mouse click click click doesn't take 20 seconds unless you're severely handicapped.

I always liked Bio Terran the most. Don't use F2.

in tvt why do terrans transition to tank and vulture instead of tank and marine? i was watching larva go tank marine medic firebat and it looked pretty good

>they made design choices that made the game harder
>I don't like those choices
>hence the difficulty is fake and isn't real

Because Spider mines exist and vultures are quicker than marines. It's all about what protects the tanks better, which is spider mines.

too bad, Games Workshop probably be more worth a fuck if they gave Blizzard the time of day

but then again Blizzard might not be anywhere if GW didn't tell them, "we're retarded and we hate money, fuck off"

Because the Vulture is literally the best unit in the game.

Why don't you play an RTS that requires significantly less amounts of autism, OP?

No other RTS games to play really. Maybe WC3 but Blizzard really needs to update it for launcher to unite the realms again.

Age of Empires 2 might have a scene too, and perhaps some of the Relic games but those smalltime compared to Blizzard games and AoE2.

because what's the fun in that?

that's like choosing gnomoria over dorf fort

Because AoE2 is kinda shit.

They did it because of the limitations of 1990s era computers not because they wanted to game harder.

SC1 originally ran on Pentium/IIs and K6s through 9x using serial mice and keyboard only possessing 8MiB-16MiB of memory. They simply couldn't handle selecting 100+ units at once without killing performance, ruining out of memory which lead to BSOD. SC1 didn't even have command queuing until Brood War 1.07.

SC2 didn't have these hardware limitations which is allowed the team to update the UI.

Is zerg the weakest race?

The unit limit selection was a deliberate design choice.

Vulture by itself sucks hard. It is the spider mines that makes it worth anything (75 minerals (no gas!) for 250 burst AOE damage + detector.

With decent micromanagement you can murder Marines, Bats, Hydralisk, Lurkers, Dragoons, Zealots and prevent Ghost/Dark Templar snipes.

True wc3 had it too.

Brought on by hardware limitations at the time and decided to stick with it once Pentium 3s and K7-tier hardware and beyond became commonplace.

Around that period, Blizzard stop caring about SC1 since it was dead by influx of newer and superior RTS content. Blizzard only begin to give a shit about SC1 with its renaissance in South Korea in mid-2000s and decided to do SC2.

i like dem relic rts's

It was a design choice in WC3 because it was built to a real-time tabletop RPG action game.

Units = hired goons
heroes = PCs.
creeps = monsters

>Brought on by hardware limitations
That lead dev blog specifically said they decided to limit the unit selection cap because that way people couldn't just send them all to attack move effortlessly.

what will WC4 be like?

moba hybrids dows? or will it be more like SC2 is to BW

do you think it would increase interest in RTS again in the US?

how hard is it actually to go ((pro))

I call bullshit on that

You can do that anyway with a tiny bit of micromanagement.

The real reason is technical. Systems back during SC1 weren't powerful enough to handle that many actions at once nor had enough memory do it.

If you willing to commit yourself spending 1000+ hour constantly playing SC1 and get a feel for it like any other "competitive" eSport.

>I call bullshit on a blog by the lead developer that talked real shit about how much of a disaster the Starcraft development was, because a decade after the game became a massive success there simply wasn't any reason to lie
Ok mate, I believe you.

>You can do that anyway with a tiny bit of micromanagement.
Good fucking luck to move 200+ zerglings with "a tiny bit" of micro.

I was surprised just how quick I was able to find games in WC3 through the matchmaking system, takes like 30 seconds to find a game at most. Too bad i keep getting destroyed.

Any statistics like this for wc3?

StarCraft on the Nintendo 64 had unlimited unit selection

>I call bullshit on that

A newfag like you brings this up in every thread and every time they are corrected with an old dev interview. Lurk before you post.

>No clips through unpassable terrain
>Gets sniped by a tank anyways

Oh my word

N64 was a lot more powerful and had far less overhead than 9x boxes back in the day. FYI, SC1 was developed during mid-1990. It started out as a TC mod of Warcraft 2 but they scrapped it and made into the game we know today.

Hardware limitations were a constant issue with game design and development back during 1990s and early 2000s.

>Hardware limitations were a constant issue with game design and development back during 1990s and early 2000s.

Yeah thank god that's no longer a problem