Any decent PC metroidvanias released recently besides Hollow Knight? Playable on PC, please

Any decent PC metroidvanias released recently besides Hollow Knight? Playable on PC, please.

Also please no "Dark Souls"-likes, I fuckin hate that style of gameplay. This was about as close as I'll get and it's not very close.

I've played most major metroidvanias for PC but I'm wondering if there's any that have come out in the past year or two that I'm missing.

Hollow Knight a SHIT lmfao

Steamworld dig 2 literally came out like today or yesterday, I haven't played it yet but the first one was a lot of fun and the second one looks like a great sequel in that it just improves and expands on basically everything. I've heard good things about it and am gonna pick it up myself in a day or two.

Axiom verge was a really good game. It wasn't perfect and some people were kind of so-so on it but I enjoyed it a lot.

Valdis story is one that I don't see mentioned too often, but that one was great. I picked it up on a whim and then blew through it in a few days with close to 15 hours on one playthrough, and it absolutely owes itself to replay-ability because there's multiple characters. It's combat system is more brawler based though than a classic metroidvania style, so that might not be what you're looking for in that regard, and it's controls/platforming take a little getting used to at first.

I'm sure there's more that I can think of but that's a start.

Yes this is the most shilled game.

I liked Axiom Verge. Is Steamworld the one with turn-based combat?

I'll give Valdis Story another go, I tried it a long time ago but didn't like it, but I can't remember why.

I thought it was ok for a metroidvania. My biggest gripes were that there's too much shit to do (which I realize to most people is a good thing) and also it's really easy in the beginning to get lost and end up in an endgame area.

whoops wrong thread

It's more of a roguelike than a Metroidvania, but I really liked Dead Cells.

Are you a bot or do you go out of your way to do this in every hollow knight thread? Because this is the second time I've posted it and you did the same thing there.

No it's an action-y platformer. The first one was more like a resource collection/management game but it had metroidvania elements to it. You went down into the earth and mined out materials to bring to the surface and sell for better upgrades, but there were also some areas that had secret caves with platforming puzzles that would give you new powers.

Steamworld 2 on the other hand still has the resource collection stuff, but they pushed it way more in favor of the metroidvania element from what I understand. Also I just realized you're thinking of steamworld heist, which is by the same people and in the same "universe" but is a totally different game. Also good though.

Like I said with valdis story, it takes some getting used to. I think I did the same thing actually, played it for like 20 minutes and wasnt into it, then gave it another go years later and loved it. But it isn't for everyone.

No sir. There's just so many of these identical threads that I lose track of which is which.

Steamworld dig 2

What's sad is that it isn't a bot, just a very dedicated shitposter

I'm sure you just made this thread again.

There are so many threads asking "What games are like this game?" Read the thread. It's not shilling dude, I'm just using a picture of hollow knight.

I did. This is #2. Sup Forums moves fast

I'll check them both out. Thanks user


Rain World. But beware it's quite hard and unforgiving thing.

>Is Steamworld the one with turn-based combat?

steamworld heist is turnbased combat, steamworld dig 1 and 2 are pure metroidvania

system shock

Why is Salt and Sanctuary never counted in that?

Haven't played it.

Personally I'd say it's upper good tier, but it was also the first metroidvania I finished so I'm heavily biased towards it.

Also not sure if it really counts as a metroidvania as much as it is a soulslike.

Definitely more of a soulslike.

isnt Shovel knight a metroidvania?

No, it's just a straight platformer.


torrent for steamworld dig 2 when? there's one on the pirate bay, but it's got 0 seeders and 0 leechers and the uploader isn't trusted... I'm too scared to use that one