Are we witnessing the death of the MOBAs?

Are we witnessing the death of the MOBAs?

What do you think, Sup Forums?

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Not really, it will go up again once the patch drops.
It's mostly Valve being lazy and inept.

How did Valve destroyed every single franchise they got? Why did Gabe fell for the vr jew?

good riddance

Darn all those Chinese farming bots switched to pubg :((((((((

Nothing special is happening, it's just another post TI and pre patch depression and playerbase fall. It happens every year.

>lowest since 2014
>"happens every year guys"

It's not dead until they run out of ideas. Every time the player count drops, they will just put effort into fixing their fucking game until the player count goes back up, at which point they stop fixing shit until the player count dips again.

this graph makes no fucking sense, why is it starting so high in the mid 2012's if the game wasn't even in open beta then

Is pic related because of dota players switching to pubg or normies buying pc's to play pubg?

the meta is too stale, it was a good meta but post TI depression hitted it really hard

doesn't help that TI was so barebones this year, last year was a fucking blast

Everyone and their mothers got keys for the beta user

Literally every single person I knew that wanted to play it had access.

but the all time peak didn't happen back then, so it makes no sense for it to be the biggest part of the graph

It will go the way of WoW and other big successes. Users will taper off to a lower point but remain stable afterwards. It will still be profitable but it's golden years will have ended.

Where do you see an all time peak on 2012?

>Are we witnessing the death of the MOBAs?

No. League of Legends is still the most popular game in the world. The difference between it and PUBG is that you don't have anyone autistic enough on Sup Forums to spam 'muh charts' threads about it

look at the graph in op's late 2012's is the far left part, wich is higher than any other part of the graph, while when looking at yours, the all time peak should have happened either in 2015 or 2016

graph is bogus

the death of the assfaggot will mean rts has a chance to come back

Do you have some kind of learning disability?

There are two graphs there, the first one is the YOY one that obviously starts at end September last year.

The second one is the one that starts at 2012 and as you can see is far lower than 2014.

there is no charts to spam for lol. and the only chart that exists shows decline of lol in korea

RTS is a shitty gimmick genre.

No, it's a genre for autistic people.
Just because you're too dumb for it doesn't mean everyone is.

No, we're witnessing the death of Dota due to Valve's incompetence. It's a very different thing.

Mobafags are moving to pubg, so whatever.

One shit game to another.

need a quick rundown of why Dota2 is sucking now? what did Vavle fuck up?

The drop in September (or more accurately in Fall) is a yearly thing, yeah.

The overall, severe player drop over 2017 is unprecedented, however.

>No new game content
>One gorillion new cosmetic content
>Awful custom map maker
>Needs a graphics update

Gee I dunno.

You could say this about any previous year. What makes 2017 special?

the total proportion of playtime by day ticks up massively at the release of PUBG, so i'd say its more to do with normies buying a pc to play it

i cant see the DOTA 2 line on that graph but if it changes in size it's a minimal haemmorhage compared to the number of new PUBG playing pc gamers.

>shoehorn Dota 2 to be more similiar to competiting mobas
>valve suprised that their new audience doesnt last and the old players all left

Game has been trash since 6.87, I'm glad I stopped playing it.

Dota 2 died to me with the 7.00 update.

what changed so much? i havent played since 2015

this man gets it

New competitors in the market (PUBG), people giving up after three years and a weak TI.

>HotS invented talents
>HotS invented healing stations
Are you fucking stupid?

More competition
People get fed up with waiting for new content and the game gets stale
There is only so much you can play 1 game for 6 years before you get burnt out completely

Dotard claimed they created spiders and refillable bottles so it's fair game to call them out when they rip off their competition desperately trying to get the normie market.

Over the past year or so I've only played custom games, which is incredible seeing how awful the scene is compared to that of Warcraft III's.

>DOTA 7.00
I'm glad Valve finally ended the spell on me. Now I can enjoy games again.

>all of valve's big games started as mods
>valve provides fuckall in terms of mod support for their games
That REALLY makes me think.

Death of the popularity of them. But the people who play DOTA 2 never cared about popularity and will still play them

Do you remember the days of "Dota 1 -APEM US/CA ONLY! PROS". Dota 2 turned into EM but a lot worse because of the added peruvians..

New competitors have been popping up for a while, but Dota was virtually unaffected by them (the Steamspy tweet about the OW free weekend causing a drop in every significant Steam game except Dota 2 is well known), so I'm not convinced PUBG is the sole or even the main reason behind Dota's player drop.

The TI was weak but Dota has been losing players since the start of 2017 (August was even a peak in player activity but that was mainly due to the custom, I think), so it doesn't explain it.

HotS invented neither, of course, but the parallels are too strong to be ignored. Can you frankly say that the most likely inspiration for talents and shrines isn't HotS? Obviously, by itself, "they came from HotS" isn't a valid argument for shrines and talents being bad gameplay mechanics (they are bad but for other reasons).

In a nutshell, Valve changed a lot about the game. Nevermind the quality of the changes (some like them, I strongly dislike most of them), it was alienating to the userbase and that's probably what's killing the game. Most confusing is that some of those alienating changes could easily have been optional.

I think a big part of it it's how long they have made people wait for new heroes. Everyone slowly started to realize how they dragged this shit forever and Valve just doesn't care about anything but milking people for cosmetics.

Eventually people get sick of the game and Dota literally gets no new players.

I think those also factor into just the fact that the game is getting stale with little new content/big patches. You can only play the same game for so long

>end of summer
>no patch in months
>bots banned
>doesnt count chinese players
>current meta is aids