What arcade stick do you use?

What arcade stick do you use?

I use this for PC (and Wii, for all the good that does). I need to get some better parts for it and make a custom faceplate.

A Round 1 Madcatz TE Im currently customizing and a Hori VLX Kuro edition. I do feel like buying a Panzer 3 and just making custom art for that.

Before this I used that WWE one with the Rock on it

madcatz teo+ and a madcatz fightstick pro

Whats a good PS4 compatible stick that doesn't cost a ton? Ive never had a stick and have no idea what I should be in the market for

I'm probably gonna buy a Hitbox when they restock. My left hand fucking hates using a stick.

Should I move to fightstick instead of a controller?




>good arcade sticks cost $200+
>not sure how much I should even be spending so I dont get something too cheap but cant spend $200-300 either
How do people come to a decision on one?

got ol faithful as a prize for winning a fucking playstation all stars tournament at gamespot lol

i got to hang out with seth :p

the te2, bought one just before the price skyrocketed due to madcatz going out of business

You could probably wait until Capcom cup, there are usually sales on arcade sticks around the time big tournaments happen.

Not that user but when is that and is there a good site to purchase from?

Around December, they usually give you some kind of code so it depends entirely on where that code is applicable. If not, I would just go to focus attack.

Its still weird MadCatz actually went under

You LITERALLY can't go wrong with a custom one, and it shouldn't cost you more than ~160$ unless you go full retard with character buttons and diamond crusted cases.


This thing

Probably not. If you're already seasoned with a controller no real reason to do so, most games are designed around being played on a pad first and foremost.


got one of those as well, although the turbo buttons gave me some problems and the weight isnt as nice as with the madcatz TE, still a solid stick

swapped out both with octogates

Alright then, thanks.

A Madcatz TE with a Brook UFB installed for fighters
A Qanba Q4RAF with a Seimitsu LS-40 for shmups and other arcade games

TE2+ but the pcb went to shit so I replaced it with a Panthera. Give me some design ideas for the Panthera, the default is utter shit.

Hit Box.

I also have a Qanba Dragon for non-fighting games.

i use the hori rap n
also have the vlx and a TE2 with chun-li art, but the mp button randomly cuts in and out on it

I fucked up actually, this is the stick I have. None the less I love the damn thing. My only regret is I didn't wait a month just get the newest iteration of it or whatever.

Taking it apart and cleaning it is so easy and satisfying. One of these days I'm going to get new buttons for it just for the fuck of it.. one of these days.

A modified madcatz Fight Stick alpha.

>Its small and easy to carry
>Nice long cable
>Works on PS4, PS3 and PC
>Easy to mod (though not a lot of space, so you got to put it all back together very carefully)
>It can be found for dirt cheap. Like £40. Parts to mod it with are cheap too

>Only 6 buttons
>Small so you dont have anything to lean on
>Default buttons and stick are shit
>Input lag isnt too good on PC. Like its ok for modern fighters, but you play SSF2 on fightcade and you'll realise how it lacking it is when you try to distinguish between a shoryuken and a hadouken. Much tighter input requirements in those sort of games you see. Works fine on PS4 and PS3 though.
>PC drivers dont play nice with other Xinput devices. Especially mayflash devices.
>Madcatz no longer exist, so no warranty.
>Cant do much for art modding obviously.


how much for that?

Youre all retarded.
I exclusively used RAP VX SA and use TE2 for touneys on ps4

how do you use it on pc?


>Madcatz no longer exist
Woah, when the fuck did that happen?

Also, is there any real reason to not recommend a custom stick with a Brook PCB?

>Woah, when the fuck did that happen?

Probably one of these, or over bluetooth with glovePIE/freePIE

Which sticks have the best modification mods?

Stupid frogposter, you made me google it and I ended up clicking on a polygon link, fuck you.

Best solution IS always to build it all yourself.

Quite expensive though. Costs about the same as just outright buying a tourney edition stick. (£150+, £100 if you're very lucky getting a used one these days)

I only bought and modified the alpha in the first place because its a very cheap and quick setup to practice on. Like £65 and an hour of labour modding it overall.
(No solder needed either. Just crimping)

I prefer it to my other cheapo stick, my 360 Hori EX2, which I hear is an absolute bastard to mod, (so I didnt bother modding it).

I use Originally got one so I could use my Classic Controller Pro on PC. The stick working is just a bonus.

Wait I thought the fightstick itself is connected to the Wiimote? How does this work?

and is there a way to mod this to work with PS3, PS4, and maybe add a USB so I can get it on PC without an adapter.

The adapter has two wiimote extension ports on it. You plug you Nunchuck/CCP/Stick into it then the usb cable on the other end into your PC.

A white Hori RAP 4 Kai. I really only play fightan on the PC.

I want one of these but im having a hard time justifying to myself the $150 itd cost. Is that a good first stick or should I be looking at something cheaper?

Got this but swapped the buttons out.

still trucking with a Q4 i changed up

forgot to ad the file lol

get a hrap4 and replace the buttons with sanwa buttons if you don't like the original ones

Well it depends on if you'd find it comfortable. I used my controller until I decided to buy a stick, and I haven't gone back since. You should definitely give it a try, maybe get a cheap stick and mod it yourself so you don't spend too much cash. Or buy a nice one and return it if you don't like it.

Ive noticed a lot of cheaper ones look tiny, is that always the case or are there cheaper ones you cam actually put your wrists on?

I think the Mayflash f300 is a decent size, just put in a sanwa stick/buttons and your good.

I usw a Hori Real Arcade Pro VX-SA Kai.
I've beaten the piss out of this poor thing and it keeps trucking along since 2013 or 2014. I'm going to keep it forever too because it was the last present my mother got me before she died

>friend gets me to buy tekken
>teaches me the basics like low parry, tech recovery, how to guard against throws and shit like that
>finally go to throw down
>”alright bro I’m going all out”
>fuck up his best character
>feel kinda bad cause all I did was guess what he was gonna do and attack his weak spots
>now he just plays guilty gear

I use:
>hori scv stick with the bat top for tekken since i like the space between the lever and the buttons
>TE1 for older games and shit
>hori V3-sa for 3s and vsav
>qanba for poverty games
>vlx for when i want to look like i know what i'm doing

Others are paper weights.

The ps3 version of this one with pic related.

I kinda wanna get this thing, or should I just get the Hitbox?

Just get the hitbox man. VLX's are overpriced shitboxes /: the 360 pcbs were the best ones, but then they started to grow to shit as they made more. They're up to 14~ms of lag on the kuro ones

I took this pic without getting out of bed, here's my RAP4

Will do then. Thanks for the info.

Nice. I would use this stick for 3d fighters since there's acres of space between the lever and buttons.

I've mostly been playing Tekken with it lately, I really enjoy it. Pretty solid for a plastic arcade stick. It's been through one hell of a car wreck and came out scratched but fine.

Nice. They're cheaper than whatever else is on the market. I just hope that they don't turn to total shit and just reuse this shell like they did for the ps2 sticks they made.


What are people's opinions on the Hori Mini?

It's trash. Save up a bit more for a qanba drone if you're broke.

Needs an update

Do all fight sticks usually go on sale during a tournament? Or is it usually one or two companies specifically?


hoir needs to make a new fighting edge stick



>same balltop
Patrician taste, friend.

They showed off a prototype last year.
Put the Panthera up at A tier. TE2+ at C tier with a buyer beware about the PCB and case hinge issue. Regular TE2 should also be at B tier along with a note about the water damage under the plexis a lot of them have.
Eightarc is pretty good at putting coupon codes out for most of the major tournaments.

The wireless one I got with tekken 6

Been rocking a basic fightstick pro for the last couple of years.
I have a Qanba Q4, but it's in pieces and I haven't got the patience to put it back together.

If you find one dirt cheap, you could recycle the pcb.


Fucking sako is the only nigga i know that needs 12 buttons. All the plinking, double-tapping and pianoing he does. I know theres no plinking in vsav, but niggas that play vsav are strong folks.

How has this not been posted yet?

Anyone have links to guides or full kits for assembling your own fight stick? If I'm gonna spend $150~ for one I may as well get one where I can change the PCB for future generations of consoles

the OG

Round 1 TE, stock pcb (360) and stick, really noisy seimitsu buttons, and stock art as of now.

Been thinking about getting pic related, but I'm not sure if I'm quite happy with it yet.

>Sold out everywhere

So do we have any more information on Hitboxes restocking yet? It's been set at October 2017 for ages.

I got tired of waiting and found allfightsticks.com. I'm just gonna build my own and call it a day.

>animelards crying over pieces of plastic with anime stamped in it being sold out

That's literally my wife's body. Not that attractive in person.


that one. I've got two and I hooked them up my to my PC for MAMEy goodness.