Best and worst controller ergonomics for adult MEN tiny handed ladies need not comment

Best and worst controller ergonomics for adult MEN tiny handed ladies need not comment.

1. Xbone
2. OG Xbox
3. Steam Controller
4. Dualshock 1/2

1. Dreamcast
2. N64
3. NES

>Dreamcast the worst ergnomics

best is pic related, no competition
worst are all DS variations

>Worse ergonomics than the WiiU pro
When are switchtards just going to fucking admit that this thing was a step down from the WiiU pro in every regard besides adding gyro?

because you are delusional. switch pro is better in every aspect

>OG Xbox

The one with the black and white buttons?
That was honestly one of the weirdest controllers ever. Felt like an obese Dreamcast controller with less practical button layout.

>gamecube controller worst ergonomics
>xbox controller best

please leave now kiddo

I like the symmetrical sticks on top, but the plastic feels better and the grips on the wii u pro were too thin

right stick on the top was a mistake

t. someone who has never touched a dreamcast controller

Image of every single person who says the N64 controller is bad.

Steam controller? That controller is bad in most cases, a few exceptions


i need a new controller and am thinking of buying a switch in the near future. does the nintendo pro controller work on pc?

>No mention of this abomination

The Jaguar controller is absolutely the worst controller i've ever held. When you have to take your hand away from the d-pad to hit the A button because your right hand is dedicated to the C button you have a problem. Not to mention the twelve button numpad that you better hope to god you have the insert for unless you want to trial-and-error memorization of each function of every individual game. This controller is a pile of shit.


This is bait

Gamecube controller is a masterpiece of minimalism

Terrble if you have big hands

>all these manlets

Think you meant to say surrealism.

Having too few buttons isn't the same as minimalism.

>no left bumper/ZL
>shit d-pad
It could've been better

steam is best, joycons second best

>4. Dualshock 1/2
baby man, baby hands

Dualshock 4 beats them all

What I like about it is that it is an open design. Most of the ones I ranked bad are for forcing your fingers into tiny nooks.

Never used it.

I strongly recommend it

wth, why anyone would do that?

OP, that's how you hold a N64 controller:

I know how to hold It, I watched the Nintendo Power tape. It was fine when I was a kid but now it is uncomfortable.

>asymmetrical sticks