Happy 10 years

Happy 10 years

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Damn I feel old.

such a great game, wasnt disappointed when it came out. And the marketing was fucking brilliant

It's tomorrow op, but i won't complain about a Halo thread

Fug has it really been that long already?

remember when microsoft tried?

It's okay, we all do

>We finally finished the fight
>I'ts not over yet guys buy the new games!

Fuck you it's over, I defended halo against the guys saying it was being milked but I accepted odst and reach as a spin off but these new ones are just bullshit.

>tfw the real halo killer was halo along

Nope, it's the 25th here lol

every board should have flags

Totally agree, I love ODST and Reach but 3 will always be the definitive end for Halo, for me at least

I'm hearing that they're gearing up to try again after Phil's promotion, they realize the issue with their first-parties and are planning to build more studios, acquire more studios, and work with second-parties to make more first-party games both new and old. Also, I can see all of Rare's old ips being made by different studios like Killer Instinct and also, Shadowrun is rumored to being worked on but it won't be an FPS. Chances are we're not going to see much of anything from MS until next year.

I'll raise my empty, slightly dented and gritty Game Fuel can to it.

I'd play some H3 with Sup Forums to celebrate if it had a PC version. But then again, who knows what might happen...

It's the way lots of stuff in media goes, sadly. Inspired standalone tales that end up making way more money than expected, essentially prodding the creators to force additional story out of something they were done with.

That's not Halo Reach

10 years ago holy shit

>watch as a franchise makes billions of dollars
>be surprised when the creators milk it to death
hello newfag

>two of my most favourite JRPGs, one of the weebiest genres, are xbox exclusives (well, this one is in the west anyway)
how the fuck did they do it?

>tfw literally everyone on my friends list was playing this

It was a once in a lifetime moment. Gaming will never hit this level again.

Yeah. XBL was a different place. Trash talking was different. I miss it

Reach was fucking fantastic. My only gripe was the armor abilities, and elite players couldn't really customize them/play as elites in most online matches. Other than that it was a great way to "end" Halo, with everything coming full circle to show the fans what happened before Halo CE.

I was a year late to the game but damn, the custom games.
Reach had fewer people and H4 was mostly dead ( thanks flood )

To me, Bungie's last Halo game was Halo 3. Reach felt like a contract game.

>Reach multiplayer was alive for nine months
>4's multiplayer was alive for three months
Hmm I wonder which one of these two damaged the series more...

is halo 3 online still active on 360?

I'll didn't find h4 dead at all. In fact it was the only which multiplayer I was good at

Yup, you interested in playing a bit?



i would but i got a 50 word essay due tomorrow

>50 word

>50 word

It's just more damage over time as people get more and more fatigued.

Its a damn shame its not being remastered instead we will get an even shittier game than halo 5

>a game that came out 10 years ago has more players than lawbreakers and battleborn on all consoles combined

Matchmaking wise is still alive.
Bu I meant custom games wise.

I miss being in High School.

OP here, try to keep this thread alive throughout the day. I got work in the morning but would love to play some good old h3 with ye when I'm back,
My gt is DerelictCountry

>Reach felt like a contract game.
Maybe because it was.

>tales of the Forerunners dot the cinematics and novels
>who were they? were they related to humans? possibly humans themselves? why are they so drawn to master chief? how exactly did the flood get out of control?

>they're just glowing orange boring-to-fight little shits who have motives similar to Covenant except not interesting at all

>tfw have to make a short platformer game for homework

newfag nigger redditors leave.



I was pretty hype for LawBreakers

Wraith is just fun


>trying this hard to fit in

fuck you I have a 100 word essay due tonight

I was -3

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>tfw custom games will never be as based as they were in H3
>Infection will never be as based as it was in H3
>you will never have fun with friends in sandtrap or sandbox ever again
it hurts senpai.
it hurts so much. I miss it.

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>halo 5
What even happened in halo 5?

They should just adapt the original books. They would be fucking god tier games.

shit, is today the day? :(

Xbox 360 was the best console last gen.
Surprisingly it had the best japanese support of them all lol.


All you faggots go play a real mans game.

literally more players than halo 5

Here come the aspies, right on schedule

Good times. I spent so much time playing co-op with friends.

I only played Reach and Halo 4 after that. Reach was meh and Halo 4 seemed like some sick joke.

Nothing. Honestly. Nobody died, nothing really moved on story wise than Cortana becoming evil

Can you spoiler that next time.

just did a playthrough of it with 3 friends last night. reopening those old memories is a blessing and curse, sometimes it makes you realize what you've been lacking in life lately.

>that kid that called halo 'gaylo' at school to make the xbox fanboys mad
>that kid was me

Kinect fucked up their mindset. T

Sadly it was a region locked piece of shit

Reach was the start when people saw that Halo 4 doubled down on Reach's bullshit in mp, they dropped off faster.

I know, that's why I hate it.

Hey, the Chozo are Space Pirate tier retarded and no one is complaining about that.

Are we going to see a surprise pc announcement tomorrow?

I will literally hand over full price 60 bucks just to have it.

Don't leave us to suffer like this.

Shit, this was meant for

Brian Reed reminder on why he got fired,

Brian Reed: "No – if anything it was a goal. Halo has been around for 12 years now, and has been really healthy and really good with just Master Chief and Cortana as our identifiable heroes, but it was time to let the universe grow. Fans of the novels and the comics and the live action stuff all know that there’s a lot of other stories going on in Halo, but we’ve very rarely seen them in the game – Reach and ODST were as close as we got. This was an opportunity to make the pool a little deeper, and give us a few more characters. I’ve said it multiple times that my goal all through Halo 5 was: you need to be able to come out with your favourite Spartan. If you can go into it going ‘I really like Master Chief’, and you come out going ‘Man I still like Master Chief, he’s still awesome, but I wanna know more about Spartan Vale… I wanna have another adventure with Spartan Buck’ – that was our goal here.""


