Say it with me
Say it with me
"Hold my Switch"
>tfw Nintendo is winning so hard that the only 2 GOTY contenders are their games
Wasn't even game of the month it was released in kek
>what is hollow knight
>what is divinity os 2
7/10 if you've finished any AAA open world game, ever,
Name 1 (one) thing that it does differently mechanically.
Whoooa, so you mean to tell me that it only took them 10 years since Mario Galaxy, making the same shitty franchise games to be contenders? So this is the power of Nintendo.
Why must it invent something entirely new to be good
non GOTY contenders
I love this meme, as if most people here didn't play on a beefy PC
>Name 1 (one) thing that it does differently mechanically.
You can use the Joycons to pull back the bow and arrow. Aim with the left, fire with the right.
No other AAA open world has that option
What? I had no fucking idea
You mean glorified tech demo of the year.
Physics engine is great but the game felt far from finished user.
>glorified tech demo
My favourite meme of all time. Loved it even more when used for Crysis, shows how dumb people are
>what is indie meme game
>what is only faggots liked game
Name 1 (one) thing that Bloodborne does differently
Name 1 (one) thing that Witcher 3 does differently
Name 1 (one) thing that Half Life does differently
Name 1 (one) thing that GTA V does differently
I'm getting vibes signalling a witcher 3 level of butthurt
Bring it on
Pretty underwhelming desu. The dungeon style remembered me of Megaman legends, except dungeons then were much more fun and expansive. It's just a big open world and nothing in it.
>beats dungeon
>get rewarded with cool new weapon
>it will be broken for sure after a few battles
Should've put a way to fix things.
>gimmicky waggle controls
this got old 5 mins after the wii released
You aim with the same joycon you shoot
>win champions weapon
>you can repair every time you want
play the game user
>pointer is gyro
Don't be mad, user. I enjoyed the game, but most of the shrines and quests felt more like a bunch of mini-games in a large overworld. Doing shit also started to feel like a chore after a couple dozen hours since there's not that much interesting to discover.
I expect they'll fix it in the sequel though.
>getting touchpad on the ps4 controller
>getting gimmick camera on the xbox
>getting "gamer" grade things on pc
>have no uses while gaming
-Health regen on attacks, parrying with a ranged weapon 5th in a series that gave consequence to player death in a casual era, the first successful mechanic to do so since 3 lives - game over.
-Don't care as overrated as BotW
-story integrated into the game without pausing
-Don't care as overrated as BotW
That Zelda on the original Wii did this too right?
Then it's on par with Assassin's Creed or Far Cry, which is good right?
>tfw $20 mouse
>tfw $11 keyboard
>tfw still wrecking scrubs with cancerous razer setups
So, nothing really
It's a pretty great keyboard too.
Say it with me
>playing with 33$ peripherals on pc
>pic of a nigger
I know why you cant afford a 300$ console
health regen isn't new
story integrated into game without pausing is nothing new either
>Legitimate subjective critiscism from someone who otherwise enjoyed the game
>Nintendie accepts this opinion without REEEEEEEEEEEEE
pick one and only one
>all the """new things"""" in bloodborne
LMAO, that's all been done before
Wow, do you even play video games? Regen and gun parry is nothing new
Hey, you are in Sup Forums, fuck off
>then its on par with Far cry, which is good right?
It is a better Far cry 2, which makes it very very good indeed
Why would I spend that much money on a paperweight that's not even worth 50 bucks? All xbone gaymes are on PC anyways and I'm not enough of a weebshitter to warrant buying a PS4.
I have a cheap keyboard because I'm clumy as fuck and always spill beverages over it, not worth getting a $200 mechanical keyboard when I'm going to ruin it anyway.
Damn how childish can you get
I didn't even play botw
What is your shit taste
So uh what are those games that did health regen on attacks as a constant throughout the game and/or had ranged weapons that used specifically for parrying in melee environment?
There's so many I don't know where to start.
Also, BotW does nothing new. Therefore it's derivative as fuck. But you can't refute this, so deflect again.
gay me a beer
You are just retarded user, get a job and enjoy videogames
Zelda was bad and Mario looks bad. They will win though because it's Mario and Zelda
user, they only thing Bloodborne does good is the exclusivity, so fuck off and admit your shitty game is a meme for the comunity
What even does GotY mean anymore? If its your personal favorite that's one thing, but any game can find a publication to endorse it and slap a GotY sticker on the cover.
If we're just talking favorites that War of the Chosen maybe.
I do enjoy vidya user. I just don't need a nu-gen console to do so, so stop trying to sell me one you dirty fucking shill.
>games that did health regen on attacks
Any game that has a lifesteal mechanic or with a vampire mechanic
>ranged weapons used for parrying
Old MMOs where you can parry with spells
Now name one game with physics puzzles on the level of BOTW in an open world. Note: You must address the 4 runes as well, all 4 of them
Is BotW Nintendo's MGSV?
>9's and 10's everywhere
>Boring open world
>Once great series has consistently gone downhill for the last 3-4 games
>All but the biggest autists re-evaluating to 6-7/10 after the release hype wore off
It's a meme.
>So uh what are those games that did health regen on attacks as a constant throughout the game and/or had ranged weapons that used specifically for parrying in melee environment?
Bayonetta w/ Moon of Mahaa Kalaa and the standard gun loadout
Nah, only contrarians are saying it is a 6-7/10
Especially when you go outside of Sup Forums
Is this comment the most obvious tell of a retard ?
>9 or 10 thread at anytime
>Boring, uninformed shitposting
>A once OK board gone down for a decade due to all the autist like you
>Portal 1&2
Exploran and combat
>Ys 7, Celceta and 8
Craftan and combat (With a FAR superior weapon degredation system)
>DQ Builders
All are superior focused games that do each element better than Bloat of the Wild.
>>Portal 1&2
No fuck off. Portal is the greatest lie of the decade, it's Half Life with weaponized noclip.
Come back when Portal has a functional interactive weather system fagtron.
oh no, it's retarded
Notice how you had to list 4 games, and even portal doesn't have what the runes offer. You also seem to believe that botw has crafting, which it doesn't
You tried, and you failed, good job user
Wow, you're so off the mark for portal its amazing. It doesn't even provide what the runes offer, at all, its a different mechanic altogether. Guess it seems like BOTW is innovative after all
HOW come no one's actually made any compelling points about what Zelda does amazing well ITT?
Or since release?
>or since release
Good job ignoring threads, go fireden the old ones. No need to repeat the same points over and over again when you would just call them shit anyway
The points have been made time and again, but your mental illness makes it impossible for you to perceive them.
It's called autism. There is no cure. You have my condolances.
so......there aren't any?
despite the shitposting I'm genuinely curious. I'm playing it now, and having fun but can't honestly see why it would be a 10/10 in anyone's metric bar brand loyalty or lack of experience with open world games.
We already told you. Again, you might just be too retarded to enjoy botw. I feel sorry for you.
Only people who actually bought a Shitch are retarded enough to enjoy Blunder of the Wild
Educate me then, why is it amazing?
Seriously fireden them
Note: I do not think it is a 10/10, but since 7/10 is a 5/10 for reviewers it is only fair it should get a 10/10
Oh no, a retard is upset i'm having fun. What will i do?
Tell me Pokebarneyfag, how's it going? Have you went for the doctor appointment yet?
Just go look at the threads on the archive, mentally defective-kun
I emulated it... it was shit, like most console games. I don't know how people play this at 5 fps
i thought its name was blow of the whore
sell your $300 underpowered tablet and buy retard pills
why would i want to be a retard like you while i could continue enjoying games on my switch and laugh at your massive ass pain borne out of jealousy ?
Since you might be stupid enough to answer to rthorical question, you don't have to answer that
please don't deflect sempai, what does it do amazingly? in your opinion
In my opinion
>bow combat feels amazing, melee is servicible, the runes are gimmicky but are fun to use even in combat
>I personally do not mind the weapon durability so that is neither a plus nor minus to me
>I actually like the divine beast and most of the puzzle shrines although they are pretty short
>koroks are harmless, I don't get why people are mad at them(??)
>side quests are simple but have some nice charming backstory tied to them and watching the NPCs react after you complete them feel pretty great
>story is non-intrusive, which is what I want in a story
>I liked the memories (I played in spanish going by some other user's recommendation, voice acting was great)
>world feels pretty real, with travellers, enemies doing their own activities without you, basically you feel like you are part of the world and the world does not revolve only you
>villages are pretty nice with some nice easter eggs and quests associated with them
>NPCs have well-written dialogue and are generally nice to talk to
I don't know, the world just feels good to wander in. It's pretty hard to put into words. I do not think it is a 10/10 though, more like a 9/10, with flaws like lack of variety of weapons and enemies dragging it down
By the way, I did not play a zelda game before or have owned a nintendo console ever. I played on PC with a pro controller and enjoyed it anyway
i wrote plenty of text about it, they are on the archive go take a look
See, the thing is, most people here know that assblasted retard like you simply deny everything due to their low IQ, and that actually doing a write up is a loss of time (again, due to you being a retarded subhuman). This whole thread IS a waste of time, since you are either shitposting or nigger level stupid. It's just how it is with Sup Forums
He changes between them
I like its world, a lot. One of the best in games imo. Not to mention how fun it is to move around in it. I did not even feel it was empty at all, and felt alive. I look for the world in open world games, the rest is just icing on the cake. Thus, BOTW is a pretty amazing game to me.
TY anons
You'd be surprised. Put your point across with some substance instead of the usual "Sony nigger! Nintenbro!"
t.shitposting earlier
Depending on DLC, it can elevate itself to my personal GOTY. I like story in games so if the story in the DLC is good I would be pleased to call it by GOTY, or even GOTD
Now it's Nier automata
>the Switch gets the best mainline Zelda and Mario games since the n64 era AND within the system's first year
i did so plenty of time tho, why not jsut go check the archive ?
You can copy paste it here to make it easier for everyone. Just a tip, we don't know which posts are yours
>N-name one thing BotW does that other games haven't done!
I fucking love this insanity. Nintendo really fucked you all in the ass pretty hard, didn't they?
>still no answer
You got nothing. BotW is the nail in the Shitch coffin
name 1 (one) open world game with a physics system as in-depth as BotW's, one that allows actual player interactivity with the world
There is an answer right here, PokebarneyfagThe answer given was less than satisfactory as portal is nothing like botw in terms of mechanics
I cannot imagine being so autistic you go on a hate tirade for a single console in every single thread
I don't even own a switch btw although I do own a PS4 and PC
...this isn't.
Free climbing
Dynamic water levels
Go ahead and frantically search for other open word games with these features and then post as if you've actually played them.
Kek you can't name a single openw world title which has Game Design on the same level of sophistication as BotW.
You might as well be crying about Mario 64.
>b-but it didn't do anything Jumping Flash and Bubsy 3D didn't do!
Fucking hilarious how assblasted you are.
Oh hey Blunderfaggot!
Persona 5 is goty.
just cause 2 10 years ago
P E R S O N A 5
BOTW combat is really dumbed down for the kids.
No game with a 2 hour tutorial has ever gotten GOTY.
Lmao how many times have you posted this bug?