Was this really necessary?
Was this really necessary?
shut up fag
We will stop at nothing to destroy whites once and for all.
Do you ever get to see the black girls armpits?
>ps4 game
What a surprise
>Was this really necessary?
I guess not but my dick appreciated it.
Well it upset you so it was worth it. I used to bartend at a theatre and old christian people would complain if trailers had openly gay characters. This is you.
Don't like lesbians? Don't play a game that decided to put lesbians in it. It's their game, they can do whatever they want.
Yeah it got my ding ding hard and I squirted out pee
the lengths sonyblacks will go to justify paid DLC where literally nothing happens
>don't like rape?
>just don't be raped
>don't like murderers?
>just don't go near any bro
This is you faggot
>no way fag
You just compared seeing gay people in media to being raped or murdered.
It's essentially the same thing. Their souls are going to burn in hell for the rest of eternity.
No, I wish it was done in the other way around where Ellie plays sub and the black girl starts kissing down her body
This is a board that gets mad over fucking videogames if you havent noticed
both are equally immoral and destructive
>Liking lesbians in video games is the same as liking rape
it's necessary
You compared members of the Christian faith to a Sup Forumsirgin
who's really in the wrong here?
Making her a lesbo kinda ruined the character for me. Not because I hate gays, but exploring her sexuality destroyed her ambiguity as in the player to self-insert as a father figure
Interracial lesbian relationships are great but the best are interspecies lesbian relationships. What are some games with those?
>inb4 they're the same thing
pol GET OUT REEE just let me enjoy my simple pleasures
gay fags
Sup Forums fags
Go, fight for my amusement
The comparison is something thing you dont like just dont go near it even though its forced alot.
Your comparison is just rape and lesbos.
Everytime someone here try to make an analogy it just end up sounding retarded
I guess I just don't really understand your point. What does murder or rape have to do with fictional characters you don't like?
It was completely unnecessary. I felt like it came out of nowhere.
It's true though you literally cannot deny it
>don't like pol?
>just don't go on it
>don't like Reddit?
>just don't go on it
>don't like [insert government party here]
>just spit on them and cry after
>dont like getting shit on for no reason
>still comes to this place
Really makes you wish for a nuclear winter
There's a lot of unnecessary problems in games but cute lesbians isn't one of them.
underage lesbians are fucking hot
based naughty dog for cleaning my pipes
Lurking this board makes you wish you were being picked apart alive by vultures and scorpions in a wasteland desert.
If she kissed a boy would people be making threads asking if it was necessary.
inb4 devil's advocates come in and say they would. No you wouldn't
Fucking this user, best part in lis
Talking shit?
Genius move desu
1. pleases the pedos in the audience
2. pleases the progressive sjw retards with lesbian romance
Worth it just to watch you crybabies get triggered.
>if they did something normal would people be questioning it as if it were abnormal
wow really makes me think
>If she kissed a boy would people be making threads asking if it was necessary.
Yes because its inspecting a scene in a (lets be honest its a movie) movie video game and lets critic it like youtube faggolis.
Couldnt be worse than this, true
That whole game sucked ass hole.
Cant even call it a fucking game, might as well be a animated movie.
That entire story was unnecessary. I'd rather have more Bill if I want gay in my game.
The only way to save Last of Us 2 is to actually kill Ellie 1/3 in and have Joel descend into madness.
If Joel dies and we get standard "gurl power" thye might as well fuck off.
>1. pleases the pedos in the audience
I wasn't very pleased.
Mainly because they're way too old though.
Joel is already dead
Of course they would, waifufags cant handle that shit, lesbian romance is allowed cause it doesnt count as actual romance
I never liked faggotry but i don't think her being a lesbo is much of a big deal.
What pissed me of is that this DLC was made solely to show that she is lesbian and that is it. it was ridiculously bare bones DLC.
Like it or not, it's a game, it's always good to see neckbeard triggered by anything with a lesbians relationship.
>it's a game
No it's not. Are goosebumps choose your own stories games now too? You fucking ignoramus.
>two budding young beauties start making out
>"d-d-dude! T-t-this is just immoral!"
Holy shit, shut up fags. Two hot chicks are making out onscreen. Enjoy the softcore erotica for what it is.
Holy shit, those poor models and eerie lighting make this shot goddamn scary.
white men are the most oppressed group in all the western world
It's going to have a female bandit leader who will be in charge of a group of men for no other reason than because she is "badass". Ellie will kill everyone in this female bandit leader's group and then spare her because she's a woman. The bandit leader will then return as a major character that teams up with Ellie in a DLC addon.
All women are lesbians because women naturally come in packages. They are lesbians to titillate the alpha males nearby. This is why they engage in these behaviors at parties.
Remember, betas you'll only get a wife now because polygamy is legal (and she'll be the fat castoff): slate.com
>Black girl
>two young best friends
>both female
>white and black
>lets make them lesbians too
Holy shit this was forced as fuck.
Is anything in a fictional story necessary?
Mass effect
what. What does a white dyke being with a black dyke have to do with the white race. You know lesbians usually don't settle down and have children with guys right.
>two girls kissing is bad
No it's not.
>"everything I disagree with is Sup Forums"
>Murder is immoral
What if I'm killing nerds like you to stop them from shitposting? Is that ok then?
i'd certainly allow you to kill him, i hate passive aggressive freshies
You should have never cared about or even bought the game to begin with.
You were just as much a tool as the rest of the people who wasted their money.
Stick with Nintendo who think fags should only be seen as villains or dead.
>>>Forced as fuck
What does that even mean. Think about the context here. These are people living in a world that, as long as they've known it, has pretty much been void of coherent organized civilization and the threat of death is pretty much literally airborne in the form of spores that will kill you.
Two teenagers deciding to explore their sexuality with one another in these circumstances makes total sense when you consider that they have no way of knowing when, if ever, they'd be able to express themselves in that way with another person.
That being said. How are two girls being friends "forced". People tend to primarily have friends of their own gender.
No. I never bothered with the main game, I think it's overrated schlock, but I tried it out to get a quick taste for the gameplay and I can tell by the nothing that happens that it's unnecessary characterization. It actually missed a few beats where they could've further defined Ellie, but they didn't.
>japan sexualizes vaguely human girls
>'Fucking pedophiles kill them all two nukes werent enough!'
>west sexualizes literal children
>'lol such a deep character! We need more lesbians! I WANT TO FUG ELLIE'
It can't be shit of it's the truth.
i would literally beat you to death with my bare hands if i ever met you in real life
no you wouldn't asshole
Bill's gay reveal was excellent. A funny scene and you get it after you've already gotten a chance to know Bill. Doing the same thing with Ellie felt like they were trying to capture lighting in a bottle. I can believe them making one character gay that way. Doing it again felt forced.
No, it felt incredibly forced
No, but it was CUTE.
If this were a different dev I wouldn't think anything of it, but this is Naughty Dog so they did it for the sole purpose of SJW brownie points.
Obsidian didn't make Arcade or Veronica gay because it would be controversial or sell copies, they did it because it genuinely adds to their character. Ellie being a lesbian does nothing for the story, it never comes up again. It's a throwaway that they used for a quick cash-in.
The whole standalone wasn't.
Pure propaganda.
>The only way to save Last of Us 2 is to actually kill Ellie 1/3 in and have Joel descend into madness.
You're acting like Joel isn't going to die because he's a straight cis-white male and Ellie is going to be the protag where you go off on an adventure to munch as much carpet as you can.
>the apostle Paul posted on Sup Forums
wooah brah
could be because you're so used to the idea of heterosexual relationships that the idea of a homosexual one doesn't even seem like a possibility. Haven't played TLOU thou so IDK
There's nothing wrong with diversity in games, you fucking bigots
Did we really need another white guy? Daddy is enough.
Fuck off with your NTR fantasies. The rest of us non-degenerates want to see this.
Christians are idiots.
burn in hell faggot
>retconning your teenage main character's sexuality in a completely pointless DLC that didn't cover anything that wasn't already in the main game or the fucking four-part prequel comic tie-in
What was the point? I bought and enjoyed it but what was the fucking point? It even ends on the same line that Ellie quotes verbatim in the main game. It serves no narrative purpose. It doesn't show you anything new. It doesn't develop the characters any further. The sole reason it exists is for ND to go "Oh btw she was a dyke the whole time haha ;)" and score retroactive progressive brownie points. At least Rowling didn't charge people $15 to retcon Dumbledore as a fag.
Virtue signalling.
Druckmann demanded it
Congrats you're more retarded than the retards who make food analogies and that's saying something.
>inb4 I was only pretending...
How else do you get western video game journalists to buy your game.
this is the most retarded analogy ever. The whole concept of rape is that it is forced upon you. You aren't being forced to play a game with lesbians in it.
Can I rape you?
I dunno, can you?
If I bought you a drink, then filled it with Rohypnol, and fucked the shit out of you without physically forcing you at all, would it not be rape?
You aren't forced into playing it. You're being tricked into it. Tricked out of money. Tricked into being raped.