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Sylvanas best girl.

Nice, nice. I am saving this.

WHo is this semen demon ?

>not posting superior rogue

Edwin Vancleef's femdom daughter, Vanessa

I want to make babies with Vanessa as much as anyone but its male Humans that go HUH

>wah wah my daddy doesn't like me I'm gonna throw a huge tantrum and burn shit and be a useless and edgy emo bitch

That's pretty hot

Why did they change her kawaii turtle mount into a horse?

Shes wiping her ass with her clothes haha i wonder what it'll smell like xDDD

deadly poison


what the fuck I thought that cape was her hair


Shit. It'll smell like shit.


If you hide her mouth it's almost like she's cumming from being cummed inside


i want to FUCK that tranny


Quickly, give me the biggest, bulkiest shield transmogs you got. I need 'em. NOW.

>big firm tits
>sexy hips
>nice ass
>cute face
>really sexy outfit


>femdom daughter

anime eyes ruin it


>This used to be warcraft's core art style
>now its panda tier memery thanks to cata



Defias will forever be marred by the stupid as fuck CSI meme questline.

Post more like this.



Does she think she wont get raped looking like that?

brb jacking off

>want to use Vanessa as a permanent bodyguard
>her bonus against what she counters is too useful for running missions
>stuck with Tess instead


VanCleef 2: Revenge Boogaloo was a terrible character in Cata and even worse in Legion


HUUH you say?

undead character done right

Nice Blunt swords dude


She became what she was taught to hate and despise and see as a monster, then her dad tried to burn her/have her killed because she became undead even though she retained her sentience and mind. How is that

"Wah wah my daddy doesn't like me i'm gonna throw a tantrum"

nigger if that happened to you you wouldn't know what the fuck to do

>nigger if that happened to you you wouldn't know what the fuck to do
Use this opportunity to get closer to Sylvanas and engage in lesbian necrophiliac relationship ofc

Jokes on you op I justmasturnated

Best girl is taken, go away.


>intact knees and elbows
Fucking Chinese.

this guy only knows how to draw one face lol

fuck you

What MMOs are worth playing these days? Still only WoW?

Can't wait for white genocide

go eat some rice stupid gook lmao

>all sfw
At least his art is nice


ehh nice LoL character...

Bulwark of Azzinoth
Elementium Reinforced Bulwark


Am I the only guy who doesn't think they say HUH? I always thought they say YEH!

OP's picture was really the only one worth something

ooh thats grass going to be itchy on her crotchy haha