Overwatch is a huge success and is currently doing just fi-
Overwatch is a huge success and is currently doing just fi-
that game is fucking gay
why does that ad remind me of the ads for games that will "make me cum in 5 minutes"
>Twitch viewers constantly around 10k to 20k
>EU servers dead
>90% of e-sport teams left the game
It was (kinda) fun while it lasted
Blizzard loved every second of the big money they made with Overwatch. However I don't think they expected it to die so fast.
because of mercy
she always makes me cum in 5 min
>overwatch launch
>it's dead guys
>roadhog nerf
>it's dead guys
>toxic players ban
>it's dead guys
when does it happen for real?
and its all at blizzard's hand by being too fucking jewish with their e-sports scene.
>lets have really high team entrance fees
>lets kill off the collegiate division
>lets ignore what koreans (our base) are asking for and wanting
Oh, and they can't balance a game to save their lives. Blizzard is horrible at balance.
it's happening in stages, we are reaching the terminal stage where they try to increase the amount of """"active players"""" by pandering to China
If the game didn't go on sale you would probably be complaining that it hasn't gone on sale yet.
Eh, it's still fun in small doses. I pretty much just play mystery heroes anymore. Even if it disappeared forever starting tomorrow I've gotten my money's worth.
Explain yourself.
Can't wait for the salt when they announce the free to play transition.
I don't play OW, but am I correct in assuming that they literately ban "toxic" players for anything? Holy shit, if you can't handle a bit of banter, griefing, match throwing, insults etc you need to grow some balls.
I can fully understand why games like PUBG are killing Hero Shooters like OW now. They're far too "structured" and there's none of that unpredictability to be found. You play a match the same way with premade characters. That's not fun in the long run.
Being your own character, finding your own weapons and being in situations where anything could happen are fun. That's why I never played games like COD that much and always stuck with GTA.
Go fuck yourself.
Im tired of people "trolling".
If you can't handle it, might I recommend playing single player games or perhaps playing a game that will give you a hugbox? Players have a right to troll and grief, they paid for the game. You have a right to leave the lobby.
wow, it looks like one of those free browser game ads, the ones like "I literally can't stop playing this game" and shit like this. And they are always shit, like Overwatch.
>OW goes on sale
>oh cool i'll finally go buy it
>its $60 down from $90
fuck off kikes
Aren't they just trying to boost their numbers for the end of the quarter?
The amount of false information in ow threads are so damn funny. Sup Forums is so salty whenever any game gets popular by any means.
>Goes down from $99 to $64 in my country
>You can get many new release games for $64 on release day
If I was interested in OW, what incentive would have to buy it at that price when you need to gamble to get good skins?
>Only 20 dollars off
Fuck that shit, it should be 20 dollars period (19.99). The game is fucking boring and empty even after a year.
>twitch viewers
Why would either of those things affect whether or not you have fun playing a game?
I mean probably, the game has sold gangbusters already, they're hardpressed to find people who haven't bought it.
Fucking marketers, I hate when they do this kind of shit.
I can't leave a fucking ranked game you piece of shit.
What's worse is the fact that the game gets constantly rebalanced. Sometimes minor changes and often bigger ones. Without participating in the PTR mind you. Even if you follow the game, it gets extremely confusing and difficult to catch up with.
I stopped playing 3 months after release. Only played a few times during the first summer games.
Then you'll have to deal with it! They have a right to play the game their way.
not at all, you can have fun playing many other dead games too
Blizzard bet on the wrong horse by copying valve's game. They are not trend setters but trend followers, only indie companies make new games.
The Activision corporate masters will not be kind when they compare the numbers to pubg.
They need more people playing because this means more people buying boxes.
It's pretty obvious now that the balance team doesn't know what they are doing and they randomly switch numbers and change abilities.
>I cant leave ranked games!
But you can
>b-b-but ill get banned fucking blizzcucks!
only if you leave ranked games multiple times.
Keep trying user.
Mute the fuckers if they bother you. If you get matched with them leave the party. You don't need big brother to help you. I don't play this game as I can't fucking stand first person shooters, but I'm sure that the game has a 'mute all' button. Do you understand why that button is there? It's there for you and others like you. If you've got a hard time just mute 'em. Banter is part of what can make a game like this fun. I can understand matching assholes that are purposely throwing matches into groups of other players that are throwing matches, but banning them from a product they bought? Get the fuck out of here with that shit.
I'm finally coming to terms with the fact that Overwatch is NOT FUN. Last night I played some ranked, and 3 (three) games in a row I was teamed up with the same shitter. He wasn't just shit, he was actively picking characters he had MINUTES of playtime with, changing every 3 deaths, never using his ult.
Needless to say, I lost all 3, and from there onwards it was a downwards spiral. People instalocking dps and refusing to switch. No heals. No teamwork. No grouping. Every game was like the roll of a dice.
WHY has Blizzard removed the ability to avoid players? What sort of fucking backward system is this, where the only solution to avoid specific players is to STOP playing the game until later? Is this what Blizzard wants?
Yes, I know that the top Widowmaker had long queue times because he was avoided by everyone. Is the solution to then remove the feature entirely? God, I fucking hate Blizzard's approach. They removed the avoid feature and then made NO IMPROVEMENTS TO THE MATCHMAKING, DIDN'T BAN TROLLS.
I'm so done with this piece of shit game.
I was a bantering trolling cunt whenever I played but I think it really shouldn't be the standard thing to expect on any game that every match is a shitstorm
I doubt it. Out of all the developers out there, Blizzards the only one that literally put a "pay to reach near max level" in an MMO and still charge an expansion purchase and subscription fee. I'm not expecting Overwatch to be any different
>Hey guys, we didn't like how Mercy was basically a must-pick, so we're reworking her so that she'll still be fun to play and balanced, but not as close to "mandatory" as she is now
Patch notes:
>Mercy is WAY better now and if you're playing without one you are 100% going to lose
Another great job from the Overwatch team!
Seriously, do they actually playtest any of this shit?
I don't care what the fuck people say.
The only shit that bothers me is when people start throwing matches or just trolling/griefing or whatever the fuck people call it now at days
Mystery Heroes makes me angry.
They are cunning. WoW is still profitable, ow doesn't have a subscription so they have to sell boxes.
I liked no limits more
>tfw Overtime and game turns into a 20XX of 6v6 only Tracer
Come Play, My Lord
What fucking meme currency are you using?
And those people should be sent to an in game 'purgatory' where they are matched with other idiots that are throwing matches. I'm sure that Blizzard has enough money to implement a feature like that if they haven't already. No one likes to be on a team where some twat is trying to lose on purpose, but what do you do if you find out that player ISN'T trying to lose on purpose? Do they get thrown to the wolves?
I only play Mystery Heroes because it's the best Arcade mode right now, but when No Limits was around that was EASILY the most fun.
>6 hanzos attacking on Gibraltr
>we won
this is absolutely the worst thing about it, you can't let an interesting metagame develop if you keep balancing it, I would have hoped they would learn from what made scbw good, but overwatch probably doesn't have the strategic depth that it does anyway
>McCree is the hardest hero to play by quite a significant margin
>his damage drop-off is so severe that even if you're aimbotting for perfect headshots every shot, you still might as well be playing any other hero without hacks
>Battleborn on clearance at gamstoop for less than $5
>Currently a quarter of the price of nu males lie
That's because McCree is fucking terribly designed in the first place. He is a dumpster fire of a hero and either needs deletion or a complete overhaul of his abilities.
Glad I passed on Overwatch. Looked mediocre at best. More of a Tribes/PubG guy anyways.
fuuuuuck kek, too real
mccree is pretty hard to play.
you click on people and they take damage from you clicking on them a lot.
Oh and I avoid games with shit FoV and slow "console" game play when possible.
Much harder than Symmetra's "you click in the general direction of an enemy and they die within 2 seconds, while also picking up free kills from sentries near healthpacks" or Hanzo's "you hold your click for a second then release it and if your aim is within 2 metres of the enemy you hit them" or Junkrat's "press shift then right click, then do it again to kill anyone"
You sound like the kind of person who goes into a retail store and pretends they can't read sale signs and insists they're wrong
yea bastions the most noob character in the game tho.
40 minus 20 is 20 my nigga.
Some heroes are meant to be used as counters, mainer mindset like this ruined the game
If more than one person on your team dies to a Bastion, your team is utter shit and you had no hope anyway
>one guy goes around a corner and gets a faceful of sentry bullets
>other guys follow because ??????
You're retarded and delusional if you really think Overwatch is dying. The only thing "dying" about it is everyone is now going back to school so you won't see much in monthly active players but there's still tons and tons of people playing worldwide.
hint: muh 30 gorillion players
>Tons of players worldwide
>lauch a ranked game at 8PM
>around 3 minutes queue
>playing on consoles
You deserve what you get
not him but I play on PC and yeah, it's around 2 minutes queue for me
>Autistic neets in charge of understanding business
I played during the free weekend and had up to 4 minutes of waiting.
Ironically, wait times seem to be due to server unavailability due to the load of players, rather than no players to fill in.
How is EU server dead? I can get a game in 10-30 seconds constantly?
Even if the game was dying (it's not) I've made ~$700 playing it. So I'm happy ;0
It can be frustrating for sure, but not knowing what you're gonna get/see next makes it a bit more interesting for me. I don't have a lot of online fps experience, so it's also helped me to be less reckless since your ult charge resets on death.
Because they always use some blonde.
If they get their shit together they can make it good.
I mean, they already killed the eSports scene, so they are at least doing something good.
I boosted several accounts from bronze to low gold, I'm really proud of myself ;0
I'm paid $4.00 a day to throw 5 competitive games. It used to be more. But it's supplementary income. I think the change is due to the fluctuations in popularity.
OP's trying too hard again
Never going to happen. Not even sc2 is f2p
I personally don't like these hyper competitive FOTM games
>tf2 matchmaking is faster now
I don't enjoy Overwatch. I enjoy Paladins.
Me neither. It's one reason I stuck with OW so long. I can be the shitter I want to be and still enjoy it ,instead of trying to play catch-up with better players in those new games.
>I don't enjoy sex. I enjoy masturbation.
i've never had sex so i can't understand your analogy
Sex costs money and you have to worry about other people involved. Mastubation is free and easy and you can do whatever the fuck you want.
I want to live in that booty.
>30 million
how come whenever I try and queue up there's at least a few minutes of waiting
More like Sup Forums gets salty when a bad shooter gets undeserved success and monopolizing share of the overall multiplayer base yet is unable to get the masses to wake up to such a fact.
>blizzard rarely implements balance changes in hearthstone
>people complain about cards/decks being op all the time and tell blizzard to nerf shit already
>blizzard implements balance changes in overwatch often
>people complain that it's too hard to keep up with the changes
Be a bronze shitter, I get games instantly.
I'm level 8 or something, I don't play it enough to know
I know right? Queue times between OW and Paladins is identical for me.
Nobody on the development team knows what they're doing. And they never will, because the majority of the player base can't even begin to understand what's wrong.
>only enjoyable Arcade mode gets removed
>I tell some Blizzcuck how I feel about it only for them to unironically say "Good, it sucked."
>tfw I'm still angry that no one sees a problem with Blizzard removing their PvE option, something no other developer would EVER FUCKING DO
>tfw you convince your no limits team to unleash 6 hanzo ults at the same time
no limits and old no limits comp honestly gave me that TF2 feel at times with dumb strats like 6x hanzo, ultra killdozer and more
>infinite ammo
All these were a mistake if you're trying to make a competitive shooter.