what game does this chart describe?
What game does this chart describe?
Real life
Mario kart.
The Witcher 3
threads on Sup Forums
Nothing. Video games have nothing to do with intelligence.
>Nothing. Video games have nothing to do with intelligence.
Civilization. There's a point where you have to graduate and move on to grand strategy.
Basically every MMO (because they need to be balanced for PvP, and therefore have hard limitations imposed on the player)
I'm so tired of the "IM SO SMART THAT IM TOO INTELLIGENT TO ENJOY LIFE" meme. Just shut the fuck up and use your apparently massive intellect to find something you enjoy instead of being a crybaby.
Fighting games
MOBAs, PUBG, FPS's hell most if not all video games.
I'm in charge here
multiplayer games when you play them with your family
Rick and Morty
Not a genre
low quality bait
Paradox grand strategy games. True dumb-dumbs can't enjoy them at all. Average and somewhat smarter than average people can find them very enjoyable with decent depth. Actually intelligent people see past the facade for what it truly is, a shallow and simple system that can be easily exploited, thus removing a major part of the enjoyment.
The way it goes with people like that is maybe when they were younger their parents and teachers said "wow he's so intelligent" but as they grew older they realized they're pretty average and the intelligence they were told they have really didn't amount to anything, but to keep up the identity that has been placed on them their whole lives, they try to seem intelligent in all things they do at all times, so it mostly comes from a place of self-consciousness and desperation.
Dwarf Fortress
>Heh, this is pretty neat
>I got better things to do
>I don't even see the code anymore
The opposite of Rick and Morty.
Nintendos whole entering the gaming sphere.
AoE 1&2
You can tell he is low on the intelligence scale.
I think that's true of anyone who tries to base their identity around how totally smart they are. Most people who genuinely are smart are probably actually just doing stuff rather than posturing to look smart.
>Not a genre
lmao what
Literally me. I even managed to get into an education program that's supposed to be "for intelligent people" through hard work, but now that I'm in, I just don't have the interest in the subject to keep working as hard for five or so years.
>Slamming doors and bloody footprints literally don't mean anything
>Enemies either are actively chasing you or nonexistant outside of a few hiding sequences
>If you're not actively being chased via plot event, you're not in any real danger
the first 2 Fallouts
I hope not, because it's more like
Nintendo games.
Yes, this is bait. But not without a grain of truth in it...
Huh I think you posted the wrong image. Here's the accurate Undertale image.
Ubioshock infinite
Dwarf Fortress
fSerious Sam
Gauntlet legends. Everyone from a retard to a genius will have fun.
Late but great!
Any bethesda game
Modern blizzard games
Are you genuine?
For honor
any video game
fix'd my bud
Final Fantasy 5
Dragon Quest
fighting games are nigger tier
Unironically Call of Duty. It's purely a skinner box. meaning it's only "fun" because you're constantly being fed rewards like points and kill streaks, even death streaks. They literally reward you for dying. If you're around 100 or lower IQ you wont realize it's a skinner box and keep playing because it "feels good" in the same way drugs and gambling feel good.
League of Legends
Fallout 4
all of them, desu
Why the hell would he say that. He'd say something like "I wouldn't know, I only play games of the highest intellectual caliber, like Undertale and BioShock" and then ask if you've seen the new Rick & Morty
North Korea
every popular game
every unpopular game
try to prove me wrong
you can't
games i like
games i don't like
your favorite game
my favorite game
Mass Effect trilogy
games are not always necessarily unpopular because of their quality content, sometimes the game is just bad or takes on very niche topics
and theres other random bullshit that might factor in a game's popularity
same with popular games, though to a lesser extent
Valkyria Chronicle 1-4
Every Nintendo game.
Dark Souls Series
Hollow Knight
Unironically MOBAs
Bioshock Infinite
Any game before all the casualization.
Which makes OP every game after.
>that last spoiler
I don't disagree, but you have to be able to look past a lot of shit in addition to just being somewhat intelligent.
Independant variables go in the Y axis, not X.
Also how do you read this shit? Is inteligence on IQ and employement in % to get hired?
Terrible graphic, not even labeled units.
Minecraft with mods
I am tipping my fedora to you, good sirs. :)
more enjoyment = lower intelligence you donkey
rugrats for ps1
The demand curve between enjoyment and intelligence.
but you still respond like the retard you are.
What the fuck does intelligence even mean
Don't give me IQ shit that's just how good you are at spotting patterns
So that's why third worlders love fighting game.