>use voice chat
>"hey, user, how old are you?"
>"what the fuck, I thought you were 30"
Use voice chat
Other urls found in this thread:
>>use voice chat
>>"hey, user, are you gay?"
>>"what the fuck, we all thought you were gay"
>guy says I sound like a middle-aged man
>I was 18
>use voice chat
>get told I sound like a dad
What do dads even sound like?
Old, authorative, but caring?
>Hey user, what's up with your game handle?
>Yeah what's up with that?
>Are you sure your name's not Butt?
>Yeah yeah, ____ is right, I think your name's Butt!
>Yeah, that fits you a lot better, Butt!
Rytų Europos akcentas prideda dekadą.
Benka, eik nx is cia
New femboi thread? OwO
Post bepis
I guess. Always thought I just have a resting bitch voice.
>tfw have become the Old guy of the group
>use voice chat
>get told I sound like a drunk
I don't know what that means
I don't even drink
I wanna fuck those eye sockets
>play only single player games
>haven't verbally communicated with another human being for a month
>Use voice chat
>People think I'm black with a deep ass voice
>In person
>People think I look like a 16 year old emo kid.
Post discord trap friends >w
no thx
The fuck is with this stupid emoticon meme?
its from battle of the bulge you newfag
End your lives.
its a thing dumb sissy bois do to draw attention
it works :3
Holy fucking shit, for real? How did that cancerous meme spread this far?
I wish I had a cute boyfriend, I've had a very rough day and just want to rest on one.
>that person who adds a dumb face to all their posts to anger people
I know you're here and I fucking hate you.
>Be happy and having a great day
>Decide to be communicative
>"hey user are you ok? you sound sad"
Don't be upset friend O_O
>be 21
>think i sound like a 14 year old going through puberty
>people always tell me my voice is nice
i dont get it
>hey admin, i think the new guy is lying about his name
your voice sounds different to yourself because of muh acoustics or you have a cute fuccboi voice
>tfw no bf
why don't you smile more?
Do you have very deep voices? Have you considered taking voice lessons and maybe going pro with your voice?
You slur your words a lot instead of pronouncing them clearly. Or you sound lazy.
>Join VC
>haha user you sound like you're high dude!
>tfw 34 but sound 19
Kill me, Pete.
>How old are you
>I could be your father
EDIT: this blew up quickly, rip inbox
EDIT 2: ty for gold kind stranger
I have a big chin, jew nose and my lips are almost non existent. People often assume I'm mad or sad when most of the times I'm not.
>speak in voice chat
>"hey user, you sound like Loki"
I'll take it I guess
stop me then ?_?
>"What do you mean you don't smoke weed? You sound high all the time"
that feel when constant sleep deprivation from insomnia.
reddit posting is not allowed, user.
>"hop on voice chat"
>no comments or reaction, just play the game
>play video games for 22 years
>never use voice chat once
I mute it if there's an option to.
what's redd*t?
EDIT: ay caramba!
Are you sure you aren't 14?
What do you expect from a frogposter?
You are 100% 14 years old.
yes 100%
Kill me, Pete
>use voice chat
>"uhhh...user...I saw your pics but I don't get it, are you a boy or a girl?"
Holy fuck sauce pls
Kill me, Pete.
>"how old are you user?"
>"Jesus, and you still play video games?"
Not those anons but I get asked a lot if I do voice acting or radio
It's pretty sweet, maybe I'll actually do something about it
I know this feel all too well.
>le ebic bantz xD
I always make fun of older people playing video games, because I know it gets under their skin.
Artist is Mogiki Hayami, who is a newhalf herself.
that's just a bear?
>Hey user why aren't you on voice chat
>My mic's broken haha whoops
It's so obvious but it's hard not to
>reddit spacing
>"that's just a bear"
8/10 nearly got me hooked. Shoo shoo high quality bait.
>tfw super soft-spoken and everyone always makes fun of me for it
>half of my online friend group is convinced I'm secretly a girl
I didn't choose the trap life, dammit.
just ignore them. that's what they want.
>hey user why aren't you on voice chat
>no mic bro
Literally nobody believes me but I'm not lying.
Got asked if I had kids once. I'm 20.
>make stupid thread about voice chat for the seventh time today
>half the posts are "h-h-h-h-h-hey g-g-guys w-w-w-wanna e-e-e-erp? OwO -w- :3"
>404s after 15 minutes
>Joined a discord served
>I'm the oldest guy there at 19
fuck off bennu hardmode only no resets final destination
>tell friends you've got to do something
>come back later and overhear them chatting
>"is it me or does user sound really fucking gay"
>"yeah he does ha ha what a total faggot"
I really hate femboys and traps
Sluttier than girls
>be 28
>everyone thinks you are 18
I don't use voice chat anymore.
I get asked if I'm a little boy and I'm a 28 year old woman.
every single damn time
Step on me mommy!
[misogynistic comment]
Thanks m8
>people want me to talk
>can't talk
>they think I am lying
>use voice chat
>omg a grill
>i'm actually a 26 year old guy
It has its perks tho
I swear to god, I've had a 40-year old woman on my team in Red Orchestra before.
She was a fucking excellent squad leader, too.
>can't talk
y not
Listen here little baby.
You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about.
Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar?
Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want.
Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting
People think I'm younger than I am as well. I avoid voice chat because I feel like there's some sort of skill expectation if I'm the one asking people to coordinate and follow etc. People used to give me shit for being bad whenever I said something (even if I'm top on the team), and it got draining after a while.
This is the kind of mommy I want.
Top lel
Hi! few things to start off with =] 1. yes I added you because you're a female gamer, 'tis an awesome thing to see! 2. I'm Brian. 3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen.