Just beat this. How was it?

Just beat this. How was it?

You're the one that just beat it, retard. Why don't (You) say how it was?

The real question is, did you actually sing along?

I blew in the mic.


The first time I beat it last year I blew into the microphone, but when I replayed last month I sang along. [/spoiler]It was so much more satisfying.[/spoiler]


I fucked up user, but my point stands.

What the fuck was her problem?

I should try that sometime, sounds fun as long as you're alone and maybe got some alcohol on the side.

Can you still sing along on the Switch version?

Who knows.

are these like MM zero?

Barely, they're still great games though.

Probably not since there's no microphone on the Switch.

The scene's still there but the karaoke is gone. Switch doesn't have a microphone if I remember right.

Not really. They're pretty good for what they're worth though.

So what happened to this anyway?

Sexual frustration

>"Just beat it!"
>"How was it?

What the fuck is going on with this generation. You have to type in how it was since you just mention you cleared it. Fucking hell, I hate you.

The Inti crew decided not to do it since they felt it didn't fit the plot or the character.

it's a meme you dip

Tell me OP is the protag celibate or sexually ambiguous. I can't get over that midriff and braid


Evil Gunvolt got the Evil X treatment from Zero Series prototypes

GV was supposed to turn evil and Copen was going to be the sole protagonist. Inti got gunshy the same way X turned into Copy X in the Zero series. They were worried about backlash.

The plot and music are Mega Man Zero
The gameplay is a bit different but closer to Zero than any of the other MM games

If you don't sing you are a bad person

I'm so mad that they keep killing all the side characters, who have cool designs

I need more Elise


With good reason. Gunvolt wasn't exactly a smash hit, turning GV into the villain and replacing him with a completely different play style would have alienated a large part of the small fanbase they'd been able to gather.

>Listens to the Lazy Kingdom dramatrack
>Spected some SoL showing Elise and Merak becoming friends through gaming
>Top 10 Anime Betrayals happen

Fuck. At least Elise fucking inside the game exposed Sumeragi using it to travk Adepts through the powers of the Muse

Get in line.

I want to fuck Elise with Elise while Elise watches and masturbates to it

I really liked Gunvolt 2. I liked the first one too, but playing Gunvolt (the character) felt slightly awkward. Not sure why, maybe the level design. Also because GV is encouraged to stop unless you know exactly how the level goes to preserve score.

Copen was more fun for me since he's faster and I can charge about recklessly. Also his EX attacks or whatever they're called are cool.

Gunvolt 3 when? Although the story is mostly concluded, no? Besides Copen continuing to be edgy.


Nah there's the secret ending at the end of 2

We have a psycopath roaming the streets in Fleeting Memories and added to that, Xiao is plotting from behind.

Also, didn't they announce they plan to do GV3?

>Secret ending
I didn't even know that was there. Xiao is GV's new contact, right? I haven't touched GV2 since the start of the year or whenever it released.

>plan to do GV3

Who's the best character and why is it Teseo?

Elise will fuck you in the ass while you fuck Elise.

You have to beat the game with both GV and Copen with 80% of the challenges done on top of that, it reveals a scene after the epilogue


>MFW the stream of fucking NicoNico comments during his fight in MGB

>OwO whats this

I wish they were harder to avoid