Who the hell was he?

Was he the Termina version of himself or was he the same character we saw from Hyrule that knows how to travel through parallel worlds? Is there a Termina version of the Twili that he stole Majora's mask from?

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I wonder how nintendo fans would react if they had a game with lore they actually had to take seriously.

Kaepora Gaebora

None of the above. He's the Termina version of Mido wearing a Mask of the Hyrule Happy Mask Salesman he got from crossing over.

He's literally a guy who collects and sells magical masks. It's literally that simple. You literally have to be a fucking dumbass to think he was literally anything else besides a literal mask salesman.

I'm gonna have to arrest you for those 5 instances of "literal", pal.

There's no such thing as lore you have to take seriously

And Trump is literally a guy who makes deals.

>being of simple mind


>termina is a parallel universe
shut the fuck up

He is the happy mask salesman
He finds and sells happy masks

Termina is the purgatory you dip


>official canon is not canon

No it's neighboring land next to Hyrule you fucking retard.

where the fuck did they ever say this?

Video games will never look this good

Termina reminded me of something out of an episode of the Twilight Zone.


You're autistic.

>taking hyrule historia seriously

The 3DS version having using his face for the Moon Children is extremely unsettling to me.

this book was a mistake

What is he standing on?

Doesn't change the fact that it's CANON

The models of the boss masks

Who the hell was HE?

Actually Termina was retconned in the latest version of Hyrule Historia into being basically Skull Kid's Koholint, and ceased to exist after Link destroyed Majora and left.

>Termina is a world created by Skull Kid using the power of Majora's Mask based on his own memories and wishful thinking/imagination (a la Koholint Island), hence the similarities between Hyrule and Termina. The Giants, also created by the mask, are the representations of the spirits that Skull Kid had a deep connection with, but left.

>The dawn of the new day is pretty much a reflection on Skull Kid's mental state when he accepted that people can still be friends even if they are far apart. Since Skull Kid is now happy and the mask is rid of all evil power, the moment Link leaves Termina the land ceases to exist.

>Also, it seems that Skull Kid learned Saria's Song directly from Saria, and the origin of the mask is still not specified (could be from Hyrule, at least not from Termina).


>genuinely caring about what this retarded book has to say

Fake news

It was also called a parallel world in the original manual, iirc


i like to think he was the same dude, always wondered what happened to him after the game though, and why he specifically had to go away right at the moment the moon crashed. why and how did he resurrect you when you failed?

Nintendo destroys interesting lore once again

what's wrong with the timeline

The happy mask salesman is Miyamoto. It even looks like him.

The masks he sells are metaphors for the games that let you pretend to be someone else

Could him being so creepy and prone to violent outbursts be based on how he treats Nintendo staff? [worried laughter]

he's not a bad guy

>trying to shoehorn Four Sword Adventures after Twilight Princess
So where the hell did the Gerudo come from? Nintendo should've just made Four Swords its own parallel story; because now you have random moments in history where the Master Sword magically disappears and the Four Sword is relevant.

termina being an parallel world has been canon since the original booklet that came with the n64 games you fucking morrons

I kinda like this but at the same time I find the idea of parallel versions of the main setting for the series far more interesting

He just routinely ruins games because they don't follow exactly what he believes it should be. God help you if you take the fucking joke of a villain that Bowser is and turn him into a good character, because he'll run your entire series into the ground for doing that.

See that desk behind him? He tossed it 30 seconds later

They could if game artists made as much as voice actors do.
That would be a strike I would actually support.

>he thinks games don't look better because of artists


*half presses the camera button*

>Nintendo destroys interesting lore once again

Yep, now all those people you worked so hard to save? Well they no longer exist, so it was all fucking meaning

>Fake news

Nope: zeldauniverse.net/forums/Thread/183385-Timeline-and-other-interesting-tidbits-in-Hyrule-Encyclopedia/?pageNo=2

>Shiggy is now 64 years old

If he plays the Song of Healing on me will I become pretty and remove my PTSD

Maybe on his death day they can make Paper Mario great again

Full post:


>Ok, so this is pretty wired. I didn't pay attention when I first read it. It could be treated either as a retcon or just an elaboration of what "parallel world" means in this particular game. Really need help here, especially the second page.

>So, apparently, Termina is a world created by Skull Kid using the power of Majora's Mask based on his own memories and wishful thinking/imagination (a la Koholint Island), hence the similarities between Hyrule and Termina. The Gaints, also created by the mask, are the representations of the spirits that Skull Kid had a deep connection with, but left.

>The dawn of the new day is pretty much a reflection on Skull Kid's mental state when he accepted that people can still be friends even if they are far apart. Since Skull Kid is now happy and the mask is rid of all evil power, the moment Link leaves Termina the land ceases to exist.

>Also, it seems that Skull Kid learned Saria's Song directly from Saria, and the origin of the mask is still not specified (could be from Hyrule, at least not from Termina).

>Miyamoto dies
>Nintendo announces he had just one death wish
>No one is allowed to use Mario unless they do it his way

Don't believe the lying liberal encyclopedia.

Non canon book, it wasn't made or written by anyone at nintendo like hyrule historia was and has a lot of lore which directly contradicts with the actual games.

So the hexing rituals were performed by the Moon Children and the Majora's Mask was released onto Hyrule by them and the Happy Mask Salesman in order to release the mask of all the evil accumulated on it?

>reuse assets
>"uh.. it's because uh.. it's a PARALLEL WORLD! Yea.. that'll work."
Fuck them, MM is amazing and we will never go back to Termina and have a comfy festival with Romani because they forced it to be some alternate universe made by Skull Kid to find a friend.

Are you one of those people who thinks graphical fidelity is more important than design consistency and a strong art style?

That's funny, user. I remember being 12.

Literally fanfiction.

don't even joke about that user, he'd actually do it

A god nobody remembers. The only thing we know for sure is that he was/is stronk enough to effortlessly obliterate Majora-level threats. It's not even clear if he resides in the mask, or if the mask just has part of his power.

That video is full of high res models, high res realistic textures, advanced lightning and plenty of effects making it look "pretty", there's nothing an artist could do to make it look like that, also, the "art style" of the video is MM's art style slightly modified.

Man I'd love a game about the Fierce Deity. Too bad Nintendo wouldn't give it nearly the justice he deserves.

Why would you even give your enemy a power that could easily destroy you?

Majora isn't exactly rational.

From Majora's dialogue I always assumed it was some rival entity it had a grudge with from the past and wanted to beat.

>"Let's play good guys against bad guys.. Yes, let's play that."
>*gives mask*
>"Are you ready? You're the bad guy. And when you're bad, you just run. That's fine, right?"