Predict what will go wrong with this game

Predict what will go wrong with this game

It's going to be shit.

It's going to suffer the same problems as Destiny

Bioware hasnt made a good game in 7 years

Streamlined and predictable because no AAA publisher in their right mind would invest so much money on a risky product.


>make a game literally nobody asked for
>expect it to do well

I'd be really surprised if this game did good, I'm not gonna go into detail why I think it's stupid but yea.

>simply rip off titanfall helmet design


What could go right with it? Seems uninspired 100%. At best, it's a more polished copy of what's already on the market, but with a smaller playerbase because it came out so late. Best case scenario, it turns a Titanfall where it develops new and interesting mechanics despite appearing to be a huge ripoff at surface level.

At worst, it's as bad as it looks, and it dies a slow ugly death. There's no way it can steal food off Destiny's plate.

The flying around in the mech suit looks fun, but the game will probably be boring, generic 3rd person shooty trash. Basically the worst aspects of games like Destiny and Ubisoft multiplayer shooters like the division and ghost recon wildlands.
I want it to be good though.

Fuck off Nintendo fag

We don't need to "predict", we already KNOW what will go wrong:
>published by EA
>made by Bioware
>first time Bioware is making this specific type of MMO-lite game, they WILL go through a harsh learning experience
>emphasis on realistic face movements and cinematic NPC interactions, obviously this takes more resourses and development time that could've been allocated to something more relevant
>the graphics they are aiming for are obviously not suited for rapid development and expansion. It'll probably suffer the same fate as the first Destiny with a bad development pipeline which will make new content hard to produce at a fast enough rate

We literally don't need to see anything else to know that it'll go through the same troubles of Destiny1, only worse since the face animations, NPC interactions and graphics are way better, which are a bad sign for this type of game.
Also it took Bungie 3 years of Destiny1 to finally get MMO economies and progression right with Destiny2, stuff like faction grind is much improved, and all types of money are relevant, even glimmer now (buying mods). I very much doubt Bioware will find a way to balance the progression and economy right on their first go.

It's gonna be a shitfest of DLC and Expansion Packs for like a 2-3 years

It's a bioware game that does nothing to appeal to the "people" who buy bioware games.

Worse microtransactions than you can imagine.
Probably buggy netcode.
Possibly hackers.
Likely not enough endgame content and no expansions for it for a long long time.
Animations will still be awful and story will be garbage.

Game will be hyped for about 2 weeks then rapidly die down.

I am actually hyped for this.Didnt get the Destiny hype but third person power armor are two of my game fetishes...and still i want to see how much of a shitshow the DLC will be before i going to buy it.

They will screw it up, I have no doubt. SWTOR, DAI MP and MEA MP should have printed them money but instead they found a way to ruin all three. ME3 MP is the only one that could be considered a real success.

My guess is serious network issues or lack of content compared to Destiny.

It'll be your new TORtanic.

>ea headquarters
>shit, we need to get in on this division/destiny money train that's popular with the kids these days, get someone to pump out a grindanshootan
>which one of our studios should get to do it?
>how about the one known for making bad story games about ugly bisexuals?

I don't understand how any of you DON'T expect constant DLC for this new "genre" of MMO-lite game (Destiny and Division being the only other two examples)

Of course you'll spend about $40 every year after launch on DLC, there is no paid subscription after all and they aren't going to release huge content chunks for free. No matter how much people shitpost about it Destiny is actually cheap compared to WoW/FF14 during the same 3 year period. But of course more expensive than a normal shooter (which doesn't get nearly as much content after launch)

>Predict what will go wrong


>A Bioware game made after Jade Empire
Miss me with that gay shit.

If Dragon Age Inquisition and Mass Effect Andromeda didn't show everyone that Bioware can't write good narratives or interesting characters anymore, the fact that they of all studios are the ones developing the Destiny clone will be it. I imagine Anthem will be the last nail in the coffin for Bioware.