Are there any in depth restaurant managing sims...

Are there any in depth restaurant managing sims? Why aren't there any more restaurant games since like 80% of all adults have atleast worked once in their life time at a restaurant. Whether as waiter, dishwasher or cook. Most of us can relate.

>if you dont pay us extra tips on your already overpriced food, we'll shit in it next time

Hmm, who's in the right here? The customers who don't want to pay extra tips, or the waiters who depend on the tips to get somewhere near a livable wage?

The boss that tells the waiters that the rest of their salary is the tip and the dumbfucks agree to it

If resteraunt sims were any more realistic you would realize what a fucking joke people are. Though I guess that goes for all business. Running a restaurant is an unforgiving soul sucking experience that doesn't even net you that much money unless you are in a city or some shit.

I wouldn't tip either if I was charged $100 for a night of food.

>be amerifat
>have to pay your waiter because his boss wouldn't
>you literally get cucked everytime you go eat, which is all the fucking time

The customer.
Tipping isn't mandatory.

Shaming people who don't want to is pathetic.

Not the customers fault the retarded public created a status quo of companies falling short on wages because people tip automatically.

Maybe we shouldn't allow employers to consider tip as part of a server's wage and actually pay them a proper salary?

Oh wait, that would increase the cost of the food even though tipping being near mandatory means you're paying the same anyway. This system allows the customers to be the bad guys, and not the employers. That way, the employees don't have to think about their bosses fucking them over, it's just that cheapass who didn't wanna tip.


>shitty tip
Anything above nothing is generous. It's optional and they're just straight up giving you money.
Fuck these people.

>get a job that doesnt pay minimum wage
>expect customers to give you alms

>Shaming people who don't want to is pathetic.
Attempting to shame businesses who get creative to incentivise people to be more decent is much more pathetic. you said it yourself, tipping isnt mandatory, but neither is anyone upholding an image you might want to have.
If you dont care about being seen as a decent human being, no harm done, if you are, yet do not tip, you are a hypocrite and a phony, and you deserve any shame you will feel.

In a lot of places it is the management's responsibility to make up the wage if the tips don't cover it.

The sign is most likely shitty cheap management wanting customers to pay their staff so they don't have to.

There has already been a study on this that the grand majority of employees when working at a restaurant without tips end up earning substantially less under all circumstances.

A few places have tried it and all went back to the standard system.

if you're gonna spend over a hundred dollars the least you could go is give a tip, even if it's small
i think tipping is stupid but it's just something that you do, it's pretty disrespectful to at least not give something if the service was good. servers need the money, man. obviously if you don't live in NA or anywhere else where tipping is common then none of this applies to you and i understand why you'd be dismissive about it, but here it's a big deal

The people i know who have done some waiter have told me if you don't get minim wage with your tips you can basically force your employer to make up the difference or something

Cook, serve, delicious is a great restaurant game

fucking americucks lmao

this is how cucked americans are

This can't be real. You can sue them for this quite easily.

Who said anything about removing tips? I'm talking about not counting tips as part of the wage. As in, giving them an actual fucking salary with tips possible as a real bonus, like a tip damn right should be.

>it's just something that you do
appeal to tradition

How is it shame when you think it's the right thing to do?

>tip 6.50 to round bill up to 220
>still end up on shitlist
sue them for defamation

>be euroslave
>not allowed to learn to cook, far too much freedom
>have to go out to eat, all the time
>thinks this is how the whole world works

>thread about americucks
>b-but europe
>absolutely nonsensical arguments
o b s e s s e d

your retarded and brainwashed, tipping doesnt make you a decent human

the origin of "tips" came from when people became rich from gold and shit and wanted to flaunt and showoff how much more rich("better") they were
the ONLY people who should be tipping are people who make shit tons of money and have nothing better to do with it.

so effectively tipping just shows your an asshole by keeping the fad alive

>Waiter is in a shitty mood.
>Gets your order wrong.
>Ignores you when you try to get their attention.
>Service is totally shitty.
>Don't tip but still spend over $150
>End up on shit list to be publically shamed.

Where did they get the names?

>your retarded and brainwashed

seems like social media has brainwashed you to think that "your" and "you're" are the same words.

nice catch
how about addressing the point now

how are you liking csd2?

how do we know that the restaurant staff didn't deserve a terrible tip by being shit at their jobs?

oh the grammar police

>i cant think of anything so ill nitpick a spelling mistake

who's the social media fag here? you are

>What is a credit card

Tell me you've beat it, Sup Forums - you're not a casual, are you?

How do you even know those people would even come back?

Maybe they tipped poorly, or not at all, because your service/food/drinks are shit.


Am I the only one who doesn't mind tipping?
I unfortunately had to go to Europe for 2 weeks one time, and every restaurant I ate at the service was horrible, presumably because they get paid the same no matter how bad or good of a job they do.

this. There are tons of shitty servers in the US.

smart people (the people with arguments worth considering) dont mkae typos

I'm assuming OP's picture is in the USA.

US law on jobs where tipping is expected says that total wages must meet or exceed minimum wage. Total wages is different than hourly wage; total wages is hourly wage plus tips. In other words, an employer can pay an employee less than minimum in tipped positions, but if that employee's tips don't increase income to minimum, the employer must pay the difference.

Employees want bigger tips because everything after minimum is a bonus.
Employers want bigger tips because everything short of minimum is extra expense.

"Starving waiter" arguments fail because the employee's wage is the mutual responsibility of the employee who accepted that wage and the employer who offered that wage. Removing the total wages rule from tipped positions would guarantee minimum for employees, but employers want it to stay because it lets them pay lower hourly wages.

The employer is ultimately at fault - "shitty tipper" is better read as 'times the store was forced to pay minimum wage' - and highly-tipped servers (and servers who expect to be highly-tipped) enable the practice. The customer's is only at fault if they know the employees aren't paid minimum, yet continue to go to the business.

I think it's great the co-op mode is really fun with a friend. Designing the interior of your restaurant is a lot better than I was expecting. There's way too much food this time to pick from. Like trying to decide which 6 entrees out of a billion I want to serve is hard. It borders on too much of a good thing when it comes to menu choice and variety. Working at other restaurants is kinda neat but it doesn't reach me. It's pretty much everything I hoped for out of a sequel. Not to mention apparently the dev already has a huge update planned for next month

>thinks the thread is about americucks when it isn't
o b s e s s e d

i really, REALLY like this image!!


That doesn't apply here, because the poster he was mocking was specifically complaining about retardation.

I don't mind when it isn't enforced

>be yurocuckold
>get invaded by muslims and africans
>women and children raped
>terror attacks everywhere
>literally live in most cucked nation in the west
>have to vent your frustration onto america on an anime image board to feel better

have fun, manlet

>it isn't
the absolute state of ameribrainlets lmao


Oh no I guess I'll just got to the other 100 bars in town that don't publicly shame me for not tipping the drink delivery girl half of what the tab cost

>be american
>twist ankle
>go to the hospital
>be in debt for the rest of my life

>be americuck
>be seething and fuming with rage
>be absolutely fucking mad and reeing

how do you know he didn't miss type on purpose to make you fags sperg out, seeing as you can't face the argument, he baited the fuck out of (you)

americans don't get twisted ankle

Imagine living in a country where there's no universal health care despite the government spending another 700 billion on brown person seeking ICBMs and you pay your staff less than minimum wage in a bad economy and then also belittle the public for not subsidising their wages. What a shit hole that would be.

Maybe a heart attack from all the McDonalds

Yeah. We're so fat, we break the bone.

Why? Because it would require them to walk?

I donĀ“t think Jacob should be on the list, at least he gave something and after spending that much on one night of food they should be grateful he even gave that

The context of the picture is big orders that probably took all night to serve and didn't tip, which is a huge slap in the face. Even more so when you're a bartender.

States on the west coast do not allow business's to pay less than min. for tipped jobs. I'm curious for your thoughts on them.

haha yeah imagine that

americans is powerful to not twist ankle

The customer.

This is a first world luxury. If you want to go out and have someone else make and serve you food, you better have enough money to add at least a 20% tip if they perform their job correctly. If they are shitty servers, then it's up to you. It's reasonable to not tip, or tip $0.01, or put a 20% tip in a glass of water with a coaster on top and then turn the glass upside down. But under normal circumstances if you don't tip, you are a shitty person. Obviously nothing is stopping you from not tipping, but anyone who wants to try justify or rationalize not tipping is delusional and should be treated as such.

Damn, that glass of water thing sounds mad shitty.

>Are there any in depth restaurant managing sims? Why aren't there any more restaurant games since like 80% of all adults have atleast worked once in their life time at a restaurant. Whether as waiter, dishwasher or cook. Most of us can relate.

>be american
>tell edgy joke in runescape
>go to jail for 6 years

I'm liking it. It's starting to get pretty hard for me doing new shit. I enjoy the prep station mechanic, though.

I misread, I meant to say the servers were in the right, but I'm sure that can be gleaned from the post.

>you better have enough money to add at least a 20% tip if they perform their job correctly
Where does it say that?

Shut up Brasilian.

That's the baseline American tip at a restaurant.

>taking an obvious joke post at face value
fitting you should post a nigger gif

>get 5% off your next rs gold order with promo code: RSYK5

>blaming business for laws that states allow

Of course a business is going to be greedy, it's the role of the government to keep them in check. Can you really complain that they don't pay enough when they're allowed to, and everyone else does it?

Tipping is a scam
Americans are so fucking cucked

Where does it say that?