What the fuck is Cynical Brit Gaming? They couldn't get a real journo to shill their game so they picked some random ass website?

It's totalbiscuit.

>reccomended by Cynical Brit Gaming


At least don't bump the thread you fucking child.


The guy who was the biggest shill for Battleborn

Does he really just have shit taste, or is he actually a shill?


Asscancer man.

Who knows? He barely plays games at all at this point

What are you trying to prove with posts like this? You don't know reviewers? Grats, you don't know who to trust when a new game comes out so you probably end up wasting hundreds of dollars funding studios who make bad games. You are everything wrong with consumerism.

Guy who Sup Forums used to dickride before he bashed Drumpft,

>trusting reviewers
>not waiting until post release gameplay videos come out.

When they add a really cute girl I'll play it.

I'm sick of nu/v/ revisionists

>t.butthurt Sup Forumstard
Nu/v/ praises trash like JonTron and Pewdiepie mostly because they becoma the voice of edgy, alt-tard inbred losers with no talent, the same used to apply for asscancer to the point their fans would get assmad for making fun of the fact he unironically got cancer after telling someone to get cancer and die while now everyone just bashes him after shitting all over their overlord drumpffffft.

Are you ok user? You seem paranoid.

So, every game made after 2000?

all SJWs are paranoid

very original post, user.

>not being a Drumpft cocksuking drone
>must be a SJW!
Who's the paranoid here?

TB being a hipster. He used to have valid points but he also recommends mass effect andromeds and fucking battleborn so hes full of shit sometimes

how the fuck did that post read paranoid? that doesn't even make sense

>not looking at gameplay footage and reading amateur reviews on steam or gamefaqs
only using "big name" reviewers as guidance only works if you exclusively play mainstream games. time and time again it has been proven that most game journos are casual gamers who can't handle anything outside of their video game safety net and write poor quality reviews because they can't give an informed opinion. even the few game journos i like are pretty disconnected from the games i'm interested in.

you're almost always best off reading a bunch of shorter reviews from no-names who might actually know what they're talking about
because they do reviews for fun instead of profit

>similar to games you play
>following e-celebs curators
>not marking shit games as not interested and never seeing them again

he's just meme-ing