Can anyone recommend some good rogue-lite games? Games similar to the ones pictured?
>inb4 arguing about "lite vs like"
Can anyone recommend some good rogue-lite games? Games similar to the ones pictured?
>inb4 arguing about "lite vs like"
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What is that game?
Dead Cells is great and keeps getting better with each update.
Oh shit I forgot about that game. I never picked it up! How much longer until the actual release?
>Games similar to the ones pictured?
All I see is indie garbage
Not sure, but the combat is so fluid and fast, and the makers really give a fuck about the game and listen to the community
Robot named fight.
Basically super metroid.
Dead cells.
Great sidescroller. Has a bunch of unique stuff overall.
Barony is pretty great even if it's not as fancy or commercially successful than the games in your image. It's a first person roguelite rpgish thing. Action dungeon crawler? I'm not sure what's a good genre to put it in. It's first person, it's a dungeon crawler but you only control one character and the combat is somewhat like Skyrim I guess. There's also coop.
What are some good multiplayer ones? A friend and I played gungeon and nuclear throne and liked them
If that counts.
Risk of rain is great.
Is Robot named fight more similar to Dead Cells or something like Hollow Knight?
If you have BOI Rebirth on PC there's a top-tier mod called antibirth that has actual multiplayer unlike the base game. Otherwise Crypt of the Necrodancer has local multiplayer, but that game is way shorter. I know Risk of Rain has online Co-op, but I can't recall if it has local. There is also Don't Starve Together for local co-op. All that being said, Gungeon was one of my favorite co-op games for how well it worked with two people.
Think of super metroid. That's it.
It's rng dungeons so I guess deadcells.
Heat Signature is what you're looking for. Be the most dangerous ship-hijacking, cargo-stealing bounty hunter in the Galaxy. Utilize numerous gadgets and weaponry, and come out of any confrontation victorious by using tactical pause. Now on Steam.
I called up a quick video and you weren't kidding about the Metroid influence. All I couldn't see was the procedural dungeon generation so I'm happy to hear that.
Are you a dev or something? That sounded like it came straight from the steam description
There are maybe 20 to 30 bosses.
There are 6 zones maybe?
Each boss or zone you go to unlocks stuff for future runs.
If you get a certain combo, there are unlocks for that.
There is a hidden boss after the final boss too.
Every run your upgrades will be quite a bit different and the rng maps match that.
Some give you just high jump, some give horizontal mobility. Etc
Sounds right up my alley. Good call, thanks buddy!
Eldritch isn't bad, it's a FPS roguelite in a Lovecraftian universe. It's not as deep or long as some other roguelite but it's fun and it's also one of the only fps roguelite out there.
Did you ever play Heavy Bullets?
I just like to describe games like a corporate shill. Don't know why.
Are they going to add more levels? It desperately needs more levels.
What can you mtell me about Flinthook?
Here's your (You).
A lot of people think it's just a BoI clone, but Our Darker Purpose is one of the best roguelites I've played and nobody ever talks about it.
Poc related is amazing
>can bank money and pull it out in future runs
into the trash it goes
Agreed on Robot Named Fight. Super fun so far.
Cargo Commander. You play the aforementioned commander and explore cargo crates that you attract to your ship with a magnet. Then, you quickly gather the unique items held within and leave before the crates you attracted break up and leave you stranded in space. Every world you play on is generated when you name it, and that name can be shared with friends so you can beat each others high scores and literally see the corpses of those who have fallen before you. Will you beat the high score, or will you be another corpse, stuck in a crate until another commander peels off the panel with his drill?
All good man, made me chuckle regardless
It was okay. Pretty fucking tricky though. I played on PS4 with controller. Apparently mouse and keyboard is 1000% better from what I hear.
tbqh senpai it does look extremely similar to Isaac. How is it better or different?
is spelunky good?
That game is shit if you've ever played a real Roguelike.
To any vet of the genre it will feel like playing a game for toddlers
I can see it being fun for people new to the genre though
It was a pioneer for the rogue-lite formula, but personally it didn't grip me. Probably because I didn't feel any progression between runs besides your skill level increasing. There is a lot of insta-death shit, but a lot of it can be avoided if you know what to avoid.
>TLDR a lot of people like it, but it wasn't to compelling for me
Yes. I AM bias because it's my favorite game, but every inch of progress you make feels great. At the same time, though, it can also be taken away in an instant if you're not careful. Play the freeware version, and if you want an upgraded version of that, buy it. I'd recommend the freeware version so you can get a "full demo", so to speak. A word of warning, though. There are a few gameplay differences between the free and the steam/XBLA version. They're small things, but they take getting used to.
What advice would you give to someone who wants to like the game, but is pretty shit at it?
starward rogue
1. Go slow. You're in it for the long haul, and sprinting everywhere raises the chances of a death.
2. Learn patterns. Everything operates the same way every time, so knowing that snakes walk left to right or spiders fall directly down and hop in an arc is valuable information that helps survival.
3. Learn the items. The mitt throws items straight. Climbing gloves let you climb walls. The parachute opens up, preventing fall damage. Aside from the compass, which I recommend getting everytime, there isn't really a manditory item. Even though the cape can be highly valuable in situations, it isn't needed to beat the game.
4. Have fun. Every death may feel like a punishment, but it's a learning opportunity. The game is programmed the way it is, and if you're trying to get a basic run in, you need to enjoy the times you fly by an area, and learn from the moments you fuck up. If you're patient and you know your shit, you'll get farther through the game than if you know nothing and run everywhere.
I hope that advice was good enough to read. If it helps you out, then its worth it.
Eldritch feels to much like playing minecraft for me
Heavy bullets is fun
Nuclear Throne vs Gungeon, which one is better?
Nuclear throne
Gungeon runs just take too long/ramp up too slow imo. Theyre both great though