1.5 million players

>1.5 million players
>no threads on Sup Forums - Video Games


Other urls found in this thread:


1.5 million bots*

perhaps you should make a normal thread then instead of yet another player numbers thread?

>twice the player count of Dota 2
Say what you want about PUBG, but that is impressive

Why don't you try /vg/ fucko

There isn't a thread up on Sup Forums for most of those games

There are threads for Overwatch and WoW everyday. Why are there no PUBG threads?

How long until the bubble bursts?

we don't have threads for dead memes here

butt-blasted weebs


Because surprisingly Sup Forums isn't Chinese


shit it's dead isn't it?

Nothing to discuss.

Sup Forums is too busy sucking Chucklefish's dick to play games that require skill.

i love nip games and it factually outsold multiple popular japanese games combined

What about them? He was talking about games not getting threads despite being on the top 100 list. Last I checked neither Overwatch nor World of Warcraft were on Steam.

So why even bring them up?

only %20 of the players from China


>3/4s the playerbase is from china and all started playing around the same time that crates were added

Sup Forums has good taste

So the new generation will play whatever garbage Twitch tells them to play

Well if nothing it's an interesting social experiment

Because all of them are chinese bots. If you visit the steam forums of PUBG literally every page has some threads starting with ping pong letters.


muh new generation is bad meme

If they are bots why are they talking on forums?

70% of the playerbase is chinese, it's not that popular outside of it.


it's still video games -- and you are acting against video game discussion no matter how you look at it. steam is also the largest service on PC. of course people would make a thread about a video game breaking records on the largest video game service on a personal computer. sort out those PERSONAL ISSUES and ignore and/or hide these threads like a person without PERSONAL ISSUES

Soon, very soon. It's flavor of the month if I've ever seen one.

>rng drops the game
idk it might be even less skill than pubg


>'muh saels!'

Maybe you're just on the wrong site?

nobody said its bad he just said how the things are okay?

>anything to talk about
It's the best game in a critically underserved genre, of course it would be popular.
outside of that, it's a mediocre shooter in early access that costs half a complete game, includes tradable cosmetics and loot boxes, and is so popular with streamers that players can get banned for killing them.

Why do people play fotm trash?

>flavor of the month
Keep telling yourself that, its only been a half a year or so.

Notice how there's been literally no threads actually discussing gameplay, what they're doing in the game, organizing games, etc.
Just sales numbers
Why is this? It's like no one actually plays this game but chinks.

flavor of quite a few months now

i don't care about sales. it is about the principle. it is still video games whether you like it or not. you can scream, cry, and post about it all you want, but it will not change the fact that it is still video games. look into your PERSONAL ISSUES

Automated threads.

>>no threads on Sup Forums - Video Games
It gets threads on Sup Forums constantly but it is usually shitposters trying to stir up shit every single time.
it is indeed a quite impressive.

why dont you sort out yourself first before coming here

I haven't said or done anything.

I just pointed out that it seems unnecessary to go whataboutism on a discussion using games that weren't relevant to the conversation at hand.

Talk about channeling your PERSONAL ISSUES or whatever.

>1.5 million players
>still needs daily shilling on Sup Forums
something here doesn't add up


Because people play the game. There's nothing to really discuss.
Same with CS

>just spamming personal issues

Shit gimmick

How long before Valve makes a CS:BG to cash in on the trend?
Are they working on it as we speak?

that's an interesting question indeed, though
is there at least a general on /vg?

>being on Sup Forums
>not having personal issues
you see, this is how you should have answerd initially. now we know that you, indeed, have PERSONAL ISSUES and are afraid to admit them and are insecure over them. you really outed yourself, but i don't blame someone like you with PERSONAL ISSUES

Is this how CS became known as a "skill based" game? Enough fags said it until newfags accepted it without question?

Keep in mind that Dota numbers don't include China while PUBG numbers do.

This is accurate

Its multiplayer only so you can't really pirate it

>tf2 has 68k players

damn we're getting up there

there's a thing that makes it so that you can pick which item you get from boxes that give from a certain tier

i dont know anyone that still plays, and i have 340 friends

It's mostly chinks. People dont realize that farming for crates and shit in games, or gold in wow etc, is a legitimate way to make a living there. It's easier and pays better than working in a factory.


These people aren't play the game. They're going to work and letting bots play it for them, then coming home and selling crates.

>whole lotta words
>only care about two and ignore others

>retarded Skinners-box early access shit with loot boxes made popular by social media sites and streams
>best selling game of all time

This is our future now

A bunch of Pavlovs dogs salivating at the bell

There's nothing to talk about in a game this repetitive and bland

normies like that game and Sup Forums is mostly degenerates and manchildren, not a place for social people

>Sup Forums
>multiplayer games

come on now I'm good at games but going up against another human? nah fuck that I'm just gonna stick to my turn based JRPG's

Who are you even talking to? It seems pretty obvious that you're talking to one person you've mistaken for someone else.

Really? How come?

The game is alright but I don't feel like there's much to discuss

empirical evidence isn't evidence.
afk farming was just patched out.

you don't think you and all the people with very similar posts weren't triggered by a bell either? PERSONAL ISSUES

who cares

it's a game for casuals and normies

trying too hard, should have left it at one post. Now you just look autistic and silly


>the method with which the game garnered publicity
why does Sup Forums care about this so much?

Risk of Rain wasn't made by Chucklefish, they're mostly hated on Sup Forums

>plays j"rpg"
>good at games

Hey guys, look, it's TF2

>best selling game of all time hasnt even broken 20 million copies sold


Dota in China isn't in Steam, it's in Perfect World or some shit

Nah, it's just fags who said the opposite could never put the money where their mouth was.

Because they have no argument and have to use a boogeyman to save face.

>implying that garbage is a video game

Because half the players are pic related.

that post can apply to anyone -- but i now know you were affected by it. PERSONAL ISSUES

china might have 100-200k players tops
game is not popular in china at all, its like #15 in terms of popularity which is pretty low
they have their own perfect world servers / client / game version

Valve is so slow with their cardgame that their Battle Royal game should release in 2021

what an embarrassing opinion

okay but every other post in steam discussions looks like this

#bot lives matter

and now, not only are you mad and intimidated by a video game, you are also mad and intimidated by me because of your PERSONAL ISSUES ;)

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this shit basically a form of covert gambling like CS:GO roulette?

nice evidence

>1.5 million is considered amazing on PC
>Xbox (original) Halo 2 had 3.2 million Online Players day 1

oh right, I forgot

because shit games often gain undeserved popularity just through gearing their games to youtubers and twitch streamers producing content out of them

wait you mean a game with tradeables that can be farmed without actually playing is being exploited by bots?

who could have forseen this

Replying to an autistic avatarfag.


It's an accessible battle royale game.

Where did you get "covert gambling" from.

They don't even sell keys or anything.

i don't know, but what dovyou plan to do about it of it is? because i don't see the point in your asking if you won't do anything about it

>it's flavor of the month!
>early access scam
>streamerbait trash!
>c-chinese bots! w-what do you mean 2 million concurrent players? all bots!
>n-no these goty awards don't count!
the Sup Forums denialism episodes

It's almost like the people who shit on this game don't even play it...

It's manufactured records and popularity.
It's not like it's hard to notice, the vg thread is slow as fuck.
When you take those supposed player numbers into account it becomes really apparent.
Unless this game is release on steam in china and korea and it has adjusted much lower prices there. That conflicts with twitch viewershit however as gooks don't watch english speaking westerners at western times

Yeah, paying people to play games on twitch gives them longevity and mass appeal.

Look at all the people playing Conan Exiles!