The closer we get to Odyssey's release, the more boring every other game has become. Why can't it be October already?

The closer we get to Odyssey's release, the more boring every other game has become. Why can't it be October already?

Odyssey really doesn't look like it's all that and I think you guys are blowing it out of proportion. The more I see of it, the more fascinated I become in the possession mechanic, but that's it. The worlds look bland, dull, and overall boring. New Donk City seems to be the only interesting one, even if only because it's a breath of fresh air for the series.
I think taking control of enemies will be fun, but the worlds that these enemies inhabit...they don't look that good. They really don't.

I really want Odyssey but not the Switch. I guess BotW and MK8D I could buy too, but don't really want to spend $350 on Odyssey. Are there any places you can get the Switch on at least a little bit of a sale?

We know about so few of the playable kingdoms, though. There's evidence to suggest Isle Delfino and Peach's Castle will both be places you can visit. It's gonna be a huge fucking game.

Doesn't change anything. We've seen enough of these few kingdoms to tell that they're nothing special. Just try and list 3 memorable things from any of the kingdoms we've seen. You can't. All anyone remembers is the enemy stuff. Look at the OP's picture for example.

1. Jaxi
2. Dog from the beach
3. Sunshine style platformer levels from Bonneton and presumably scattered everywhere else.

The thing is selling like hotcakes at its current price, so I doubt it. I guess you could buy one of those premium membership thingies from Amazon or any places like that. May be worth it. That or black friday?

If he actually wanted a switch on black friday he'd need start camping a week in advance.

i was more alarmed by the gameplay video reveals, where they say each world has like 40 moons, and they're all fuck easy to get like

"jump over this water and get a moon!" "collect these coins in a straight line with a jump or 2 and get a moon!"

i liked the mario 64 type collecitng, where it was like some of them used up the entire map, in this one from what i've seen the maps look pretty small, and they tried to stuff as many of the collectibles as possible in each one to make it look like more content

From what I've seen, there's a distinction between regular ass korok-style moons that you can find and keep going, and more challenging moons that end the level upon grabbing them.

Bosses give you 3 moons each.

>Just try and list 3 memorable things from any of the kingdoms we've seen

Memorable setpieces or memorable moments?

>The thing is selling like hotcakes at its current price, so I doubt it
Was at launch, completely different story now. Most stores across the US have stock that's just sitting there

Sand Kingdom: upside down pyramid, that lion thing, the skeleton guys

Of course.

Do you doubt me

user, please, I'd never doubt anything some random anonymous person without any data or proof says on the internet. Especially not when actual data actually shows the thing is indeed selling like hotcakes month after month.

Things can sell well and still be in stock, that just means the store is keeping up.

>Especially not when actual data actually shows the thing is indeed selling like hotcakes month after month.
Like what data? And how about you use actual quantifiable terms instead of "like hotcakes" which could mean literally anything

All the data suggests that PS4 is outselling it globally, which is not a good sign considering PS4 is a 4 year old system and Switch is brand new.

Nintendo has used very skewed statistics to make it sound more popular than it was, like "outsold Wii in opening 2 day weekend" or other bizarre ways they can group numbers to make it sound like a bigger success than it is.

Remember: the reason that Switch had big first month numbers is that it released on March 3rd and had the whole month to do so, when consoles are usually released towards the end of the month and have at most 2 weeks to reach the same numbers. Nintendo knew this and it's very strategy of them to release at the beginning of the month so they can make false headlines.

I know that feeling all too well. I told myself I’d wait until Odyssey was out to get a Switch, and I caved last week and preordered the red + black one

what's so good about this game?

it looks _____________fun_________________________________________

ok, but you need to lower your expectation so you don't get disappointed

Well all excuses I've read that they can't produce these units fast enough.

you're right

Yes, that was true 2 months ago, and it's still true for Japan.

But as of the last month, stores in US have stock, indicating the shortage problem is over. Is demand down, is supply up? I don't know, but you can't blame a supply shortage for low numbers anymore because supply exceeds demand.

Don't believe me? Just go to Best Buy, Targets, Gamestops websites and search various cities, You'll likely find tons of stores with stock. Neon is still in lower supply than Gray but I think that's just because they made less of them.

>tfw I'll never play Odyssey because I'm not rich enough to buy an entire fucking console for one game

>Giant golden bottles
>Mario Sunshine lava stuff
>Overhead underwater 2D section

>Steam Gardens
>Creepy forest floor
>The red metal towers with the oval shaped domes
>The giant dome covering the whole level

the thing has always been in stock in many euro countries, since release

>tfw I bought mine at the midnight launch and have BOTW, MK8D, ARMS, and Splatoon 2
>tfw work a minimum wage job

Gonna toss you a hand because I've been in your boat:

Step1: Buy the Odyssey bundle
Step2: Play the game within 2 weeks
Step3: Return it to store, complain about something (doesn't matter), they'll refund you

Problem solved

Yes, the shortage in EU ended months ago. It ended a month ago in the US and will likely end in 2 months in Japan, just going by how scalping prices are dropping

I know what I'm gonna do now, thanks user

I just need to amass money for this plot

>the snapshot mode just hides the hud so you can take a picture using the switch's screenshot button
>that means we're gonna get the shitastic jpgs the switch produces from every game
that sucks

Odyssey is a 9/10 game deal with it.

>tfw can't get a Switch for under $100

>The closer we get to Odyssey's release, the more boring every other game has become.
>mfw i can't tell if this is a shill or just some sheep who falls hard for marketing campaigns

>believing that you should be able to

I hope the moon challenges don't become as repetitive as BOTW's koroks just so they can say they have more moons to do. For example, it looks like every time you encounter a group of goombas you have to stack them and find a whore goomba somewhere to give you a moon.

Who else looking forward to the speedruns? Sunshine speedruns are already maximum comfy, I can't wait to see the autists break this game.