Overwatch, csgo, and MOBAs take ski-

>overwatch, csgo, and MOBAs take ski-

um, no, sweeeeetie :)



xd epic

Play with some one from bronze then try saying that.

Sorry, guess I should have ignored your thread like everyone else XD


Quake kinda has the lowest skill ceiling of any of the games you listed if you consider just how little actually goes into playing it, outside of some rather straightforward and basic FPS skills that you refine to perfection.

>Quake kinda has the lowest skill ceiling of any of the games you listed
>how little actually goes into playing it

85iq dotard with severe delusions detected.

*cracks open a cold one*
god i want to RUIN that pussy

>Junkrat shoots you once and detonates a mine in front of you

ded game

Yeah, well, if you had basic critical thinking skills, you'd see that my point is somewhat hard to argue against, and additionally, I prefer Quake over the rest, but you're too blinded by irrational franchise loyalty to realize that a person can criticize something that's good, and challenge popular belief.
Quake 1v1 duels probably also require less IQ to be played at a high skill level, considering how the game focuses heavily on reaction times and muscle memory instead of overarching game-sense and logic, so bringing up IQ isn't clever in the slightest.

iq has extremely strong correlations to reaction time, brainlet

> instead of overarching game-sense and logic
you mean grinding 'knowledge' about assfaggot hero matchups? that is nothing compared to the execution required for arena shooters

We were talking skill ceilings to begin with, not how the average shitter plays their respective game.
Quake does at least demand more of you for you to even be considered decent within the community, but the sheer simplicity of its design means the act of mastering it is very linear, and in reality, infinitely more doable than in an assfaggot.
Let me say more clearly that I despise assfaggots, but this is simply true.

Being complicated provides no benefit for a multiplayer game. Less people means less competition and if you want less competition you're just a shitter who doesn't want to get exposed by somebody who has played less than you.

This guy is right you know.

>but the sheer simplicity of its design means the act of mastering it is very linear, and in reality, infinitely more doable than in an assfaggot.

whoa I guess shoot em ups are easy then and ASSFAGGOTS are the pinnacle of skill.... whoa... primed my pistachios

This user is right
Grinding "knowledge" about assfaggot hero matchups? That is nothing compared to the execution required for arena shooters.
Knowledge is knowledge, just as you must learn the knowledge of how Quake's physics work. user is simply stating that there is far much less to learn and therefore consider during a game of Quake than a game of assfaggots, you assfaggot.

how the hell is knowledge/memorization higher skill than technical execution? answer that please.

>how the hell is knowledge/memorization higher skill than technical execution?
I didn't say that, neither did user.

>the fact that I'm good at quake means that I'll beat anybody in chess since it doesn't require any execution