Is Doom 2 the pinnacle of map design?

Is Doom 2 the pinnacle of map design?

The first Haf Life imo, it has it all.

Doom 1's level design shits on Doom 2's from a great height. If Doom 2 didn't have the super shotgun, it would be a shitty version of 1.


>If Doom 2 didn't have the super shotgun, it would be a shitty version of 1.
Yeah except that Doom 1 level design was too easy. Doom 2 level design was too hard. I know what I prefer

>Doom 2 level design was too hard.

meant for

doom 2 level design isn't hard it's just tedious.

>Doom 2 level design was too hard.

>being so stupid that you can't come up with an actual argument but at the same time being so triggered that you feel the need to respond anyway

I prefer Doom 2's maps except for some (or maybe most?) of the city levels.

I'll admit that Doom's maps are more iconic except for the final maps where it's the opposite.

Sunlust is peak level design you twats

No, you're thinking of the first game.

I agree.

>silly mods

Doom 2 level design is what happends when you run out of creativity and think, hey lets just make random rooms with demons spawning from every place. Doom II would be the worse Doom if wasn't for the fact the abomination knew as 3 exists, pretty much a glorified map pack without any consistency.

What about Valiant?

>Doom 2 level design was too hard
Thy Flesh Consumed is harder than anything in Doom II and much better designed as well.

>if wasn't for the fact the abomination knew as 3 exists
the core gameplay is mostly the same, just slower and you can't always circle strafe to win because of the cramped rooms.


The core gameplay is trash because linear level design and clucky ass gunplay, Doom 3 is doom in name only, plays more like a shitty Half Life wannabe.

Absolutely this
I cannot fucking stand people who shit on doom 2 maps as if the first half isn't the best fps ever made bar none

But Doom 1 is more popular tho
Doom 2 is for the patricians

>linear level design
lots of them require backtracking and you're not locked out of previous levels until you hit the next chapter button.
>clucky ass gunplay

no Quake has by far the best fps level design

i dont remember if it was part 1 or 2, but wasnt almost every level THE FLOOR IS LAVA(acid/blood/etc)

Shit design.

>brownest corridor shooter
>best fps level design

Pure Hatred is artificial difficulty before there was artificial difficulty

A legitimately badly designed map.

Yes. Easily.

Episode 1 of Doom is better than any map on 2, but the rest is kinda on par. Except for those shitty city levels.

>lots of them require backtracking and you're not locked out of previous levels until you hit the next chapter button.
How the fuck does backtracking make it any less linear garbage? There is zero complexity or even creativity on the designs, it's just shitty tight corridors followed by a room with 2 or 3 enemies and then a cinematic and there is barely any verticality. Gunplay feels like crap and has probably the most unsatisfying piece of shit shotgun in a shooter ever.

>Corridor shooter
i hope you're not implying it's linear

>limited to nothing but dungeons
>best fps level design ever

>artificial difficulty
how to spot a contrarian shitter with no actual arguments. Just like i imagine Doom II fans to be.

Yeah I love great levels like The Crusher, Tricks and Traps, and Gotcha!

>How the fuck does backtracking make it any less linear garbage?
Do you even understand what you're posting?

Damn how could I forget about the excellent city maps such as Downtown, how foolish of me

babbies detected

You're forgetting the retarded barrel map too

Can you actually defend those 3 maps making you sit there and wait for the boss enemies to die on their own?

Are you fucking insane? Doom 2's maps are utter shit clusterfucks.

lmao this, those randumb shit " i can't make for challenging, cohesive or interestingly designed maps anymore so i'l just put Cyberdemon and Spiderdemon fuck eachoter" Really jumped the shark, Doom II level design feels modder tier at best, it has zero consistency or progression, it was a waste compared to Doom and how the game makes the player feel he is getting somewhere, pure lazyness.

>doesn't like fun in their games

M8, Doom 2's city levels are absolute shit and you know it.

>Random square rooms without any architecture filled with random demons in places that make no sence
>pinnacle of map design

> anything I like = objectively fun
> anything I don't like = objectively shit
Well gosh, when you put it like that

Downtown is classic though

Classic shit is still shit.

>Barrels explode from a pistol hit
>don't explode when left on magma

Truly is hell.