Fan built Halo 3 maps for Halo 5

>Fan built Halo 3 maps for Halo 5

We seriously get this forgeshit instead of a proper Halo 3: Anniversary?

Shut the fuck up dumbass, i'd much rather they spend time improving Halo 6. Go back to 3 and play it if you want h3 so fucking bad nigger.

>m-muh nostalgia
time to move on

Wtf happened, Sup Forums? How do they plan to keep Xbox alive at $500 with no Halo?

Not op, and I see your point, on the condition they get rid of these stupid fucking armor abilities.

I went back to play Halo 3, it sucked ass in 30 FPS, I want completely redone graphics in 60 FPS. Like the MCC version, but remade graphics. We all know 6 will have a better campaign, but will be CoD again. Fuck off, fag.


Fucking pathetic.

they don't care about Xbox in the same way.

Xbox is slowly becoming an american-only system and MS is going to integrate the Xbox community with Windows store and make their exclusives playable on both.

Halo is not so important anymore. It will still be around but it won't be this huge system seller people loved.

>wow we get this free content instead of having to pay twice for the same thing? wtf bungie I need you to siphon money out of my wallet

What happened to those custom games that that user was supposed to host yesterday?
I was searching for a thread all day yesterday but it never came

Add me and i'll do my best to get you in a custom game if I see you online. Lobbies have been happening the entire time.

GT: XYZ Excellence


You are a very sad individual.

It's coming don't worry plus Halo 1-4 BC and Halo 5 4K should keep the Xbox One X alive. the Xbox One X seems to be doing well on Amazon and even sold out twice.

How come the IVs are almost as hueg as the IIs and IIIs despite having basically no ubermensch genetics required to make them? They should be as big as the normal humans that are housed in that armor.

Say what you will about most of the new armor and Spartan IVs themselves, the Recruit set looks fantastic. Best thing to come out of Halo 4.


default armor always looks the best, looks pretty good in 5 too

Simple as this.


Yeah, I know telling it like it is offends people.

Halo 3 doesn't really need an anniversary, the graphics hold up pretty damn well at MCC's resolution and framerate.

I would have liked a PC port though

There's actually a lot of 343i armor I like or wish I could use, moreso then in 3 or reach, but it's ruined by 343's shitty visual design in general.

It doesn't need one


And microsoft is taking its tine to make H3 back compat

Quit your crying

I heard 6 is using halo wars 2 designs. bit better. gameplay will be codshit but at least campaign will be chief only/nice armor.

H3 back compat came out already and it sucks compared to MCC. Feels like a slideshow next to masterrace 60fps.

I just want all the Halo games released on pc man, there really isn't a good reason why they shouldn't be on pc by now.