21 years later, quake 1/quakeworld is still the best, fastest, most positional, best movement...

21 years later, quake 1/quakeworld is still the best, fastest, most positional, best movement, and most hectic multiplayer fps of all time.

Yet nobody plays it and plays utter piss like tf2, csgo, redditwatch, and pubg.

Why is this? Why has nobody made a game that exceeds it?

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Because you can't make a game like this with modern graphics.

Too hard for Joe Normie.



>because you can't make a game like this play well on a gamepad

1.Because Quake isn't that fast or interesting unless you master the unintended movement mechanics. Other games give you more shit to master from the get go that don't take as long to learn, making unexperienced players enjoy those games much more.
2. Quake veterans have played this game for decades now, the metagame couldn't be more stale due to how little variety there is in the game. I can go back to Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo and start learning a character I'm unfamiliar with and start seeing the game in a new light, I can play a new civilization/faction in an RTS or adopt a vastly different strategy to the ones I usually use (if the rts is flexible enough that is), Quake just doesn't have enough variety to feel fresh and exciting again. Sure, you can still have fun with the game but very few people will do anything more than just messing around for a couple of days and then go to another game.
3. Most Quake players aren't actually cheetahs with rocket launchers and play in a way clunkier way compared to the glorified style most quakefags like to brag about. The myth that this game was the most intense shit ever couldn't be more far from the truth, most people used to play even Arena with very shitty connections and very rarely doing crazy shit with their mobility. The amount of quakefags that actually can take advantage of all the mobility exploits and have outstanding aiming skills is very small, and a lot of them have move on and aren't all that intrigued with the game(see a lot of the pro players who no longer play the game, while fighting game pros keep playing those games).

>Why is this?
Because Quake is shit. Tiny ass hup hup hup jumps is garbage movement.
Beyond a point, being "fast" contributes nothing to the game. Quake goes way beyond that point.
Nobody likes games where the "techniques" are literal exploits used through a not intuitive process.

All of those games in the second line are also shit, but for different reasons (Hats and pushing "Competitive" shit that breeds a community of hostile retards).

>why aren't we still living on trees like apes
because there are things called evolution and progress

what the fuck am I watching

>Nobody likes games where the "techniques" are literal exploits used through a not intuitive process.
Can't disagree with this even if I like the game.

>I can go back to Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo and start learning a character I'm unfamiliar with and start seeing the game in a new light
it takes an extremely long amount of time to master a character in ST

funny how you bring up ST, and 'unintended mechanics", when ST has cancels, combos (originally unintended mechanics), and a ton of option selects

>The myth that this game was the most intense shit ever couldn't be more far from the truth, most people used to play even Arena with very shitty connections and very rarely doing crazy shit with their mobility.

wow casuals couldn't play the game right when it was popular, what a surprise

>it takes an extremely long amount of time to master a character in ST
To master the character, but not his techniques one by one. I can learn on the first day the bread and butter combos and basic logic of his gameplan and have fun with that while getting better mastering his most advanced skills in the mean time.
>funny how you bring up ST, and 'unintended mechanics", when ST has cancels, combos (originally unintended mechanics), and a ton of option selects
Combos were only unintended during the beta test and were reworked later to work better on the final release (world warrior) After that you have all the revisions that only kept improving the system and balancing all the unintended exploits to make them work more properly. Quake has never changed the movement system in a meaningful way to make it more intuitive for newer players aside from the shitty tutorials in Live.

quake fans are ridiculous

also its nothing special

>intuitive for newer players

because renda cancels and everything else in that game is so intuitive?

It doesn't matter how you tweak it. Combos are still a shitty mechanic that only adds artificial complexity.

It was much more than just casuals, even recurrent players that were playing for hours almost every day would still play without taking any real advantage of the movement exploits. And then you have that newer fpss have casuals who can actually pull a few neat tricks since the techniques a players can master better distributed among the skill ramp unlike quake. You can masturbate your ego over how hardcore quake is but most people play casually to have fun, and this is something vital to keep a game alive.

One-two combos are intuitive, same with links. You don't have to master renda cancels until you're already very proficient at the game, you have simpler combos in the mean time that are always useful.
Maybe, maybe not. But if this is true then the movements options of quake are this but miles worse.

Because it would mean playing with mad faggots such as yourself.

Cool buzzwords senpai.

This, every time you play Quake you have to do so with "muh quake" fags

>you have simpler combos in the mean time that are always useful.

try to get a noob to do even j.hk cr.mk xx fireball or even land a cross up

>Yet nobody plays it and plays utter piss like tf2, csgo, redditwatch, and pubg. Why is this?
same reason almost no new people play fighting games or rts. the people who have gotten gud are so good that anyone who tries to play gets btfo'd.

I did that when I was a kid, one of my friends who just bought USF4 on humble bundle is doing it too.

Combos allow for people with more knowledge to possibly perform better in specific situations if they took the time to practice the execution. Yes, it's not strictly knowledge based, maybe you should play chess?

can't believe you think landing combos in ST from nothing is easier than learning to bunny hop from nothing, I'd say they're about the same, you just move the mouse in the same direction as the strafe key- I learned it in half an hour

learning how to play ST on even a basic level takes way longer than the basics of quake

>try to get a noob to do even j.hk cr.mk xx fireball
You're underestimating noobs, the issue with them is that they'll only try to land that during the entire match and get dp'd until they rage quit or realize they're playing like retards.

>bitch about exploits
>exploit the poor moderation of Sup Forums

Can't agree. Doing normal into special is even more simple, adding a jumping move first barely increases the difficulty. You also have that just because you managed to bunny hop a bit this doesn't mean you can apply it properly under pressure while the other player(s) are attacking you since it's very likely said noob will move the cursor trying to retaliate. Also Quake didn't explained this mechanics properly until much later, SF didn't explained combos until Super I think but it's still way earlier.


Is this available yet? This looks fun.

The best part about Quake 1 was the singleplayer, and we'll never get another gothic/lovecraftian campaign like that again.

This looks terrible.

>The best part about Quake 1 was the singleplayer

singleplayer was unfinished, awful bosses

good map design though

how is the original statement not true? brush geometry just isn't a thing anymore

That's not a good thing. Implementing a mechanic like that is super easy and if it actually made a game better you'd see a ton of it.

Tribes was better.

>tribes ascend only died because Hi-Rez fucked it up.

>Implementing a mechanic like that is super easy and if it actually made a game better you'd see a ton of it.
You see combos in a huge amount of games. Also I don't see why it's not a good thing.

Because people don't understand that in the end it comes down to memorizing a 3D space and understanding that sound cues from item pick ups allow you to have near omniscient knowledge of your enemy. Then it comes down to just controlling the map and obliterating your enemy by having a larger material advantage when you engage in fights.

Quakeworld is absolutely not the best multiplayer FPS because the equipment is balanced around singleplayer. The insane damage reduction on red armor and powerful RL and thunderbolt mean whoever gets the first frag will have an incredibly easy time keeping the lead because the other player(s) have no chance against someone with 200hp/200 NON-DECAYING armor and the LG.

it's the only fps that doesn't make you dumber by playing it

fightinggame might as well by a buzzword because there arent any good ones

Because it makes the game less interactive. If you take it far enough, a game will be reduced to two people just playing by themselves with no input from the other player.

Nice one, Jaden Smith.

How is it less interactive? Like seriously, I can't see how. If anything combos only add more interaction because the player is able to pick multiple options depending on his needs and skill level.

Because what you need to press to perform a combo can not be influenced by the other player. It's literally a quick time event.

That's why combo breakers are a thing.

this looks ok

So what's the consensus on Quake Champinos?

Not really, there are games like Guilty Gear or KI that allow the player to escape combos using high risk options. If a combo is too long and the game lacks these options then I kinda agree with you but in the fighting game discussed here (SF2) the combos are very quick and short so the other player doesn't stay doing nothing for no more than a couple of seconds after his fuck up.

Because those games are being advertised while Quake is not at the moment.
>The myth that this game was the most intense shit ever couldn't be more far from the truth

>the combos are very quick and short so the other player doesn't stay doing nothing for no more than a couple of seconds after his fuck up.

wot m8?


I play Quakeworld and Quake 2 almost daily. I'm not interested in playing clones of either because they both already exist with tons of mods and custom content.

>hating on Q1 singleplayer
Could you be any more obvious?

rocket jumping and monster infighting were two unintended game mechanics that were incorporated into the game
do you think they didn't know about strafe jumping before quake 3 came out?

Those are touch of death that you won't see happening too often since:
1. They require deep jump ins, most of the time you won't hit the player with one of these unless he's too incompetent.
2. They require tight links, SF2 runs at a speed in which some of these links are unrealiable due to the acceleration of the turbo mode.
3. Dizzy is an rng factor, sometimes those combos won't dizzy and will end prematurely.
Go and see and actual tournament instead of a clip consisting of only ToD footage and you'll rarely see these happening, my dumb frogshit.

Any length is "too long". It's a shitty fucking exploit that was kept because it "looked cool" and not because there was anything good about it.

it's a poorly balanced mess with barely any content

dj's 7 hit ToD will always dizzy.

Yup, but as I said, while fighting games actually tried to make them more intuitive for the players (newer versions of SF and DS or Marvel fighting games) while in most arena shooters they remained as something that only some players were going to discover and the manual never mentioned them for example.

>barely any content
What does that mean? The point of Quake is to run around in the same handful of maps shooting dudes.

>They require tight links, SF2 runs at a speed in which some of these links are unrealiable due to the acceleration of the turbo mode.

cammy's is trivial to do even on free select 3 though.

Yeah, but you won't see it in most matches because getting in position to do it isn't an easy task.

it means theres less than a dozen maps spread around 4 gamemodes, two of which are absolute garbage
if i want to play the same 5 maps i'll play quakeworld at least they're good maps

Maybe for you, but for most people it's a great idea that adds a lot of player expression and makes the game more fun to play and watch, which is the most important part of a video game at the end of the day.

all you need to do is cross up with lk I believe and do the autistic execution for it (not that many people can do it outside of a couple but still)

Cammy is pretty shit so she will have a hard time getting in against any player that knows how to fight.
Deep cross up depending on character.

Only shitty players like it because it create a nice artificial skill curve where it only requires time to get better and not talent.

Most pros like it because it allows them to have more options. Also you can win perfectly fine without using combos in SF2. Sounds like you're alone on this one to me senpai.

>and not talent.
Last time I checked having good execution and hands coordination was a talent. Since you can also learn combos by just practicing them this allows both talented and not talented players to have a go at it which is a good thing.

>Cammy is pretty shit so she will have a hard time getting in against any player that knows how to fight.

safejump it when they wakeup

>that image
Pure fucking lies, that user couldn't have been around back then at all.

You gotta knock them first if you want that safe jump.

The real question is why no remake/remaster I would buy it in a second

What's wrong with the original?

Best thing is that bunnyhopping was a bug.

God I miss QTF..

Why can't there just be a good multiplayer game with no autistic mechanics?

A remaster would be kinda pointless since there are a lot of source ports to improve the graphics and shit.

megaTF still on weekends

Fuck that.

21 years later, quake 1 is still the best, fastest, most positional, best movement, and most hectic singleplayer fps of all time.

Yet people don't make games like it.

>singleplayer was unfinished
That didn't stop it being amazing.
>awful bosses
There is literally no FPS with good bosses. Simple puzzle based bosses like Quake did are literally the best you can do.

>caring about SP and not doing duel after you beat it on nightmare

Because it is too hard for nu-gaymers and normies.

The skill floor is absolutely brutal.

I'm not brain damaged enough to lock myself into endlessly retaining one experience countless times instead of going and experiencing new ones.

I said more like it, not the same thing again.

do any NA nibbas want to duel rn

>too hard
that's not how it works

it is, have you ever played qw duel? even an average player would 50-0 a csgo normie

A multiplayer game can't be too hard because the difficulty is based on your opponent.

>what is a skill floor

any minor skill difference in a game like an arena shooter is extremely amplified

it's sort of like the old fighting games where a scrub is never going to take a game off a pro

Something that's too low to be relevant in any game made by a competent designer.

Because it has worse single player than Doom so nobody cares about it apart from ridiculous autists (like you, for example).

Doom and Unreal are far better singleplayer games.

>Because it has worse single player than Doom
Explain your position.


But that's blatantly untrue. It's combat is massively more complex than either.

Original Quake really isn't king at anything, there are better singleplayer shooters like doom and quake multiplayer only got perfected until 3.

It has worse and less diverse enemy designs (compared to Doom 2), SSG sucks, Thunderbolt is a boring ultimate weapon compared to fucking BFG.

Complexity has never meant better, and even so Quake weapons and gameplay is way too simple, it never tries anything different from dungeon based level design and weapons are pretty basic, unreal weapons are far more original and enemies have much better AI and variety.