>OneyPlays thread gets hundreds of posts
>Mods delete Our Guy thread after 20 minutes.
Fuck off mods, this thread is for discussing the video game review Ryab LeTurtle who has also designed video games such as "capital city quiz"
>OneyPlays thread gets hundreds of posts
>Mods delete Our Guy thread after 20 minutes.
Fuck off mods, this thread is for discussing the video game review Ryab LeTurtle who has also designed video games such as "capital city quiz"
He's boring.
I'm glad he steamrolled through fallout 3.
>"ourguy" thread
>posting anything but grassroots Sup Forums-based channels like Based-Bit Brody
Supporting e-celebs is cancer.
I acquiesce his content
Does he cheat on the Dark Souls LPs? His level of competence should not allow him to defeat them so easily
Who /Narcissa/ here
Same. The people that voted for that were just trying to recapture the magic that happened in New Vegas
>le e-celebs are cancer
>except the ones I like lmao
Kill yourself.
>so easily
He ran past what he couldn't actually defeat in combat except bosses
Comfy as background noise but altogether a bit worthless. Straight up let's players are boring as shit, little to no editing makes for monotonous content
Shut ur dick
>working harder for no gain
This is why they don't edit their shit, people will still watch it one way or another.
>Comfy as background noise but
But that's the only reason people watch this stuff, so. I watch LPs when cooking dinner or in bed before passing out
>There are people in this board who actually like Austin
lion strats my man.
>There are people that dont like Dan
You can tell those people have never been able to make jokes with a friend and instead only get made fun of but never have the balls to bring it up
/ourguy/ tier:
Reddit but still /ourguy/ tier:
Reddit scum tier:
Furry scum tier:
9gag scum tier:
Official tier list of NLSS cohosts
God tier: Ryan, Josh, Baer
Good tier: Mathas, sinvicta, Nick
Meh tier: Austin, Rob
Shit tier: Cobalt
Dan is not funny. I don't get the appeal desu. And yes, I have friends and like goofing off with them. The only time he's tolerable is when he takes Austin out of his comfort zone.
>There are people on this board that hate Austin just because he's a furfag
Also MALF is meh tier
Dan is god tier
He's a faggot in general. But yes, the fact he's a furfag certainly doesn't help.
>His 4 part emoticon
Your point being?
People like Dan because he feels like the only one Ryan actually likes. They feel like genuine buttbuddy friends and it's kind of endearing
There are people that unironically like Nek and Cobalt
GOLD gets a bit obnoxious but Nek is pretty good when he tries.
I hope they bring Kory more. He seems like a cool guy
how do people know austin is a furfag?
He said it on reddit I think. Also Dan social engineered him multiple times. He's also gay
okay but that doesn't really mean much. is there any -actual- evidence?
>That time Dan got him to admit he wanted to fuck his dog
Austin is the worst
>cohost spreads fake news when it comes to conservatives
>thinks le GOP = evil.
>tries to make sure no minority is offended by joke at all times.
>self censors, not saying rape instead saying "that" .
>yells like a fucking retard when playing stupid meme game.
Not my guy!!cuck!!
Where’s Baer?
>MALF finally ragequit the PUBG series
About time
What the fuck are you memeing about?
Ryan is genuinely friends with Josh and Malf and has been for over 15 years
Can't blame him for not wanting to get into trouble. Hes still very active on youtube, and we all know the situation over there.
ex: PDP saying nigger on twitch, people try to strike on his YT channel
austin is actually the worst