Even Valve is doing SJW characters now

Even Valve is doing SJW characters now.

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Hey, blue people play video games too.

I just put in your application for the club Sup Forums membership. You officially fit in. Congrats.

Alyx has existed for 13 fucking years moron

what is this from


>Half Life 3 was developed years ago
>Gamergate hit right as the game was finishing up
>Valve realized Gordon Freeman silently oppressing minorities (Combine) with his phallic object (crowbar) was not PC
>Entire game is being reworked
>Gordon Freeman has multiple understanding/caring choice speech options and dies halfway through
>Alyx Vance is now much darker and sports a progressive Afro
>Previously unheard of Vortigaunt queen vaporizes the combine


These are solid designs, though



I wonder if the people who made this thought they would be taken seriously, or if it was always bait?

Cool. Is this for dota or a new IP?

It's just a hairstyle.

LOOK OUT. the SJW bogeymen are coming to get you user.

Just like Hitler's mustache is "just a mustache"

You tell em my dear neogaffer friend! PUNCH A NAZI!

I just can't wrap my head around someone taking a shitpost maymay so seriously that they feel the need to include fucking sources in it.

This. What the hell is SJW about them?

What is this?

>getting triggered by a hairstyle

That looks like an orc, don't female lorcs usually look like that?

Okay, use the hitler mustache every day and upload pics to facebook then, see how well that goes.



>tfw I unironically find this haircut extremely hot

It's the mullet of this generation, get over it.

Orcs have their heads cleanly shaved (or flat out hairless partitions), not buzzed.

I'm sure there's also people who have a hard time having names like Adolf.

This would be a top-notch shitpost if it weren't so accurate. Too many threads like this eventually progress into faggots arguing over race

WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS FROM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???

oh my god a WOMAN in my video game, and she as BLUE hair as well?! what the fuck

Well that hairstyle fits what I think of when I see female orc

You have a thinking impairment regarding female orcs.

ika musume

It really isn't far from the truth.

For some reason no one is ever posting the sauce for these

Thats why no one is named Adolf and the Hitler descendants agreed to not have offspring.

i like how the picture of the white nationalist has a black guy stood behind him

Ok, but that design could had easily been part of a ciberpunk setting 20 years ago, I have sci fi comics from the 80s with females looking like that