First videogame general

Hey Sup Forums.

What was your first videogame?

Mine was "Adventure" on the 2400. Back on those days games were often simply called what they were supposed be.

Let me explain what is in the picture. The square is the player character, the weapon floating to the square is your weapon. The weapon is a crossbow. The monster is supposed to be a dragon. Back in those days it can be hard to tell what you are looking at.

You know Sup Forums. This tread is about to leave the 10th page

There are several threads that has derailed into the typical "my friend came over over to play videogames, but it was really to jack each other off but we are still not gay. "

1943 for the NES

It's still my favorite point and click series it was the first game my mom got when she got a computer

mine was probably Sonic 2, maybe Shaq Fu
it didn't seem that bad back then...

Either some interactive story-book thing on Macintosh or SMB on NES if the first one doesn't count.

Did you like it? Any memories?

Skyrim blew me away when I was 12! SUCH AN EPIC GAME

banjo kazooie definitely, even still have my old 64 and the cart for it

I am going to make sure my kids first game will be on PC.

Magical Kid Whiz for the MSX. Shit was tough.

That game was made by Japanese businessmen at capcom.
It's pretty fucked up if you think about it.
Those were basically their parents in the planes getting shot down.

Anybody first game was on the gamecube, ps2, or Xbox?

>4th game was put on hold indefinitely because of Myst 3 until the company shut down in 2002
What a waste desu

Interesting viewpoint.

CDs what a meme. Was it just on one CD? I bet a lot of Sup Forums posters never dealt with a CD and don't know a CD is different from a DVD.

Fuck no it was on 3 CDs. When I got the trilogy set years later it came in a fat box with 8 CDs

Prince of Persia on DOS
Still a fantastic game DESU, I periodically go back and play through it and the sequel every year or so.

The first video game on a system I owned (well, my family owned) was some TI-99/4A title. Probably Parsec, Midnite Mason, or Hunt the Wumpus, given how much I played those.

I remember playing some Wolfenstein, Carmen Sandiego, and some car repair/racing game at school as well. I'm not sure if that was before or after the TI computer, though.

I've always meant to sit down and play through Adventure, but just never got the chance.

The original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles arcade game, right after seeing the live action movie in theaters. I was 5.

Do you know what word means, right?

Very stereotypical i suppose, but this was all i knew for a few years. I played it over and over. Funny enough i just grabbed two flutes in first world every time and just skipped a big bunch og the game most of the time.
This was from 4-6 years old or so.

Why would using the word general be inappropriate here?

This was certainly close to my first as well. I think my first was pitfall on the same system. Adventure is one of my favorites from that generation, along with brezerk, and yars revenge.

Pokemon Crystal, but I played it on the original Gameboy Advance

What else would it have been I was born in the 80's and Nintendo was huge.

duck hunt?

Can you believe all these original nes kiddies?

A "general" is a series of threads on the same topic, usually meaning that they are linked or continuing a line of discussion between threads. A single thread, especially one which won't hit 100 posts, isn't a general.

Plus, generals are supposed to go in /vg/ and not be on Sup Forums at all.

Dr. Mario on the Gameboy.
My Mom's Gameboy, I was born in 1998.
She also had Kirby's Dreamland 2, Kirby's Pinball Land, Tetris, and Caesar's Palace.
I got a DS in 2007, first game for that was Mario Kart DS I think.
To this day I much prefer handhelds to consoles/PC.

this is a movie shill. ignore

Yeah, I had the dual cart. Most kids my age did.

Technically Combat for the Atari VCS, as it was the pack-in for that shit. My first love on it was Missile Command.

What do you mean? No one has ever mentioned a movie. If you bring one up, you're the shill.

Halo 3

Earliest game I played was Spelunx and the Caves of Mr. Seudo.

One day this will be a serious post.

this and yoshi's island gave me a fucking vore fetish.
also the first game to have the dev hide his credentials in if I remember.

>back in those days
First vidya I really got into was forgotten realms series on C64
and nebulus

I think the graphics were so bad that they were incredible. allow me to explain
you really did let your imagination run wild as the graphics didn't give you a lot of detail.
Now the graphics are quite good, but good to the point of taking away from your own imagination, it's right there for you to see.
Unfortunately what I imagine the character to be like is nothing like what modern vidya, particularly the graphics, presents.
Take ME:Andromeda purely from a graphics point of view, theyre quite impressive (compared to say atari 2400) but the character models are ugly as fuck and unnatural.

A shit analogy would be to compare a blank canvas to a poorly drawn but highly detailed picture.
>tfw you could pirate c64 vidya with a dual cassette boom box

I don't remember

nigga it could be today
2007-1999 = 8 years old
There could be some kids who started with it

The animations are still shockingly smooth and fluid for how old the game actually is

Super Mario World on my cousin's SNES.

Sup Forums only acts 8 years old. Maybe there are some 11 year olds but 8 is like a unicorn.

My favorite Mario.

I meant that people who were 8 when Halo 3 released are 18 now.

I'm not bringing one up. but there is a movie coming out that feeds on the 80's nostalgia so if you see references to Adventure, Tempest, Joust, Black Tiger, Zork, or arcades in general it may be a shill thread

ninja on the zx spectrum. it had a bug in it that meant you could never complete it. Only found this out many years later when I got internet access.

the first video game I ever played was Pole Position(not the arcade version). I remember because I sucked at it and could never get past the qualifying race. 15 years later and I've finally able to finish it. (beat my high score about 20 times now)

may have been Link to the Past, that's the one of which I have the oldest distinct memory

I know Dad was big on Tetris so there's a chance there's something earlier about it

Most people who name a specific title are lying.
You can remember the general group of games you played as a child, but not the first.

Super Mario 64 on one of these things. All I can remember is being extremely confused by the controller and never managing to get past that first room when you enter the castle.

A shill thread that doesn't mention a product. Such wow such shill.

You are the one bringing up movies you idiot.

Do you even listen to yourself?

Honestly I got lucky, my first game was Super Mario Bros when I was 3.
Couldn't get pass the first level of course
I didn't get how to play until I got my SNES at 5 or 6 and realized there was a run button all along.

Super Mario 2 for the nes.


Mega Man 3.
With some serious perseverance, little me could defeat the first wave of robot masters, but I never did beat the game in its entirety.

I don't know which was first, but my earliest memories are my parents teaching me to play Defender, Kangaroo, and Pole Position on the Atari 2600.

lying faggot

Why would he like about that?

pic related was my first. I still think it is a pretty solid game, even today.

The dirty secret about Mega Man is that the last set of levels always suck.

Pretty sure pic related was my first console experience.
I played compute games beforehand, but I was like a toddler so fuck if I can remember which was first.

I was one of those

In a few years most people's first game will be a cellphone game like angry birds.

a cartoony projectile-puzzle game isn't really that bad of a first game. everyone needs something to get their almonds activated