Ryzen is finished
Ryzen is finished
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Why is the 8700k base clock lower than the 7700k?
>still having locked and unlocked cpus in 2017
two more cores compared to the 7700k
why is intel doing this shit
2 extra cores, also turbo boost is higher at 4.7, as opposed the 7700k's 4.5. Not worth upgrading from a 7700/6700k anytime soon though.
>and still needing to delid the $400 cpu and void warranty to actually be able to overclock
Woud not single core performance suffer? I thought thats the was the one thing Intel had over AMD?
>when you release your 5 year old 14nm CPUs for the third time and people will still buy it because the commercials tell them to
Intel is taking too many cues from Apple
Dat 8700 looks sexy as fuck. Gonna get it with Volta 2070. Fuck AMD. I waited for Vega which they delayed again and again and got fucked by miners in the end. Never ever I'm gonna touch red products again.
It can be hard to compare clock rates directly between different architectures. Usually a new architecture is more efficient, and can match or beat the old one on a lower clockrate. But who knows without testing.
You're paying $60 extra for manufacturer binning.
People asked for that, manufacturer binning, for as long as CPUs have existed.
Now it is bullshit that you're not actually allowed to OC the bad bins but I guess it's to prevent dumbasses trying to get 5ghz out of their shit chip and frying it and getting upset at intel.
There was a rumor that coffee i3 will work on 2xx mobos. Was it confirmed/deconfirmed? I'd love to get cheap 4 cores.
This is coffeelake, another 14nm architecture.
Just like Kabylake, it will have virtual IPC parity with skylake.
>not finding a chip so golden that it's more powerful than any mortal chip that will be released for years
>intel has first competition in over a decade
>suddenly drops pricing
Fuck em 1600x craps over 8700 anyway
This lineup is obsolete since Intel has Ice Lake ready for early next year. I feel terrible to these people who will buy this shit.
They are 8-core mainstream chips that would no doubt destroy half of their Skylake X family.
Although I must admit that the 7700k already demolishes Ryzen in most games, adding two more cores is just twisting the knife.
no hyperthreading on i5 no buy
AMD (the CPU division) and AMD Radeon (Remnants of ATI) are two different branches
The CPU side is doing well since Intel is content on doing nothing until recently while the GPU side is getting smashed by based Asian leather jacket man
>1600x craps over 8700 anyway
But why? The real boards with the features for coffee lake aren't even coming out till later.
>Fuck em 1600x craps over 8700 anyway
In some AMD board room echo chamber?
Ryzen killed i5s and i3s but Intel has an iron grip over the premium mainstream platform.
What CPU cooler do you use?
If they fuck up by making their high end OC cpus use cheap ass TIM again and require delidding I swear I will go to Ryzen.
>not finding a chip so golden that it's more powerful than any mortal chip
>opens image
>not 25k
Sure bud.
It's Kabylake + 2 cores
Literally the same build and all of that so the toothpaste thing is still there
This is anti-semitic and sexist
Pls buy intel and show your support for israel and feminist frequency
AMD is an embarrassing failure as always, so let's not be too hard on little Intel.
They just need competition.
Nobody buys intel because of their obsolete architecture that stutters in everything.
>nobody buys intel
I want Intel get fucked for once but EVERYONE buys Intel. Intel NEEDS competition.
>tfw Samsung doesn't get into PC CPU's
Considering that clock speeds per core are lower I expect actually worse performance in some games than 7700. I'm not a big fan of Ryzen, but jesus christ, Intel, you give me no choice.
No, intel needs to surpass AMD in actual gaming without stutters.
Coffee Lake is an overpriced housefire with even worse overclocking, it's best to avoid it. Maybe their 2021 new uarch will not be a disaster, but we'll see.
>2 channels ddr4
>ryzen is finished
>tfw still using an i5 2500k I got in 2011
>want to upgrade this Christmas
So what do you think lads? Ryzen or Intel?
I'll be making an entirely new build, but I'll be moving my 25k to mATX
High-high-end - Intel
Low to low-high end - Ryzen
i7s still shit on Ryzen IN GAMING in most applications even with all their issues.
Should I upgrade? I donĀ“t really feel like I need to right now. Prey runs at 115FPS with an overclocked GPU
hm why is this familiar
If you feel like burning money, sure, why not?
Guess not. I think I can probably get away with not upgrading until the next console generation is released.
>Should I upgrade?
frankly you could pick either and be absolutely fine
>have a 3570k
>get the wrong mobo for it
>eventually get it flashed so it can actually detect the cpu
>flash it again later so i can OC it
>bios screen is all corrupted
>still boots automatically
>dont want to touch it or try flash it again in case i brick the board
If you're going to minmax then you should be sure. Majority of people are going to be just fine with 1600x perfomance and stability, but I would not recommend a ryzen for 4k or >144hz gaming. Maybe 1440p gaming too if you're looking for really perfomance heavy games.
Why didn't you return it
>28% usage
>power below 65w
>64% usage
>power deliberately removed
really activates my almonds
>aymd fags are THAT desperate
>clock speeds per core are lower I expect actually worse performance in some games than 7700
Probably I'll not buy Intel ever again, but I am still rocking my 2500k.
I had it since 2011, clocked at 4.8 GHz, aircooled, I wanted to upgrade for years, but I will only upgrade when I buy into the 4K meme, it's plenty for my 1060.
I've been upgrading my computer for years but CPUs have always been the thing that perplexed me. I could nevr tell what to look at besides maybe the Ghz for CPUs, and I never understand what the ####k numbers mean. I always imagine that i3, i5, i7, etc are just the generation numbers, but if that's so then where's stuff like i4 and i6?
I can never compare AMD or Intel CPUs because I just don't know what to look for. People can look at my CPU when I post it though and laugh at how weak it is at a glance, but I can't tell what they look at. It's an Intel Core i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz
I'm using the same CPU with an R9 290X, the 4k meme is already completely doable if you're playing previous generation games
Buy Intel and Nvidia, always. You will never be disappointed this way.
The people who tell you to buy AMD think they are leading a 'resistance' for the 'underground, for the people' company called Advanced Micro Devices. They legitimately think this company cares about them, and they are freedom fighters for misleading consumers in its name.
>55 dollars for the ability to overclock
They really are outjewing themselves lately.
When I bought my 2500k it was like 10-20$ difference.
But I want to be able to distinguish a good CPU from a bad CPU.
how many more years will I list lads?
>locked CPU
yes I know don't bully
Now you're just speaking like a shill.
There is nothing wrong with going ryzen however it is bad for gaming or single threaded applications. However the biggest thing about ryzen is the price. It's competitive when price is one of your main factor on choosing what to buy.
However, most content creation programs are single-threaded/single core. Most adobe are single and the only content creation people would use for that is not single-threaded is blender and similar programs. NON-HOBBYIST WILL NOT HAVE A SMALL BUDGET SO THEY WILL NOT GO WITH RYZEN SO YTERS SAYING THAT THIS IS GOOD FOR CONTENT CREATION ARE FUCKING SHITHEADS.
>using video games as a reason to not buy a CPU
you are all retarded, you aren't going to play any game that actually bottlenecks with your CPU. You can get either of the new ones and not have any issues.
>There is nothing wrong with going ryzen however it is bad for gaming or single threaded applications.
For everything, really.
4 core $330 CPU performing even with $500 8-core CPU.
i5 2500k still holds strong
you might last another 3 years
>Toms hardware
>recommended CPUs of the month for the money
>Intel Intel Intel Intel Intel Intel
seems legit
If my game is choppy at the start of matches or sometimes hiccups with framerate lag, that means it's time to upgrade my CPU right?
It has mixed result in winrar for multi-threaded and only in winrar.
Did the pajeets finally wake up the industry?
Will devs start building engines that actually use more than 2 cores?
>$359 8700k
>still no HT on i5
I was kinda hoping you retards would fall for AMD's bullshit in greater numbers so I could've had some reasonably priced upgrades this time around. Fat lot of good Ryzen did for the industry in the end. AMD might as well not exist.
a game hitching isn't always your fault. there can be some bad optimized trash games out there. can you post your specs? download speccy and use that.
his talking about a past month where toms hardware was very biased and only recommended Intel cpus that month. AMD fags got triggered and they tried to defend themselves but got shot down. They didn't make that mistake again.
go away CIA nobody want you here
Some PC's use this naming schedule.
>he thinks he has a choice!
>I want Intel get fucked for once but EVERYONE buys Intel.
Meanwhile, in reality
Maybe the game is using the 660 TI by default? I wasn't even aware you could mix and match gpus, why would you do that?
amd is fine since miners didn't have an effect on intels non existent gpu line.
But if Intel dies everyone wins.
Why is the GTX 660 ti in the PC?
i was hoping the same, fucking amd fanboys get your shit together and buy more RED
You can dedicate a secondary GPU to PhysX to relieve the primary GPU. I put the 660ti to that task once I upgraded to 1070.
yep, you can also use it for madVR tasks on other monitors to save the main gpu for the game
I gave you actual sales data, champ. Nobody gives a shit about your opt-in meme survey.
but my r5 1600 is amazing and i dont need no upgrades
any further discussion is pointless cpu wars lmao
Intel shills are not known for being smart.
well the only thing I can determine is its either your ivy bridge cpu is too low for whatever game, causing hitching or its the games optimization sucks. I get terrible hitching of fps in some games too
>data doesn't count because I say it doesn't
OK. That's why Intel has 4x as many "votes" as AMD. It's because it's opt-in, not because everyone and their mother has Intel.
>shit optmizied gamebryo
Not actual sales data, so invalid.
Care to contribute to the discussion instead of just sucking someone's e-peen because he likes the same corporation as you do?
>Sup Forums recommends Intel
>Sup Forums recommends Ryzen
>most tech forums recommend Ryzen
>tech magazines recommend Ryzen
>somehow Intel is supposed to be still the best
Remember kids, never trust Sup Forums when it comes to technology.
>I do not need no upgrades
So you do need upgrades then?
>gaming board recommends the best gaming cpu
>everyone else recommends subpar cpus for gaming but good for everything else.
Because intel is better with gaming. What did you expect?
>most tech forums recommend Ryzen
>tech magazines recommend Ryzen
when should i upgrade my 4690k
i think it still runs everything i play very well
Like I said, I'd love Intel to get their shit pushed in for once. But it hasn't happened yet. All the tech forums are just riding AMD's dick because it's the first time in a decade they've come close to Intel performance. AMD needs to do better, and everyone dickriding them doesn't help except retard Redditors that now just blindly buy AMD.
Probably icelake.
If you're gaming then probably go intel, everything else productivity and workwise, go with AMD
The difference is that Sup Forums si filled with more intel shills recommending their abortions when Ryzen Threadripper and Epyc are shitting on Intel hardcore.