>2007 was 10 years ago
2007 was 10 years ago
>1997 was 100 years ago
>1980 was 5 years ago
>We are closer to 2030 than we are to 2000
>Kids born in 2000 will turn 18 next year.
>In 2021, the kids who were born in 2000 will be 21
>we are closer to 2100 than we are to 1940
Video game industry has been dead for a decade, how time flies.
>2005 was 2 months ago
this generational shift is going be hella interesting
After all, it truly was
VIDEO GAMES[/spoile]
>20 years ago was 30 years ago
>1 BC was one minute ago
>2054 was 14 seconds ago
>Quads were one post ago
nice quads
>9/11 happened yesterday
Everything feels so unreal...
When did the phrase "children are our future" become so horrifying?
>this 5 was 10 years ago
When we stopped being the children
When you realized why adults always say your generation looks like total shit.
holy shit man, nice quads :)
when children started thinking being trans is okay and traps aren't gay
>tfw neet
>world passed me by
>Wii was released in 2006
>tfw you look back at history and realise no generation has fucked up their kids and the future generations more than Boomers, except possibly right before the fall of Rome
Who do you think taught them that?
>Who do you think taught them that?
the internet, which is still a fault of the parent since they use tablets and smartphones and laptops to keep their kids distracted
>spent all morning shitposting on Sup Forums instead of playing video games or actually sorting my life out
>fall of Rome
>not referring to the destruction of Persia through pussified generations
That's not how the internet used to be.
The internet used to be far more cruel to anyone who brought their problems to it than most people's enemies are.
Then women and boomers discovered it.
How does it feel? Knowing you'll be alive when someone wipes out this generation due to pussification?
>not even referencing the doom of Valyria which was not a volcano or meteor but equal rights for women
>fall of Rome
Every generation thinks the next is worse. The Boomers have caused a larger volume of "useless" people who contribute nothing to society, but that was already on the rise due to government handouts (at least in the U.S.) In general, however, this will lead to a tying back of familial unity in the long-run wherein many families in more industrial places will start congregating like in times past, simply because the kids just don't move away.
I played some video games today. They were fun.
Persia was always doomed, ironically because of one its great strengths; its diversity. They allowed their conquered nations to stay basically the same as they were before, rather than taking on more of the conqueror's traits.
That's why Rome had a better chance at lasting, but they failed because they got too soft. Now we're watching the USA (and Western civilization in general) follow the same path
Feels like 2000 is closer to 1987 than today
Millennials are legitimately the worst generation in history. It's not because of parents though, it's because of social media and smart phones.
This. And I'm a millennial. Wait, are 19 year olds millennials? I hate the people my age anyways.
I am inclined to agree on that front.
Just wait until the children of milenials.
>They were fun.
Where the fuck do you think you are?
you obviously don't realize that millennials are gonna raise children with their beliefs, making worse millennials
I hate to break it to you guys, but Boomers use social media and smart phones too.
>le wrong generation
Your kind disgusts me unless it's a bait post
Well, it's just how I was raised. I think gays are alright, but all this other stuff sucks. Sorry, I'm also drunk.
But nowhere near as much as the Millennials.
Yeah. Like if you aren't 18+ by the turn of the century, you're effectively in that group.
As am I and many of this board's userbase.
And this site's userbase.
Which generation of Middle Eastern men are Boomers?
it's not the social media and smart phones. Those are symptoms, not the cause.
The causes are the mindless capitalistic systems that priorities buying products endlessly, and the rewarding of users handing over their personal data.
It's not the millennials fault, because they didn't create those systems, they were forced into using them.
>place drink right next to piss bottle
>accidentally take a swig of my piss bottle
Eat shit, commie
capitalism isn't at fault, it's corporatism
Shit, that one got me.
I meant to say that, but I'm fucking shitfaced and got it wrong. fite me
>we are closer to 1989 than to 30,443,643 A.D
>This November, it'll have been 10 years since Chris was discovered by Sup Forums and the ED Forums
>Time moves in linearity
>having a piss bottle
fucking degenerate
we've all been there
>he wastes water
Do you just enjoy paying more money for no reason?
>capitalism isn't at fault, it's corporatism
>not all companies are bad!
>September 24, 2017 was one day ago
>September 26, 2017 is tomorrow
>Tomorrow decides if Playerunknown's Battlegrounds lives or dies
>in Honolulu it is still Sunday, September 24, 2017
>I don't know what corporatism is
Corporatism is more about the government than the corporations themselves.
God damn it Jesus stop your quad posting.
woah really? I never thought of it like that wow what an interesting post gee it sure is handy you capped and posted the most obvious thing in the planet thanks faggot
>>I don't know what islam is
islam is a religion of peace.
>we're closer to 2030 than to 2000
Not sure if anyone shares my sentiment here but I honestly feel like every sort of industry/culture that had it's core/golden age has been diluted and "infiltrated" for the masses.
There really is no sanctity in any forum of entertainment anymore and it's all been "cleaned" out in a way. It's weird. It's like every medium is past it's golden age. I'm talking music, video games, tv, movies, internet, etc.
I know this all sounds like grumpy old man shit but I honestly do feel this way. I don't feel bad about it since everything has its time and place plus highs and lows but that's just my perspective on this shit. The internet being easily available to the common normie seems to have fucked up a lot of subcultures too within most mediums. I mean that in the way how people use it as a cheap form of identity or much like how people virtue-signal on social media. Not actual people who genuinely love whatever the subculture/medium is.
Things just have gotten past their prime and we're in this kinda creative limbo now. Everything seems to have been done already.
I'm sorry I made you angry with a screen cap user
>One minute was one minute ago!
The greatest and the most special time in human history is 90s
Nothing can compare
it will not happen again
There are people living in Hawaii posting in this thread right now.
I feel blessed to have seen video games make the full jump to 3D graphics. That shit was fucking awesome.
no shit, man. especially as far as movies or music go. what HASN'T been done before?
No thanks, I'm Russian
Fuck you, i take 90s russia over the current shit any fucking day.
We still have sace travel
Being russian in 90ies wasn't that bad if you were in Moscow and your parents knew what the fuck they were doing desu, senpai.
>if you were in Moscow
Guess what, I wasn't
Most people that were in Russia in the 90's didn't know what they were doing. Or other ex soviet countries. Hence the crime and poverty.
And I've spent most of those 10 years playing games that died premature deaths.
Well sucks to be you then.
I was too young to fully comprehend how lucky I was but all the influx of nifty western things really amped up my childhood. Had the USSR still going at the time it wouldn't be half fun as it was. SNES, PS1, playing and trading Pokemon with friends on our GBAs, shit was real damn cash. Was quite surprised to find out later that my childhood was considered to be "majorous" thought it was the norm for anyone.
>more time has passed from ps3 release to now than between ps2 release and ps3 release
Yeah I remember about crime going rampant but whatevs, people survived and some even thrived. Nothing new, nothing old. Even good since it allowed access to fun western stuff.
>it is the year 2017
>the world still looks boring and not sci-fi enough
Nigger we have 3D holograms, VR, 3D printing, touch phones more powerful than the space ship that went to the fucking moon, fibre op internet, remote control drones with 4K cameras, and we'll be going to mars within a decade. Get the fuck out of here with the "hurr we dont have self tying shoes" meme.
But it's not aesthetic
>only a decade or two left before we hit the singularity and life turns into either pure hell or heaven
Get that weak shit out of here. We are closer to 2065 than 1965.
>implying his outdated prediction chart accounted for quantum physics and the entanglement phenomenon
Seriously, people treating that shit as dogmatic need to get a grip.
>Spend 06 new years eve in azeroth
>Spend 07 new years even with friends
>Met gf there
>no more gf
>think back to 07
>A brief glimps of hope and a future compared to 06 and now
>Get into old games
>Fanbase is long dead and you can only find old fanart and duscussions
>yesterday was two days ago
>he hashas no poo towel
>still no android gf
a-any year now, right guys?