PUBG will die down in a month it's FOTM

>PUBG will die down in a month it's FOTM
>PUBG will never sell a million copies it's impossible
>PUBG will never surpass DOTA2


McDonalds is popular as well

Fuck off this is a Japanese video games and anime website.


who cares tho

this is the best way to derail any thread on Sup Forums

Hey guys lets guess till the first.
Sup Forums

Ooo shadman



Pubg threads should be banned on Sup Forums for inciting flamewars

>guns should be banned for killing people
>cars should be banned for causing accidents

Only when retards use them

Like on this site

>Arabs should be banned

Fucking normies

How about banning people who get triggered by PUBG success? They're the ones shitting up the board.

This and the Fortnite falseflaggers


>Banning posters and not threads

Maybe stop shilling your shitty game

You can't act like fortnite won't cause a disruption to pubg once it goes free to play

>You can't act like fortnite won't cause a disruption to pubg once it goes free to play
I know, looks quite fun. just the spam of threads cause the idiots at bluehole said some stupid shit.

Yeah I'm tired of it too. What a mess this fucking game mode has caused

leave pubg to me

>over a billion jillion players guys!
>on any given game, no matter the time of day, there are 13-15 people that either just jump out, parachute, and float/land wherever and don't move, or stay to the landing zone
>this is so much of a problem that people go to the landing zone to punch the bots and end up just adding less people going out and looting
>people like me actually do this and bot farm/have made more than the price tag back
>less than 600k of the players are legit, and even less players are consistent
your game isn't even a fucking video game at this point it's just a way for me to make money to buy better games

>ban spoons for making people fat

>tfw bought a new comp just to play pubg

It's arriving today

Have fun my dude.
what specs?

lmao I refunded that shit within 45 minutes of playing it.

me too, user.

PUBG is a cancerous game whose success contributes nothing to the industry (and if anything it actively damages future entries). There is absolutely zero reason to be happy for those stats.

I'm so mad The Culling died. It was so good before the devs fucked it.

>N-n-not all pubg players are bad! I swear! :(


Alright dude keep celebrating the destruction of videogames, I'm sure that way it will hurt less when your favorite franchise is affected.


No one expected it to be so popular in China.

this. we had threads early on, but then it devolved into shit because of contrarianism and PERSONAL ISSUES


>falseflaggers are the ones shitting up the board with these retarded threads
>"yeah dude let's ban the people calling them out"

I look forward to trying the free version of pugb on fortnite. I want to see what the fuss is about, but I'd never pay 30$ for multi-only bullshit.

I got a refund on PUBG yesterday, OP.

Is this copypasta like 2 weeks old? they've changed it so afks dont get points now

I know/v/ is autistic but all the people crying in this thread about a game they can ignore is hilarious

It doesn't matter anyway, the threads will go away themselves because there is absolutely nothing about the game to talk about (it's just a large map fps) other than bragging about how many players they have.

Lads, how do we make PlayerUnknown fuck off from this board forever?

Good, video game industry needs a new crash.

>Posts a western image

It's simple, we create a game better than it.

>try to have a discussion about pubg months ago
>fotm memers and dumb contrarians come and ruin any discussion
you deserved the endless chart shitposting

Creating a better game evidently does nothing, you need to create mass appeal bait.

I think PUBG fans are just asspained because deep down they know that Sup Forums just doesn't care about their game. Like, if you didn't 'muh sales charts' and 'crying wojak Sup Forums' spam the game just wouldn't get threads here. None of the fans of this game actually seem to have anything to talk about otherwise.

It reminds me of sonegroes seething because most people here think The Last of Us is overrated regardless of how much they try and push it

pubg is great for people who don't value their time or even really like their lives. its just a hiding game where you do as little as possible and your aim is to prevent others from playing the game. If people like that then good for them, but there are so many threads where they're "defending" the game as if its under constant fire. Who cares, just play your games.


PUBG might be the first time I've ever actually wanted a AAA game in an emerging genre. One that actually fucking works.

The game has a great foundation as the game mode is very fun, but it is held back by the shitty mechanics, shitty sound design, shitty graphics, and shitty director. I don't know how it is possible for Bluehole to have fucked this game so badly in a great engine like Unreal 4. It is fucking beyond me.

>It reminds me of sonegroes seething because most people here think The Last of Us is overrated regardless of how much they try and push it

TLoU is a very good game, but I personally don't really care much for it, mainly because of the characters.
Does it deserve all the praise it gets? Probably not. But is it as shit as some people on Sup Forums try and pretend that it is? No. It's just a good game.

Who the fuck cares?

post the rest

>this thread. people who suck at PUBG crying
