Meet girl who's into vidya just as much as you are

>meet girl who's into vidya just as much as you are
>she's kinda average looking but that's okay because it makes her seem obtainable or relateable
>she's really shy, awkward, asocial but that's okay cause it's kawaii
>tfw you find out she's not a virgin and has had Sex with a past bf

Oh yeah why couldn't she be pure like me and just had furiously beaten off her girlpenis to futa hentai everyday instead.

Tbf user, if it was just as easy for you as it was for a woman to get laid, you wouldn't be a virgin either.

Please stay in your deluded containment chamber where you think you're owed the whole world just for existing and being bullied in high school.

They'll never realize this

Not only do they think they're owed the world, they want to scrape the bottom of the barrel

back2plebbit normalfag


DAE social life?

So? If there's something there there's something there.

actual autism on display, everyone

You need to get over this OP.
It's how it works. Some guys have no luck with girls and can't get a gf or a FWB and it sucks. For girls it's different. They just have to pick a guy they like.
You're lucky if a girl is even mildly sane and a bit invested in a relationship and isn't just trying to exploit you or cheat on you.
You want to throw that away because she didn't wait for you or something, good fucking luck with that.

>tfw 23 and graduating college this decemeber

>tfw the chances of me finding a virgin gf are virtually zero after i graduate

Yeah, it's cause while you were busy being a loser all your life, all the other girls were busy not being losers.

>cast off a perfect match because she had sex with a bf

it is nearly as easy for us to get laid. they want us to play the masculine role and ask them out first. there's really nothing wrong with that. if we lose our gender roles then we will lose our society eventually.

What the hell is that whole retardation about MUH QT3.14 VIRGIN IRL WAIFU? When did it start? Did it begin with the nazi invasion?
I swear Sup Forums used to have meetups and gangbanged the few chicks that came. See they actually did something about their loneliness.

Reminder that you don't have to settle for used goods.

Also this thread isn't video games.

>Expecting a women into vidya to have never had sex.

They are literally never single for more then a week, what are you expecting?

>promiscuity is a virtue

At least she didnt turn out to be lesbian

>it is nearly as easy for us to get laid
Don't get involved in this Chad.

>Reminder that you don't have to settle for used goods.

How do you find virgin women though?

And how do know? I don't want to waste time dating someone who ends up not being a virgin. Am I supposed to just ask on the first date "HEY ARE YOU A VIRGIN?" I'd sound like a creep.

>Did it begin with the nazi invasion?
Iirc it began like a year after /r9k/ was made.
So long after the nazi invasion.

>used goods
I know Sup Forums is supposed to be mean and edgy and all, but I hope you don't seriously think of other people like this.

The thing is that you should get comfortable talking to and being around females before you consider a relationship. Nothing wrong with a friendly date. There doesn't have to be sex and you don't have to feel like you have to accept the girl as your one and only, especially if you don't know shit about the person.

>basing your entire self worth around how much pussy you get
Pathetic desu. Strive to improve yourself, everything else comes later.
>b-but muh depression and social anxiety
Nice excuses. You'll never get anywhere if you keep using those things as a crutch.

OP's a faggot, not vidya go fuck yourselves.

Beggers can't be choosers

you're wasting your fingers

"you don't have to settle for someone with sexual baggage"

Is that better, sweetie?

Hey OP, I'll tell you a secret. Get em young. I don't mean 18 either, there are places where you can find virgin girls if you'd just put yourself out there. And no Chris hansen, it's legal don't even start.

i'm soon to be 23 and still a virgin

i could probably be a Chad if I got /fit/

do I have to tell girls I'm a virgin? why does that even have to come up? if we love each other and have passionate sex why does it matter