I like the style, but MH gameplay has never clicked for me. It's a shame.
What a shame. Did you not have anyone to play with?
Eh game is ok. Not good. Just passable
What's the hype about it lmao.
it looks fucking great
I've never been able to play a Monster Hunter game. Gotta say I'm pretty excited to play one
>youtube video
Oh shit haha someone made anime characters a real thing haha
>not owning a psp or 3ds
What the fuck is wrong with you? You a fuckin bitch or something?
Not owning a psp is fucking criminal, at least the 3ds is somewhat forgivable.
But 3DS is basically the best portable
did you play it?
As someone who has never played any MH before, can someone give me a quick rundown on what it's like/why I would like it?
>Threads are either console wars shitposting
>Or OP coming across as a complete shill
Monster Hunter threads did not deserve this.
>That airborne mount at 30:20
Sick as fuck.
I'd say the 3DS is more criminal at this point, unless we're talking about emulation, where PSP beats it hard.
You're a hunter who kills big monsters then carves off pieces of big monsters and creates armor and weapons out of them to kill even bigger monsters
there's a bunch of variety in weapon types and the fights are cool and engaging.
psp gets that title.
Better first and second party lineup compared to the 3ds and by far the best system to hack for emulator use.
DS beats 3ds just slightly even now after years of extended life support for the 3ds. 3ds is great, don't get me wrong, but DS and psp were gods of their time. 3ds is merely an uncontested king.
still looks like casualized garbage.
The environments and soundtrack are usually great as well, the atmosphere and presentation in World looks amazing so far.
The game also shines a lot in its co-op.
>BloodBorne with Dinosaurs
Why do they like this?
>quality of life improvements means it's casualized
yeah man I'm gonna miss the fuck out of hitting up the wiki and looking at charts for everything now that it's all just built into the game.
But at least it looks like fun casualized garbage!
Seriously I'm pretty hyped for this armor set. It speaks to me and my love for fur/feathers on armor
Around 22 minutes they're in some pink forest. Is it just the stream being shit because that area looks god awful ugly.
>he didn't even post (((the list)))
cmon man, are you guys getting lazy?
Can you play as a Palico yet?
you already could
it was garbage
The environments in this game are truly fantastic. Wildspire waste and coral highlands look like some of the best in the series.
Or playing the game at 240p.
I think the stream quality just tanked, the hud looks blurred to hell as well.
well lucky you because this won't have MH gameplay
TLDR: Fun co-op boss fights.
That is a pretty looking set. Fur on shoulders is sexy.
Yeah, it's MH gameplay but even better
>about to get into mh for the first time
>no friends to play with
FUCK. Do people still play 3U online?
The atmosphere is pretty awful
There is no real hype, it's mostly just shills.
This is Anjanath right?
fuck off cunt, I've was excited when it was announced, I've been excited through all the bullshit casual-calling and I'm still pumped. This game can't come out soon enough
Sorry it won't be on your switch machine
So, is this worth it as solo player? Have no friends to play with
Why are there so many shills? in 3ds this didn't happen
Sure if you like the game, I play a lot on my own too. You can play with randoms too but that's a bit iffy, if you want people to play with Sup Forums is honestly at least competent mostly. Maybe wait for a demo, there's usually one eventually.
Wonder why they nuked the color contrast.
Even if you don't know anyone, there's always public lobbies.
Also huntan with Sup Forums is unironically fun.
Console wars. Before this E3 monster hunter threads were consistently the best threads on Sup Forums. Now they're nothing more than another thing these console warriors have ruined.
They're trying really hard to expand MH to the western market
It's why they're dumbing everything down and caving in to the open world meme
Back to MH1 color palettes.
The handhelds were more saturated to make shit stand out on the smaller screens.
You don't really have to worry about the prior series since MHW is substantially different. I don't like MH at all but MHW has sparked interest in me
A) MH is finally not on a fucking shitty limited handheld with bad controls.
B) It is finally getting quality of life improvements for the first time since 2004 (HURR CASUALS RUINING MY SERIES).
C) It's the best chance the series has ever had of becoming popular in the west and maybe your friends who weren't series dickriders already will give it a chance.
>open world meme
Shut up. Everyone wanted a MH game where you can explore freely with out a bunch of loading zones.
>It's why they're dumbing everything down
QoL != dumbing down
>open world meme
No loading screens in hunting grounds != open world
No one ACTUALLY likes Monster Hunter.
It's just a bunch of furries who got the game popular so they could turn over more people and talk about their gay ass husbando's all the time.
will this game be good as a singleplayer experience?
I don't have any friends and fuck paying for PS online
Get it on PC if you don't want to pay for online.
Solo play is a-okay
About B), I really don't get why that's the only thing shitposters latched on to. Every game has introduced QoL changes and the series is better for it.
Is that supposed to be a bad thing? Nature is heavily saturated. Maybe you should go outside some time.
Everything besides character models looks like ass.
There's going to be a PC version
>PC at a later date
>The community will be full of double dippers that already know everything about the game
I wonder how all these people claiming it's not casualized would have responded if, before world was announced, someone were to have said that they wanted to be able to walk and heal without flexing and to be able to roll out of GS charges and to be able to walk and shoot bowguns.
Wanna know why? It all started with them "wanting to broaden their audience to the west"
So from that everyone went "IT'S GETTING WESTERNIZED"
From "westernized" it got warped into "casualized"
So every fucking change is now a casualization in the eyes of naysayers.
please leave pcfags i don't play on pc and never will.
MH will always be better on consoles anyway
I wonder if you leave it idle long enough your hunter will pour some tea for you and your felyne and they both drink it.
Where the fuck did I say it was good or bad? Go shitpost somewhere else.
People are gonna know everything as soon as some Jap scans the player's guide anyways.
>making an excessive number of QoL changes to the point of cutting into core mechanics isn't dumbing things down
3DS is just an Ace Attorney machine so far as I'm concerned.
So it's just the group of people who only saw the (terrible) reveal trailer?
>roll out of GS charges
You have a shoulder tackle that only goes forward, but you can't get knocked down by weak attacks during it. You still take damage and can still get sent flying. You can roll after the tackle or go into another charge.
Okay, faggot, I'll bite
>cutting into core mechanics
Such as?
You left out the repetition and gorillion hours of mushroom picking.
Westernization typically is casualization.
What core mechanics have been changed?
My nigga
Correct, gonna hunt him to extinction for his sexy ass armor
Well the game only has HR quests which are all easy to do solo
yep, it started with that. Then they spread the slander about how casualized World is.
Now even though we've gotten to see the game so much better and had multiple explanations from devs people STILL insist on calling every single fucking change a casualization because that's what they heard the "cool veterans" say
To be fair Mushroom picking early on is tradition.
the westernized dudebro audience we assume they're shooting for is casuals so what's the difference?
>he doesn't use farms
come back in 10 years
point is it's not being casualized.
fuck off switchbros
atleast you still have XX
Oh ok, my bad. But still, it seems to me like people wouldn't be defending a lot of these changes if they weren't actually confirmed for World. I bet if they announced tomorrow that you actually could roll out of GS charges these people would defend it, but I bet they wouldn't defend it right now.
I do not own a switch. I'm sorry that I triggered you by saying that westernization is casulization. Even though I make no mention of my opinion of anything. Faggot
I was like that when I saw it too. Everything since then has been great though, but I'm still a bit cautious about it (DLC stuff and whether or not it has G-Rank).
nigger im probably buying a ps4 to play it if i cant end up waiting long enough for the pc release, but if you don't think rolling out of attacks and running at basically full speed while drinking a potion makes the game inherently easier you're fucking retarded
>own psp
>love it so much I'm always carrying it
>for some reason I take my 8GB memory stick and put it in my pocket
>forget about it and wash my pants
>memory stick dies
That's what I get for using clean clothes.
That's a dumb hypothetical
Anyways yeah it looks like GS' playstyle has really gotten changed though, the draw attack is a lot weaker so they might be forced to actually combo now.
I would have and I've been playing MH since the PSP. I've never been anal about MH never changing ever and there was plenty of shit that I wished wasn't so fucking strict or obtuse for literally no reason. I play MH because it's an action game, not a survival game. Making more modern action game changes is not a negative in my opinion.
potions don't heal you instantly anymore tho
and if you roll out of the potion animation, you don't get the full amount of healing.
and with the gs you can't roll out of attacks, you can do a shoulder charge that has super armor, but you still take damage.
>GS ever being nerfed
i call bullshit
>rolling out of attacks and running at basically full speed while drinking a potion
See, you're taking things at surface value. The new hardware means they can do a lot more with the game. This includes making the AI more aggressive and not having any more loading screens. This also means that the old gameplay needs to be adjusted to make it fair for the hunter again. So perhaps they realized that with the new AI the old system no longer works and potionwalking was created. It's no longer viable in most situations to stand still for a full three seconds in order to heal. Same points go for rolling out of attacks.
>potions don't heal you instantly anymore
They never did. You had to wait until your character finished drinking. Except now rather than having to wait the whole time to get the healing you can opt to wait only half the time to get half the healing
People make fun of her now but the autism will grow on them and soon she'll be waifued like the female MC from Mass Effect Andromeda.
it looks pretty great, i've been needing a game i can mindlessly play while i catch up on podcasts and shit so i'm hyped for it.
>b-but you can't leave the area now, it's only fair
>b-but they'll make monsters more aggressive, you'll see
>nintenbro, seething, etc.
I'll probably buy MHW and even enjoy it, but I'm not going to delude myself into thinking it won't be the easiest MH game to date
ay lmao
This honestly doesn't change much for someone like me. Not like running away to heal was as hardcore as you think it is