>tfw like everything about this so far but the actual gameplay
Tfw like everything about this so far but the actual gameplay
Where's your face?
He has no face and must shitpost
That's how I felt about Xenoblade Chronicles
I never finished it man the gameplay sucks
You aren't one of those retarded newfags that think >tfw means "the face when", are you?
I don't understand why they changed the gameplay from XCX.
XCX grounded combat was great, it only needed a few improvements here and there.
XC2 combat is insanely slow and not even remotely interesting
might be the first xeno game i skip
I like everything so far, including the gameplay, EXCEPT for the protagonist. Hopefully it going back to its Xenoblade 1 roots means we can form a party without the protag in, and if so, as soon as I get a party of four, I'm kicking Rex out.
Interested in the game as well but that combat looks fucking atrocious.
Ain't following this one closely because when i was following X i thought it looked like shit but when i finally played it i became a nigga shouting UH YEAH all night long, so what's the deal with the combat this time around? Only saw one live presentation don't know where were they explained arts and how you only carry 3 but you can switch between 3 sets of 3 or something like that
I don't mind the gameplay, I'm just happy that it looks like we'll have an serviceable story in the game compared to the shitshow that was X.
it's like playing dance dance revolution. fucking yellow bellies
Repeat after me, Sup Forums:
Gameplay =/= just combat.
Gameplay =/= just combat.
Gameplay =/= just combat.
They've made some changes to the combat that only seem to make it both more boring and convoluted.
>You can carry three Blades around
>Each Blade comes equipped with only three arts (meaning you have access to a maximum of 12 arts at any given time)
>Arts now only charged by hitting the enemy with an auto-attack, instead of over time
>Arts are not charged at the start of battle, meaning you MUST auto-attack an enemy X amount of times before even casting a single art
>The only way to change between your Blades is to charge up your blade change ability via casting X number of Arts meaning that you have to do X number of auto-attacks X number of times to charge up and cast off X number of the same 3 arts before being allowed to change to another set of 3, heavily limiting combo potential
Not an argument
>mfw skipped X because combat looked boring but getting this because combat looks fun
Just making an observation
The rest of it sucks too
Is the auto attack damage still insignificant compared to the arts?
God just reading this shit is making my head spin
Not an argument
The combat literally looks worse.
What. For one, its slower than both other games, has no mechs, and has a retarded link system that's base don gacha prizes.
Oh and I forgot: You can no longer auto-attack and move at the same time, meaning if you want to prep yourself for a backslash, you're gonna waste time that could have been used charging your other arts.
xenoblade's combat system is a brainlet filter Tbh
because it would be stale 3 games in a row
Seriously this is looking to be one of the shittiest and most overhyped games this year. Why do people look forward to it when there is nothing to look forward to in it?
I beat both Chronicles and X. Chronicles combat was simple but had fun moments and speed.
X combat was dogshit.
Its true, mmo combat does get boring, moreso when you dont have a lot of areas/new enemies/new quests and interesting narrative.
X was just a giant shitshow. Funny enough when you finally get a mech, you get even slower combat with 20-30 second cooldowns on a lot of abilities.
chronicles has the slowest combat of the 3 games shown so far
Switch owners need games I guess? There's only one other revelent exclusive, Mario, for the next year+. So having at least 2 games for an entire year seems a bit better than just one.
X was only "fast" because of overdrive and how easy it was to exploit. I prefered Chronicles simply because it was newer at the time, had the time vision thing, and had actual good areas/enemies/bosses. X had fucking nothing. The entire game was fetch quests with like what, 6-7 bosses maybe less?
And only ONE was even challenging. What the fuck happened during the development of this game? I was completely blindsided by initial trailers. The game made Tales look like a masterpiece of writing.
>3x3 is 9 user, still 1 more than the other Xenoblade games
>We've seen from the Gamescom presentation that this is false
I don't know man that sounds a lot better than XC's "Just fire off the art as soon as it's off cooldown" gameplay. Now you have to think about what blad
Fucking hell I feel bad for shitch owners, they have nothing but fucking garbage to play. Especially XB2 shills, unironically hyping a fucking anime trope checklist game.
Quit damage controlling XB2-kun. This isn't your thread to shitpost in.
Each Blade has 3 normal arts + 1 special chargeable Blade art that each Blade has and that also charges by using regular arts, I just forgot to mention them in the rest of my post.
Whoops, keyboard fucked up. Now you have to think about what blade you want to start with, whether you want to change blades or not (when you change blades in combat they come into play with all their arts off cooldown) and which elemental art you need at a given time.
Sure beats the original's "Use art as soon as it's off cooldown" gameplay. I did like XCX's combat, mostly because I believe 'secondary cooldowns' is a great idea that adds another layer of strategy.
Oh God it's you. Nevermind forget everything I said.
I'll be honest I haven't played the original because it wasn't on my radar when it came out. Having the scroll through your arts and select which one you want to use seemed really boring. Having them mapped to buttons this time around seems like it'll feel a bit more like a traditional arpg.
I don't know why mechs would automatically make the game better except for maybe in terms of exploration.
I love these games personally. The combat can get stale but for some reason I really like it and it pulls me in. Especially since there was a lot to do in XenoBlade and quests would sometimes give you extra skill trees which made you more powerful. So the quests while being kill/fetch actually did something. Including the restoration of the Colony 9. I just hope Monolith doesn't make a broken piece of shit like Riki again.
>I don't know why mechs would automatically make the game better except for maybe in terms of exploration.
They don't, in fact mechs were one of the shittier parts of XCX because mech combat was downright garbage compared to ground combat. It had significantly less depth.
Thank god if you were good at ground combat you could still outdamage mechs anyway.
tfw means that feel when, you fucking newfag.
The combat looks like hot shit.
It means both
Wow, yeah, everything about Xenoblade is dogshit, and its' a horrible franchise. I have a magical solution; don't buy it.
Personally I'll be buying it because I'm not a contrarian edgy teenager who needs to attack every title on the market except my chosen single favorite franchise.
You're a dumb faggot
No, "that face when" makes no sense, retard.