ITT: 80's Arcade Sup Forums

Is Pac-Man going to be GOTD?

Other urls found in this thread:


>changing pinky's old design
Fuck you minus8

not this permavirgin shit again

>Inky turned out to be the biggest slut of all
It's always the one with the glasses.

The anime website browsing phone poster said, without a hint irony.

No but Pac Mania definitely will be! YUM YUM!

Please stop posting this shit gif

Where vid

Stop posting your shitty porn here and go get laid, or something. Go play vidya. Fag.

This thread again?

for (you)

Hey man, ever consider suicide for drawing such shitty art? At least make good porn.

There's a old design?


Geez minus8's work has gotten worse. Is he still not over his pedo problems?

It's a dedicated anti-minus8 shitposter who wants the artist to have a bad rep as someone who gets "shilled." dedicated autists have done this for a while. best hide and move on

I couldn't hear you over the sounds of millions of cocks being gargled in your mouth

wot the fock m8 y is this game so fockin hard

Damn near scraged me fist pounding it on the ledge when some dead yampy goose-flying cunt threw a rock in me birdy's gob. Manager starts bawlin that i'm throwin the wobbly and kicks me arse out.

Feckin game, but the tune's a real bottler.

Geez minus8's work has gotten worse. Is he still bitching about depression? Might as well an hero, boogie is a better animator

Kill yourself ban-evading Argentinian


Can you at least be a little creative with your shitposting?

>those upward perspective shots
whoa mama

Or it's just someone who's tired of seeing this thread posted day after day.

It's probably minus8 spamming his own shit here.

Oh my

Is this the same shit as shy gals?

This is Deviantart tier.

disappointed no one responds to my spot-on brummie impersonation and focused on the z-grade flash softcore instead. =/

Uncensored version where? I know for a fact it's leaked.

Just search 'ghost' on swfchan. Theres three versions.

Even shadshit has improved more in art than microdick8

the animation isn't even that good desu. you can get a better hard-on from a non-H manga

>IP count doesny rise

Shad go to sleep, stop self promoting.

I'm seriously about to filter the word pac man because of these stupid fucking NOT VIDYA THREADS