Redpill me on a videogame you're currently enjoying. You are enjoying videogames, right, user?
Whatcha playan?
Don't even enjoy my life
I took a bunch of Megaman X characters for Mugen and threw a pack together.
Still need a Zero, along with stages. Also, game balance does not exist with this build/pack.
Raiders of the Broken Planet.
It's fun
but dead.
Just played through Mario 64 and the Star Road romhack 100% and had a lot of fun. I tried the Green Stars romhack as well, but the frozen waterfall star made me angry so I just quit and now I'm playing Last Impact instead. It's all very fun.
>redpill me
Have to go back
No I'm making a game right now, who even plays video games anymore besides children?
Vanilla WoW. Leveling my spriest in searing gorge. Its one of my favorite zones :3
Mechwarrior Living Legends.
While it's a mech game, it's also a combined arms game. So if you're one of those fine folk who think tanks are better than mechs, then you can take a tank, and go try and prove it.
Meanwhile, i've been preferring the air, and having fun shooting down at people.
I am having unexpected fun with caves of qud, especially since I now managed to get not immediately BTFO with my probably not really viable tinkerer/esper character, things are going great right now, I slew a legendary crocodile and following the underground river back to the starter city I found loads of valuable treasure and some kind of library with a ton of books all worth a lot, I am drowning in fresh water now, also the merchant refreshed his inventory and he had a desert rifle, so I can finally get rid of my shitty musket.
Modded New Vegas.
THis game is fuggin sweet
Path of Exile.
Isometric Action-RPG with a complex skill system.
The entire economy is based on a barter system (no "gold")
It's free to play
It's very well balanced
The only micro-transactions are Cosmetics and more inventory for your shared stash.
The devs interact with the community daily.
It has a healthy streaming community.
There's a fresh new league every three months that introduces new mechanics, some of which have made their way into the core game due to popular demand.
Hardcore is the most active playerbase with the healthiest economy.
Devs don't pander to pvp edgelords.
The devs are now porting the game to console (PlayStation and Xbox) due to popular demand and it's a good port
The story is well written, with high quality voice actors and memorable dialogue.
No waifuism.
Devs don't handhold and have taken the stance that if you're stupid enough to get scammed by a player in a trade it's your fault for not paying attention.
No SJW hamfisting.
10/10 Greatest ARPG of All Time
I haven't played video games at all today.
I've just been spending the past few hours modding New Vegas. This is addicting. Help.
Divinity: Original Sin 2
I kill shit by throwing paintings at them.
Right now Victoria 2. it's easy when you ignore half of the stuff the tutorial tells you, just remember to promote clergy where laborers are unemployed and that subsidizing factories tends to help more then hurt when they hit the fan
One more thing:
You're not limited to one play style by your class archetype. Want to be a beefcake savage that casts spells with his own HP? Want to be a cynical witch that slaps niggers with a shield? Want to be a rogue that can facetank harder than a paladin? Want to be a paladin? A shaman? A gladiator?
Nothing is stopping you!
playing this again. besides the loading screens every 10 minutes, the gameplay and graphics still hold up very well today.
VtMB you're a night bloodsucker who gets roped into shit that isn't your problem. It has a fucking awesome class/ character system. I have no idea what I'm doing and having a blast. Tremere 4 life
Playing DFO in a sellraid at this point I don't even hope to get my savior
It's a shame that Afrovision completely killed that game in the crib. It had so much potential.
Xenoblade Chronicles.
I can't believe I've waited so long to play this. It's amazing.
I'm still holding out for a game like it, maybe the new werewolf game I've been hearing about
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider
Hyrule Warriors Legends. I recently picked up the DLC for it and it's still really fun, probably one of my favorite Warriors games. That said if I never have to play Ruto ever again it will still be too soon and the damage requirements for some missions are bullcrap.
Yeah I'm hoping that game will be good because the Werewolf lore is just as good as Vampire lore. I'd really like to see the Black Spiral Dancers in that game taking the place of the Sabbat. But still, not getting too hopeful because VtMB set the bar pretty high and there are plenty of ways for the game to turn out as casual crap.
If the Werewolf game isn't good, then I'm just going to hold out for playing VtMB in VR. I think that's the best next step, especially since that other game Vampyr was being hailed as the next VtMB and the trailers made it look pretty boring/bad.
>complex skill system
>over a thousand +1% skills
MvCi - a lot of the criticism is fair but its was £20 and its fun to do combos.
DOS2 - its a pretty bland uninspired fantasy CRPG but the TRPG-flavor combat appeals to me, plus it has mod support and DM mode.
CSGO - its for braindead third-world children don't even bother.
Paladins - fucking Hi-Rez made an even lower skill-floor hero shooter than OW, yet somehow it's much better in a lot of ways.
Just recently dropped that overhyped mediocre "experience" Breath of the Wild and went back to Disgaea 5.
The post game is pretty great.
I wish I could still play video games. I drop everything 15 minutes in.
Played through this recently. The environments in the early game feel somewhat empty to me, especially the airboat segment. But otherwise it held up considering it's from 2004
currently playing
>vanilla wow
I enjoy the slow leveling and inconveniences of vanilla they make you really feel attached to your character and having multiple build options is something nice that modern is missing, it's comfy
>persona 5 ng+
it's persona but the gameplay feels so polished and smooth, the cast is great and the chemistry between them is fun to watch it could use and updated version but I'm not complaning about the current it's a great experience
ignore Sup Forums, it's a fun little battle royale game, you drop into a place collect loot and try to win I think what really makes it is how accessible it is, matches are easy in and out and when you win or just pull off something crazy it feels good
>guilty gear rev2
it's a smooth stylish fighting game with a great soundtrack and cast, learning a character and going from shitter to decent feels amazing personally I prefer blazblue desu but it's completely dead outside japan
mario sunshine. shits better than 64
seriously underrated
I spent all day trying to decide what to play that I didn't end up playing anything.
Bought Pokken on a whim last night
Trying to get good with my boy Scizor on that neutral game
Breddy fun :DDD
>Mario + Rabbids
It's okay. I play in 30 minute chunks because the combat wears on me
>Pokken Tournament DX
Solid fighting game. Get rocked online by people better than me.
>Divinity OS2
Wish I liked it more. About 20 hours in don't know if I'll go any further.
>Destiny 2
Burnt the fuck out. Not a good thing when you can blast through everything the game has to offer in 3 days. That includes the raid.
>Retail WoW
Wish character boost tokens weren't fucking $60 because I'm tired of playing the one character I have that's at 110 and the leveling is so bad I can't bring myself to make an alt
i've played about 55 hours of final fantasy xv so far. i've just reached chapter 8. i've done a lot of sidequests. i'm somewhere around level 60. the fighting is fun, the magic system isn't awful (except for damaging party members, and self damage, and environment damage). the story sucks. the characters are lame. what makes it enjoyable is the fighting and the exploration.
i'm similar amount of hours into underrail. it's a really fun fallout 2 style game, but i got kind of bored as the world opened up a little bit. it's more a problem of me losing focus than the game being boring.
also restarted pillars of eternity. i got about 15 hours in the first time and gave up for some reason or another. i'm about 1 hour in so far.
I went back to Diablo II online
It is still insane.
What a game™ !
I'm unironically enjoying Warframe.
I guess i like to grind.
>Wish character boost tokens weren't fucking $60 because I'm tired of playing the one character I have that's at 110 and the leveling is so bad I can't bring myself to make an alt
>Blizzard sees all the complaints from Vanilla WoW players
>Decides to slow down leveling because it creates a "sense of adventure"
Oh my godddddddddddd
I'm trying to get into Europa Universalis bit by fucking god I do not have the mind for strategy games. They seem so cool but as soon as I get into them I'm just over-whelmed by everything.
Just finished playing Chrono Trigger and Cross (for the billionth time). Now I'm playing Samus Returns.
Elite Dangerous
I'm a pirate who preys on other pirates because I value money over honor
Being a pirate is just so much more work. You make far more money just exploring outside the bubble. And never have to deal with anyone. I'm sitting on 400 million credits + four fully engineered ships. And never even attacked a person before.
Of course, if you prefer combat, then by all means go for it. Just saying its not as profitable.
I bought Heat Signature because it seems like a neat concept but I haven't actually had a chance to play for more than five minutes
Cute little RPG that doesn't take itself seriously and haves fun with the absurd "plot" and setting. Funny to see how your party interacts with one another.
>Hollow Knight
Can't help you here, I've given it more shots than any other game I can remember and it just never feels fun.
I'm a little over 20 hours into World of Final Fantasy and it's really starting to bother me how shit the leveling system is. It actually manages to get worse as the game goes on and it's really frustrating because I'm otherwise enjoying the game.
>and it's really starting to bother me how shit the leveling system is
Well, its a Final Fantasy game... You should have expected it.
It's more like a pokemon game, which is why it's so annoying. How do you fuck up leveling in pokemon?
not playing anything really. Can't even seem to get myself to play anything in my free time. I've played maybe 5 matches of heroes of the storm in the past two months
Mechwarrior Living Legends it's kino
Just got done with a Metroid Fusion run and am starting Super Metroid. I forgot that Fusion had some legitimately annoying bosses, like the giant spider. Great games and can't wait to beat Super so I can move on to Prime. im playing them in the order i first played them
Playing Batman: Arkham Knight, i'm enjoying it so far. The gameplay is fun and the driving the Batmobile around is pretty cool.
Could have some better controls, some fights are a mess.
Monster hunter Frontier Z
lots of memers who haven't played it will say it is bad, but it's a very good monster hunter game for the following reasons:
>HUGE roster
>Many creative monsters
>Starts out as very traditional, classic MH, and slowly transitions into a much faster paced, action oriented version of MH.
>Great maps
>Home to the hardest optional challenge fights in the series, that make every other monster look like a joke (Duremudira and others)
>Lobby system like Tri or dos, making online super comfy
>Dos victory theme
>ALL weapons are good (yes, even gunlance.)
>Power phial isn't the best switch axe phial
>QoL improvements the main series desperately needs to copy (Non RNG charms, send all to box, etc)
I could go on.
~600 hours in and i'm still having a blast.
Heroes of the Storm.
With the hate it gets from just about every other Aeon of Strife Like, the normies seem to avoid this game and leave it to be a comfy AoSL that has a lot of wiafus and cool models. The team working on it seem to kind of care about the game despite that it will never become as popular as LoL or DotA. They make some pretty high quality models and aren't afraid to make them sexy too.
If you have any class you want to play that has a healer or tank spec, just pick that, load them up with heirlooms, get to 15 and queue your way to 110. I went from 1-70 in a day.
It's pretty good. I don't blame people put off by the looks, it's definitely the most cynically made-by-committee look that I think has ever existed, that's basically Halo and Metal Gear Solid desaturated then having a shag.
Still good. Pretty much the best third person shooter I've played short of the original GunZ pre-K Style drama, has mechanical complexity, pacing, player interaction and quirks pouring out of every orifice.
funny enough, playing vanilla wow with my roomies
it's nice to see them so excited over a game i grew up with :)
>How do you fuck up leveling in pokemon?
EVs, IVs, Exponential EXP rates, no Pokemon over level 50 to level off of, repetitive gym battles, etc. Pokemon is actually one of the worst leveling systems in RPG history.
stalker soc
i haven't played through a game for months and i've been meaning to get around to this shit for years so i already feel a little better about myself
playing overwatch with some friends but I'm getting kinda sick of it and switching over to Stardew Valley. Why do people like this game more than Harvest Moon games again?
It's a fucking ride, friend. Have fun.