Ever fell asleep while playing vidya?

Ever fell asleep while playing vidya?

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Yes, FF14, not joking.

I just wish I could fall asleep forever.

Yes, Black Desert Online, the game that's all about not playing the game.

Yep, several times. Usually when grinding shit or when I had a long day at work and didn't have a lot of energy left.

Hell, I fell asleep last week playing doing the real-estate mini game in Yakuza 0 because it was basically just waiting for properties to be ready to collect. I've never fallen asleep because the game is bad though.

i fell asleep while shitposting few times or woke up by phone falling on my face


Yeah I was playing inuyasha secret of the cursed mask and fell asleep after we got on an island with naraku

we all do eventually user

7 day challenge in Dead Rising 1. Takes 14+ hours to do including loading screens. No saves or checkpoints allowed.

I hope it happens soon.

Fucking this

Several. The most prominent is when I fell asleep while doing the 7 day survival thing in Dead Rising.

I died on the 6th day with a stash of food around me

My first Agnaktor I beat while falling asleep. It was online though and the other three guys carried me hard, but I still contributed to that fight.

Can you pause it?

No, and I have no idea how people manage to fall asleep doing something that requires any sort of brain activity. I have a hard enough time falling asleep in my bed.

Is this a part of the game, or a self imposed challenge

No, I don't think I've ever fallen asleep without trying to. Although I've never tried to stay awake as long as I could either.

Lineage 2 while farming some shit.

Unironically this.

There is an achievement and you get an item for doing it.

Its a side portion of the game that basically forces you to scavenge for food around the mall food and take minimal damage. Its a basically a IRL endurance test and can get very boring very quickly. You get a achievement and a special weapon for it.

Final fantasy 8
Came home after dropping out of a 7:00 AM class on the first day and passed out shortly after starting to play

Twice. Once during Paper Mario and once during Mass Effect. Not because they are bad games but I did an all-nighter before playing them and it was evening already.

No joke but I kept falling asleep playing uncharted 4 and TLoU, I knew that naughty dog games where not for me.

Fell asleep during that underwater section of Metroid prime where you have the gravity suit and have to jump on debris or whatever the platforms are.

Slept to a lot of games due to basically returning home shit tired from college or work.

We used to play Borderlands 2 every Friday with a firend of mine all the night, 'til our bodies holded. I used to fall sleep first, but he didnt, so my last hours were about me shooting bullymongs throught a snow cave, falling sleep, and then waking up in a desert area shooting bandits, kill three of them and fall slepp again.

good times

Jesus christ, I know dude. I could just sleep all the fucking time. I'm always exhausted, even when I take 400mg of caffine in my preworkout


Yes, almost did while playing Borderlands, and I was playing with a friend too. On that day I learned that "everything is fun with friends" is truly bullshit.

How many sleep hours you get a day?

>Be me
>Faggot child that alway obeyed their parents
>Have strict bedtime
>One day i find out that i'm gonna be home alone for two days
>decide that i'm gonna pull my first all nighter
>play half-life
>barely get trough "on a rail"
i woke up 5 hours later in a completely different part of the game.


t. someone who hasn't done anything tiring in his life.

I remember that crap. I played it on open beta lback in 2003 all the way to Kamae. Do you still play it?

.t someone who doesn't know what stress hormones are

I've worked 10-12 hour shifts in a usps warehouse loading heavy boxes all day and still had trouble sleeping. Stop projecting.

No, it feels impossible

Normally 6-8. During the weekends I do 10-14. No matter if I sleep for 5 hours or 14 hours, I'm just always fucking exhausted, always working through a haze.

i play only 2 hours a day

I'd fall asleep playing my (3)DS in bed all the time
It fell to the floor so often

I slept grinding the loot cave for 21 hours in Destiny Y1

that's unhealthy user, i worked tiring jobs, but never overworked myself to the extent i would develop insomnia, you should quit your job and actually focus on living.

Most recent title that made me doze off was Berseria. That battle system was boring.

The first few hours of Destiny 2. I really don't understand how people find it fun.

How old are you? I used to have that same sleep pattern, but eventually I just got to the point where I couldn't function during the week and started sleeping less on the weekend

Yeah, but I was hopped up on Benadryl.

Literally just turned 28, I'm not old at all. This probably started when I was around 20, I just have difficulty functioning normally unless I'm on 4-600mg of caffine. Hilariously enough, I quit caffine for about 3 months and didn't feel any fucking differently.

I don't know what it is, but I simply cannot feel awake in any given situation.

Hmm not whilst playing vidya but
>last year april
>family on holiday, me and cousin and the whole house to ourselves
>play 9 hours of demons souls straight night one
>play 10 hours the next night
>finish game at 7am
>pass out
>sleep like a log

almost every night

Are you fat?

I was. I go to the gym about 5 hours a day, 5 days a week or so. Down from 300 to 240, 6 foot 2 inch.

240 is still pretty fat my man. I was a fat fuck at 240 6'0. Lose more weight and you'll be able to sleep better.

I went from 250 to 180 6'0 and I can tell you that my sleep dramatically improved.

Yes. I have really poor sleeping habits regardless, but if a game is super boring or becomes somber I'll doze off for a bit.

Alright, word, I'll keep working on the cardio then. Thanks user, getting /fit/ has been the best shit.

Fuck cardio. I'm from /fit/ too. Weight training and PSMF.

Fasting is great.

Same guy who replied to you, cardio is really bad for weight loss. You should eat less (fast) and focus on strength training. It takes a long time to burn 150 calories through cardio when you could just eat 150 less and not really feel that much different.

I didn't mean it's bad, it's just inefficient. Focus on diet and strength training. Cardio should be for cardiovascular health and not weight loss.

every time like clockwerk when I got to the cave level in pso blueburst

youtube.com/watch?v=8Ms4fA909Pw this shit literally the cure for insomnia