Was it as bad as everyone says?
Was it as bad as everyone says?
My favorite Metroid game DESU.
why have i seen this thread 3 times in the past 2 days
new game in the series came out so now people are looking back over the series and going "hmmmmm was it really [popular opinion] like everyone says"
the answer, of course, is still yes
It's actually pretty alright and I hope they revisit it, only nu-Sup Forums hates it so disregard any "criticism".
I fail to see how mediocre combat alongside terrible pacing issues due to boring unskipable cutscenes plaguing the game is "alright"
The story was atrocious,but the combat was ok, couldve been fleshed out better since it didnt have anything else going for it.
It was just a Team Ninja game trying to be something else and sucking massively at doing so
it's shitposters trying to force a Zelda/Sonic Cycle by claiming is that the newest one is shit and that older titles are better.
discusses how bad Other M is
Its shitposting. Expect tons of it when prime 4 is out.
Get used to it bud, WE own this board now. Sup Forums is just funsies, go to reddit for actual intellectual discussion on Metroid.
And I can discuss it a bit more, if you actually want another thread on the topic. At least this is better than panty shots, e-celebs, and yet another Howard Todd thread.
At this point I think we've hit a pretty good consensus on Other M. I see arguments back and forth on how the core concept may or may bad but in the end the story is unsalvagable and Samus in MOM is cancerous.
and the gameplay was bad because Sakamoto wanted Wiimote only
>both the zelda and sonic cycles have been broken this year
What a time to be alive.
Eh. There are actually a lot of bits of the game which are good or decent. You can tell that people who cared did work on the game, and that they had some plans and good ideas.
But everything just does not mesh well together. Even the good ideas typically cause problems when mashed together in a dysfunctional way. Then you throw in the forced linear story, the pointless pixel hunts, and Samus's character, and yes. The entire thing ends up terrible.
The best part of the game is the postgame, after the credits when you're free to run around the bottle ship as much as you'd like. And saying "The best part of M:OM is after the credits" is probably the most accurate way to sum up the game.
other M rocks!
A solid skeleton coated in tumors and rotten flesh.
combat would have been nowhere as bad if they allowed the player to use the goddamn nunchuck.
>no more awkward 3d movement with that shitty d-pad
>no more awkward transition to missile mode
This is the only game I couldn't beat even with a walkthrough. At the part where you free that dinosaur thing on the bridge I walked the entire place countless times shooting everything I could, and could only go round and round in circles. I'm certain my game was glitched or some shit.
Just one more button would've fixed the problem of being able to effectively auto-dodge at any point in the fight. You can just tap any direction repeatedly, and since there is no way to "penalize" it, your timing can be absolute shit and you'll still end up dodging unless you are shooting at the same time. Even just one dedicated dodge button would've changed it from just tapping into a direction into a skill required to hit the dodge timing right. Or, hell, using dodge to move quickly around the room.
The missile mode transition was probably a Wiimote problem. The Wiimote just couldn't read fast movement that well, and so it took the system a second or two to figure things out and change perspective. I don't think there was a good way to handle the 3D-to-1st-person thing period.
Combat also had the whole health bar conflict. The game seemed to want to limit you, what with zero health pickups in game and zero from enemies... but then it let you refill your health at any time, given a pause of a second. Heck, you could do it in most boss fights. It's not even restricted to outside fights. That's the sort of conflict I mention here where, either one might've been good ideas, but throw them in together and it just ends up silly and ruining both ideas. You might as well just let the enemies drop health at that point.
>I'm certain my game was glitched or some shit.
You needed to go into one of the rooms, scan it in order to see a cracked wall, and then but a bomb in front of it to blast it. If you didn't have the scanner up, then the holorgram would prevent you from destroying the wall and getting past.
I was stuck at that point as well, and yes, that's how it worked. You needed to turn off the hologram things you were turning on up to that point, in order to see the obstructed thing in an otherwise unnoteworthy dead end in order to progress.
its a good game, but not a good metroid game
>its a good game
except it wasn't even that
The best metroid game ever
>its a good game
I wouldnt go that far
argument irrelevant
Maybe I just think its a good game because I pirated, but I feel sorry for the people who paid for it, specially the early adopters that got fucked with the savegame glitch
Yes, it was genuinely bad.
What I want to know is who's paying these shitposters to come out of the woodwork for this one.
I rented Other M and I felt ripped off
I bought Other M for under $5 and honestly felt like I deserved a refund on the time I spent playing it.
>there are people who disregard Tom Preston's arguments because "trolls told me he was bad"
The man is a genious, accept it
he has no arguments
learn to spell
bad story
great gameplay
>great gameplay
The story was already putting me to sleep, the gameplay didnt help
Hmmm,, but overall I liked the gameplay, except for the pixel hunt stuff.
I personally wouldn't call it bad, but I can't really call it good. It was just a mediocre game, and easily the worst Metroid game.
it's a bad game
notice how the contrarian mongoloids defending it never have any argument in its favor, just blanket "it's fun!" statements
>Start the series with Other M
Aspects of Other M can be fun, so I wouldn't call the game completely terrible. I can understand why people could sit down and enjoy parts of it.
But the vast majority of the game is bad, and even the good/enjoyable parts have their pretty glaring faults. So, sure, I can see people enjoying it. But it isn't really a good game at any point.
It killed metroid, it was THAT bad.
>nu-Team Ninja makes good Ninja Gaiden gam-
The story was bad.
Also Samus have shit taste for men.
It's a good game, just not a good metroid game, i bought it for $3
>"Let's turn samus into a waifuslut, but let's not stop there, let's make it a metroid game with NO exploration too!"
>Hunters over Prime
>Pinball over Prime and hunters
>Metroid over Metroid 2
>Other M being anywhere but bottom
Jesus son of dob.
according to Sakamoto, Team Ninja was going out a GIANT emphasis on the Zero Suit in Other M, but he was the guy that told them to stay low on that in Other M
>T. Dobbo/Bob
It's easier than that, everyone involved in the game had no fucking idea what a Metroid game should be.
At this point, I'd accept nearly anything other than what we got. Hell, the worst we could've received was as bad as Other M turned out to be.
More Zero Suit Samus, and more of the Magical Girl Chozo Suit, probably would've been annoying, but if the Ninja Gaiden games are any indication they either would've made the story interesting or at least easy to ignore.
>all these newfags
>eceleb and other nasty shit
maybe you guys should stop and play the motherfucking gaymes instead of shitposting here about water being wet
>everyone involved in the game had no fucking idea what a Metroid game should be.
and it's funny Hayashi had no experience on doing Metroidvanias or what makes a Metroid game
meanwhile, he's been doing DoA games for a long ass time
I already did, I would never pick it up again
it controls like shit
God damn, why do you keep remaking this fucking thread? Are you bored? Does nobody love you? Fuck off.
>that thumbnail
why's everyone posting SS Rage Trunks all of the sudden?