Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

I hate this meme

>select all squares with vehicles
>select street signs instead

you for not using legacy captcha

>it still works

It's clearly the 4 on the bottom left but this thing is shit

google for lying about the car

>clicking the botnet squares

wait a minute

>implying the meme was started in 2012

Works most of the time.
>20% chance of missing

>there are people on Sup Forums right now who aren't using legacy captcha

The one on the bottom to the right of those 4 also has a sliver of the car in it, but you can bet it doesn't count.


Wait a minute, that car.


you can choose?

>mfw this one comes first
>select the sky on the following one

wait what
redpill me

What is legacy and how do I use it?

I clear my browsing history all the time and it's a pain to turn it back on all the time. Legacy can be just as incomprehensible though.
I miss the days before captcha

The damned puzzles and street signs are so much worse than one or two spam posts in a few threads. It went a long way to fucking this site up.



I like the pain.

It's called that because the car goes broome.



>click on the car
>it's a photo of a cat

[Settings] -> Quotes & Replying -> Legacy Captcha.
It's better than the shitty squares.

>not using legacy captcha

Latin Kings fucking LOVE Slayer.

You see that button in the bottom right of the page called [settings]? You can find a lot of useful things in there.

Missed one

I use both t b h. Legacy for pc, squares for phone


Spotted the blind kid

sorry sir my brain is fried. i don't remember much between 2004 and 2013

>it's one of those 8 page captchas where if you Skip even one it makes you retry

How many people don't use Sup Forums X? Christ.

life is hard

I meant botnet squares, but thinking a bit more, I think I know what you meant.

>'select all cars pl0x'
>just select random bullshit
>it goes through


Thats how it works

always works though

What does Sup Forums X do to change this?

Dumb Neneposter

Then I am the one doing it wrong?


>not using the s4s interface to get the old captcha

Is this Loss?


>Sup Forums X
>collects data from all websites
>designed by anons
>and collects all of your data
Sounds smart. Nothing could go wrong here


Nothing wrong with feeding your family.

The captcha counts it as part of the sign since most of the square is covered by the sign than the car

>he isn't using fallback

I was moreso referring to the fact that everyone uses the built-in extension to disable nu-captcha.

Sup Forums X only reads from Sup Forums.org.

Oddly wholesome post

Where do I go to learn how to program such a hilariously unresponsive checkbox?

>If there are none, click skip.

>tfw finally caved and bought a Pass


prove it