Honest thoughts on Warframe?
Honest thoughts on Warframe?
Ember ass
Korean Space Ninja Farming Simulator with Great ASSets
It presses all my buttons. Would recommend.
Dogshit gameplay that consists of grinding and shooting braindead retarded trash mobs.
If the grind was lower and the AI was smarter I would have enjoyed it.
There isn't a single shooter game that has good enemy AI.
the more i learn about whats coming the less i want to play. i havent ran a mission in a week now because i heard they were shoehorning in potatos even harder
That doesn't mean Warframe's AI isn't below average.
nothing is worse than all the shit that requires alertium
In what way is Loki a desirable frame?
Yep. Dropped it after 3 weeks
That's quite the goalpost user.
Grindy game with good gameplay and aesthetics but lacking story
Still the best F2P MMO out there though
>Vauban Prime requires 20 fucking alertium
right about then is when I dropped the game
really enjoy playing it
I'm trying to find the absolute berfect warframe for me. I like Equinox a lot. I'm building Frost but I'm also trying to research a very powerful Warframe. one that stands alone.
what is the best frame, Sup Forums?
Why is Saryn so shit and boring? Her 2 and 3 are so fucking dumb and her 4 doesn't do shit.
I loved playing it since the core gameplay is pretty fun, but the new player experience is horrendous and the developers are beyond incompetent.
The gameplay of running and gunning, going fast, teleporting around, doing sickass flips and parkour is fun. No other game can I freeze enemies in place, run along a wall, and line up a 5 person single bullet headshot, and then skid across the floor spinning with a jet powered hammer and explode a shockwave down another hallway. It's fucking fun.
The bad part? The devs for whatever FUCKING REASON choose to constantly add new things - things which slow the fun part down. Syndicate medallions, scanning, reactant, sculptures, elevators, kuva, these are all things that force me to stop moving. Why the fuck are you making me stop moving when I can be flying around shooting things?
I've got 1000 hours in this game and I would recommend it to precisely no one. Why? Because the new player who wants to get into this game has to slog through 50 hours of boredom and not having access to new weapons since they take 24 hours to create. At max level you can create tons of new weapons before you log out, and then when you log in, you have tons of new toys to play with accompanied by powerful mods that make them not suck out of control.
A new player doesn't get this experience, it's not fun to have the same shitty modless weapons and then be slammed with "oh, you're having fun with this game? Come back in 24 hours :^)"
1 is all she needs
Name one shooter with good enemy AI.
good at scratching that grinding itch
also it's free
perfect for when you want to fucking grind something but you don't want to get committed to an MMORPG again
I had fun with it for almost a year but when they started adding new things like Nitian Extract, and Focus it got to be overly complicated for my tastes. I came back to play The War Within but the relic system and the insanely convoluted kuva/riven system was way more than I wanted to manage on top of everything else. I'll pick it up again to try Plains of Eidolon.
Relics are actually a lot better than the old way of getting primes
are you for real you imbecile?, DE defense force its on full effect every. single. time. their shit game gets trashed.
Wasted potential, sold out to Chinese, now forever awful and only getting worse.
Good until you reach the final planet.
Then you are forced to grind for suits until a new thing happens.
A good game held back by a hilariously bad new-player-experience, a tedious grind full of gear that is ridiculously overpowered for how easy it is to acquire or pitifully underpowered for how difficult it is to get, choppy lore that is often gone forever at the end of an alert and cannot be played and experienced again, and a pants-on-head retarded dev team that makes new content faster than it can even attempt to balance and fix old content- and when they do they usually fuck it right the hell up (RIP Mag)
It's a surprisingly easy game to fall in love with, the visuals and gameplay are excellent, but you'll hate yourself for getting involved a few months later
Are mag, saryn and ember good?
It's not a good game then. The only thing about this game that is good is the core idea. "Space ninjas shoot and melee stuff". The rest is trash. The concept is so good, however, that it still manages to somehow hold up this massive trainwreck and keep it going and yet DE finds new and creative ways of sabotaging it further.
fuck FEAR was great
The core game IS good, it's all the dangly bits that get in the way. Like really good chicken wings that the retards in the kitchen decided to drown with too much sauce, they're good but there's actually too much fucking sauce and they lose their crispiness in like five minutes and make a mess and are genuinely unpleasant to experience
DE is like that- they serve a goddamn delicious chicken wing but can't stop pouring sauce on it even after it's on your plate, they neglect the chicken wing itself, Warframe is all about going fast and looking sick-nasty and flipping through the air and killing twenty dudes before you land with ridiculous weapons and magic, and everything they introduce to the game just slows it down, they know how to make a mean ass chicken wing but have no idea how to actually meal prep and so the delicious chicken is just a swamp of garlic and hot sauce
It's the only grinding mmo worth playing and the devs genuinely care about the community.
Halo was pretty good but still exploitable.
>an elaborate food analogy
Stop. Sauce or spice or garlic, all are useful in specific amounts. Even the small amounts of what DE kept tacking onto the game resulted in disasters.
There is nothing elaborate about my hunger
also fuck archwing
It's a F2P MMO that takes up like 20 gigs. Why do you need our opinion on it? Just try it yourself.
It's a decent game compared to others. Good compared to other F2Ps out there. Stellar compared to other MMOs, and godlike among F2P MMOs.
Shitty for a new player. I started playing about a month ago but burnt out after putting in about 80 hours in 2 weeks. I kept getting frustrated because I really wanted to grind out the star chart as fast as possible but the magnitude of retarded time gates killed me. 12 hours for a weapon, 24 hours for a forma to make another weapon slightly more viable, and 3 FUCKING DAYS for a new frame. That's not even counting all the grind for mods, credits, and to a lesser degree Endo. This isn't end game either. You'll hit this wall after leaving Earth on your first day of playing, it's ridiculous. It's an incredibly cool concept and the core gameplay is great, but man they should've just charged $30 and gotten rid of the mobile tier waiting garbage.
It's alright
Im going pretty hard on it at the moment. I'm still tryna figure out how to deal damage vs level 100 enemies, but for now I'm content to just get carried through my sorties. I'm pretty hyped for plains of eidolon tho.
>Health out the ass
>Can steal health from enemies while invincible
>Ult costs health but kills everything in its path
only draw back is the pain in the ass farm mission, and having to get the mission for him
What should I be farming to make a shit ton of Plat from whales?
prime shit my dude
good luck getting them though
also look in the warframe third party market
get primed mods from void jew when he comes around or buy them for cheap off other players.
then max them and flip em for a profit.
the only issue is farming endo but then again with all the bugs and exploits you can get like 60k endo per 20 minutes.
>buy cheap unranked prime mods for 30-50p
>max them to rank 10 and sell them for 300-500p
>rake in plat
>total time investement: an afternoon and some starting plat along with some friends to go do the endo exploit.
Don't forget spending 2 million credits every time.
2 hours of index farming isn't really worth 300p in my mind.
>he doesnt know about the sortie exploit where you can get 5m credits in a few minutes
now i understand how DE is so slow with fixing bugs and exploits. no one seems to know about these things.
Because all you cucks keep everything to yourselves.
Tell me.
ill give you a hint.
it involves forcing host migrations through force killing warframe in a specific way.
Very fun for a ~1 month.. And you don't have to spend anything on it so I'd say that's good.
>TFW I hate Archwing but find Titania fun as fuck
Get AkStilleto Prime and Tigris Prime, they fucking wreck face and carry pretty much any Frame.