Are tutorials in games too hard? Should we make them easier Sup Forums?
Are tutorials in games too hard? Should we make them easier Sup Forums?
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is ths game out yet?
It comes out on Friday.
Which is weird because every other video game comes out on Tuesday.
Just graduated middle school?
btw when was there a tutorial level that was too hard?
It's alright, you're only human perhaps Dean
Real talk: they should introduce a new difficulty mode on all games that's even below easy, called "reviewer mode". That way all the self-loathing reviewers who hate video games can get the linear 8 hour experience they want and write glowing reviews, while everyone else can actually have some fun.
why doesnt the crow just fly up and eat the potato chip?
How would you even know how hard or easy it is? All you people criticizing saying that it's so easy haven't even played it yet.
Nintendo likes to do this too.
Thats actually fucking stupid they should have put that next part farther back to emphasize that you are supposed to run, jump on block, etc.
What is the source of that video?
>A game in development for seven years only cost $20 new
Is it really short or something?
*I should have watched the whole video woops
Jesus, that's painful to watch.
Reminds me of that Half Life test thing.
Just going to say, a simple fix for this would be to make the block on the left twice as tall so you don't have to jump dash at maximum height to clear the one on the right.
Indie project with 90's sidescrolling shooter style gameplay. $20 seems about right.
>that updated description
>Unfortunately, the video in isolation on YouTube lacked the full context. It didn't explain that we were posting this as a joke. A shitlord on Twitter also linked to this video and claimed these are the same people doing reviews. People came to the conclusion that this video was somehow part of a review, and the clip and this description did not provide the proper context to correct those assumptions. That is our fault. None of this excuses the racism, sexism (why is your go-to insult for a bad gamer always a woman?), death threats, calls for suicide, or really even the anger that drove people to demand anything of Dean or us. If this video frustrated you, we get that. That was the point, but it's worth a laugh and not much else.
you have to be literally retarded to do this
They brainwashed him to think he's a penguin, so he thinks he can't fly.
Go fuck yourself faggot
It respects the challenge of puzzle solving.
At least they're kind of being good sports about it.
They have to tow the line by calling out the e-misogyny tho.
Box is probably too small, either that or it's wings are clipped.
Hey watch your words man!
You gamers are a violent bunch!
it's a raven you jigaboo
>Gooblegobble is never going away because we won't fucking let it we need it for clickbait
>That new description for the video
>A gaming news website is unironically using the term "shitlord"
Jesus Christ.
I can't beat this boss, please can someone help me?
Even gamergate doesn't mention gamergate anymore as much as these cunts
>muh gamergate
Heh, these people are retarded
If you can't get passed a tutorial you should honestly kill yourself. It's plainly logical in order to reduce suffering for yourself and others. Being that mentally deficient is a net negative for humanity.
I know what this is meant to be, but for some reason all I see is abstract porn.
>people telling some faggot to kill themselves online != gamergate
Did these people not use the internet for the first time until last year or something?
Because Dean doesn't even attempt to do what the game literally tells you to do, and instead just runs into the obvious barrier for a full 60 seconds instead.
>A shitlord on Twitter
holy fuck it's actually there. Absolutely amazing.
I'm amazed that this was the hill so many journalists felt compelled to die on.
Guy could have just come out and said "yeah, I had a brainfart, I couldn't believe I didn't figure it out until later." I think we've all had times where we've done something stupid or missed obvious features in a game and felt like assholes for it. It's a pretty universal experience.
But instead of just accepting it for what it was, he had to pull rank and say "FUCK YOU GUYS I'VE BEEN A TECH JOURNALIST FOR A DECADE I'M BETTER THAN YOU" and clickbait sites publishing articles like people were sending death threats to the man.
>A shitlord on Twitter
>using the term "shitlord" unironically
I love this, holy shit.
This is a bad example but there are too many times where designers put stupid shit in tutorials
I remember one of the Call of Duty (modern warfare 1?) games has a tutorial where you have to run into a training room and quickly shoot a bunch of targets. Wasn't ultra hard but it also wasn't straight forward (took me a couple of attempts) to hit them before the time runs out. The time you were given wasn't changed when you changed the difficulty setting so I know one person who hadn't really played a FPS who was completely unable to even start playing the game.
Driver also had one that was famously difficult.
Nintendo gets a lot of shit for it but there is something to be said about their 'assistance' in platformers preventing shit people getting blocked. The Lego games are also good in this regard as you're basically invincible but if you 'die' you get massively penalized in terms of score.
There was a Weapon in driver that made the controller rumble really hard i used to put it down my pants till i cummed lol
>Driver also had one that was famously difficult.