So I'm hearing some shit about this game. Does it have any jumpscares?
Doki Doki Literature Club
Other urls found in this thread:
>This game is not suitable for children
or those who are easily disturbed.
Am I being rused?
it has a few depressive scenes but because everyone is a pussy these days that necessitates a trigger warning apparently
just play it before you get spoiled
One of the girls is a loli and that's disturbing for retards.
Just play it, it's like 2 hours long.
this game is not suitable for those who are easily rused.
it's about cute girls and poetry and some of the girls are depressed / have daddy issues etc. leave the thread before you get spoiled
I mean, if they're going for the bait and switch a trigger warning shouldn't be used. It's giving it away kinda.
Any complete asset rips yet?
Not jumpscares in the classic sense, like high pitched noises and stuff. There are some discomforting scenes though.
So if I stay and get spoiled I can save 2 hours? Kind of worth it depending on how the ruse goes. If it's some low effort hammy shit I don't care to sit through it to be surprised.
the game is 4 hours long, but the first 3 hours are regular visual novel plot setup shit, while the final hour is where all the spooky shit happens.
How spooky we talking? Like OP asked nothing jumpy right? Discomforting sounds too vague.
Kind of. There's a moment that is extremely unsettling accompanied by a loud sound, so I guess you could call it a jump scare.
You fuck them all and then fuck yourself. Fucking play the game.
The only faggot here is this VN if that's the case.
i guess opening a door to see someone who suicided is the biggest jumpscare
dont run OBS like a faggot and your good
As someone who hates jumpscares in general, most of the spooks build up to the point of feeling like a jumpscare but theres no screamer or anything really, just feelings of unease and spooks.
Jump scares don't do shit for me and just piss me off more than anything.
But this shit had me run out of my room and too scared to return to my computer.
Alright you faggots win. I'll try this out tomorrow since it's midnight right now
>mfw Natsuki's secret hentai scene
Don´t be a pussy READ IT FAGGOT
What a fucking pussy, it's not that bad for the first hours or so, at least start the introduction and pick a girl through poems
Not a bad idea. Get my feet wet.
Has anyone tried messing with the character folder during certain moments, like placing Sayori's file back in the character folder after she dies? or backing up Moniko's file and putting it back in the character directory after deleting her?
Don't forget to save your game
>Realize I have to erase her
>I don't want to
>But I have to
>Friend says "Just let go bruh"
I still dont let go, it's been almost an hour, pls help I love her.
Just play it for an hour or two and sleep with the thought of your cute waifu. Make sure you don't go past the scene where... will it'll be obvious. That way you have all day tomorrow for the creepy shit
Leave your waifu run forever.
Also make her twitter account your homepage.
>Sayori has blood on her hands
>She really was trying to free herself like Monika says at the end
so what happens if you delete monika with a fresh install
Dude, fuck the other endings.
Monika is literally the one.
Only retards would actually ruin it
once her conversations started to loop I knew, it was time
Nothing, I think
ha ha
Game just repopulates any character files that are deleted before they're meant to be.
>not just reading one topic a day forever so that you feel like every day is a new date
baka desu senpai
does anyone have monika's streamer detection dialogue?
couldn't help it I wanted more Monika and I paid for my greed
>same trashy low-effort gimmicks found in undertale
>except Sup Forumseddit will think they're revolutionary now that they're in a weeb game
sasuga fucking faggots
But I thought Undertale was kinda weeb friendly to begin with.
>She doesn't out your real maybe name live.
Wasted opportunity.
Sleep well knowing that this game is a Flavor of the Week at best. It's not even making a dent with normalfag weebs and it's the same 60~ IPs posting in these threads.
Why do people take photos of themselves tipping fedoras?
They have to know what they're getting into beforehand, right?
It doesn't look THAT bad, most people wearing hats take photos like that anyways.
is it under a different name on nyaa or something, nothing's popping up
The steam page links you to the free download page.
Undertale was just as weeb, user.
And it will never be lauded as the best game in the history, best VN in 2017 probably but there's less deluded fags spouting lies about this game or even a single one maybe.
The game is literally fucking free
The game is free
Is that a fedora? I always thought fedoras were like that stuff Indie wears?
Didn't it release like a day ago?
>trying to torrent a free game
never change Sup Forums
No one said it's revolutionary, it's just done well.
So how long until people start pasting this into other pictures?
>best VN in 2017
Not even close.
Best OELVN maybe. MAYBE.
sheeeit, I didn't even bother checking Steam, thanks lads
Shills in full force tonight.
Uniroically interested in playing this now. Thanks a lot, you fucking faggots.
Subahibi is like 10 years old already, though
>Shilling for a free game
>western made VN
Not even once
>Shilling a free game
Play it before I suck your dick, faggot
Everything is shilling in the eyes of a Sup Forumsirgin.
hey, it puts less stress on the host servers, a lot of free games get around with p2p
I wasn't implying it would be VNOTY.
I personally separate my life to pre-Subahibi and post-Subahibi periods, as reading it has completely changed how I view the world. It taught me to appreciate life much more (or rather in a different way) than I used to and also be more honest with myself. It may have a similar effect on you, or it may do nothing if it’s not your kind of thing, but one thing is clear — you’ve got to read it even if it’s the last thing you do.
My life has been an ongoing quest to discover life-changing works of fiction, and despite having gone through thousands of books, movies, games and the like, I have yet to find anything to even rival Subahibi. I’m honestly getting goosebumps just remembering it.
For real though, it's 10 years old and it hasn't aged well.
The creators/author are retarded with this genre switch twist shit.
You need to have some sort of at least vague tipoff so someone other than some poor ass pinoys read it.
It looks just like a budget 4 hour westaboo moege otherwise.
Man, I wish I could get paid to shitpost about games I don't care about.
Well should we start separating our lives into pre and post Doki Doki Literature Club instead?
Yes, but it's a lot easier to find if you just go straight to the website.
Komeiji pls go
>you will never get a lap pillow from Monika while talking about things in a room floating in space forever
>You need to have some sort of at least vague tipoff
Was the giant fucking "Do not play this if you are easily disturbed" disclaimer not enough of a tip-off?
if im not mistaken that there is visual novel community copypasta i think
Honestly it's a pretty good read. Definitely better than most of the other drivel that came out like Grisaia.
Not really no. That could mean fucking anything.
So how do you vnfags spread out reading long ass 50+ hour vn's? Like 2 hours a day, 3, or just autism it out straight?
If you like something you'll be reading it until you're done. If it's a chore you'll probably feel like going to do something else. Muv-luv and other poorly paced "it pays off in 50 hours" shit can bite me.
You can read 800 pages long books in a day user, just get practice.
Well I'm a NEET so as long as it's interesting enough I'll just read, eat and sleep until I finish it.
Power through like a fucking champ.
>Characters discuss horror in such a way that it's obvious that they're foreshadowing future events.
>Characters being depressed, abused, or obsessive is hinted at in dialogue and the poems that they present every time the club meets.
>Characters mentioning ill-omens.
>The fucking warning when you start the game.
If anything, this shit was way too on the nose, I wasn't even spoiled and I saw the twists coming from a mile off.
I agree, I saw a streamer playing it and thought it was your average nekopara-tier garbage. Only thanks to these Sup Forumsiral threads I played it and kind of loved it.
just gotta find something that hooks you, then the autism will come by itself
Kill yourselves.
How many things could it possibly mean? At the very least, it should tell you that this is not just a regular dating sim.
All the requires you to download the game. It looks completely unremarkable on their website and steampage so most people probably aren't going to get that far.
You can watch Tortilla chips and be done with it.
Depends, with Utawarerumono Mask of Truth, I played 6 hours per day, sometimes 8. Steins;Gate I did about 4 hours per day. Other wise for more typical slice of life stuff I take it slower at about 2 or 3 hours every other day or 2.
among other things
Watch the trailer, nigga. The very first thing in the trailer is the disclaimer that appears when you start the game.
If it had nudity, wouldn't it be 18+ instead of 13+?
>some people do get triggered by tiddies or some other stupid things now
Thanks for reminding me, lel
>You have to play the game to get a good idea of what the game is going to be about.
If you aren't the type of person who would play a game that looked like DDLC, you probably weren't the intended audience in the first place, and have little to gain from reading it.
You misunderstand. I like moe art. I don't like reading fucking moege because it's fucking boring.
Yeah, and pretty much most moegefags like to read spooky stuff from time to time too, I mean, most people do, even pussies do.