ok Sup Forums let's settle this once and for all is chara a girl or a boy?
Ok Sup Forums let's settle this once and for all is chara a girl or a boy?
Chara is a girl
Monster Kid is a girl
Frisk is a Boy
looks like a girl to me
What of her genitals though?
frisk and chara are both cute girls
Pink cheeks say girl to me.
>binary gender choice
Their gender is intentionally amiguous so the player can be a girl or boy. Therefore asking Chara's gender is like asking Anri's gender from DSIII, it depends on the playthrough.
Chara is a faggot like you OP
Well, girls have to have vaginas to be girls.
>not knowing how transgenderism works
Citation needed.
Chara is whoever you want Chara to be. Same with Frisk. That's the point.
The mods are asleep, why don't you make a thread about how hard it is as a tranny to use voice chat in games, and contain yourselves there.
I'm not a tranny but it's kind of hot how I could be playing with one without knowing it kek.
no citation needed you fucking fruitcakes
>Monster Kid is a girl
Imagine being retarded
>thinking my basic decency towards trans people means I have to be transgender.
It's either that or you have a tranny fetish.
It's just a nigga with a rocket launcher
I'd assume a male, because a female doesn't have that type of initiative
Doesn't matter. It's intentionally ambiguous so the player can better project themselves onto the character no matter their gender.
I know there are those fighting off the more extreme SJW insanity here. And that's fine.
But if I met a trans I'd call him/her/xer whatever the fuck they want. It's just being nice. They're *probably* not doing this just to annoy you. They have it hard. They don't need your extra shit.
But, there's also lots of insanity going on. Way too many people transitioning. It's being encouraged way too much. Especially on kids who have no idea what they're doing. It's wrong.
When a guy tells you he thinks he should be a girl the first reaction should be "maybe you're mentally ill" because there's A LOT of that and he's probably mentally ill.
But being cruel isn't a good solution.
The real question here is it pronounced Char A or Care A
I never got the point of pronouns. I never call someone he or she when I'm speaking directly to them. And what do they care what I call them when they're not around?
WTF I hate traps now???
are you retarded
think of times when we use 3rd person
only just now? don't tell me you're one of those trap fetishists? or even worse, a liberal?
The correct pronoun is an "it"
Why do you hate so much?
Chara is a girl. A fat, hungry one!
Chara is an evil bitch. So girl
Everyone in Undertale is a boy, unless stated otherwise.
It's not hate. I just don't think that trannies are mentally healthy.
Chara is a cute boy who likes other boys.
Care A. It's originally short for Character soooo Care A.