/bst/ - Battlestation Thread

Post em Fuckers

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I like the compact set u, user.

bully me

Shit curtain yo

Better than using a blanket


Here's mine.

Those girls are clearly very underage, you sick fuck.


>Your underage sister invited her friends over pool party
>They look up at the staircase, seeing user drooling and taking pictures of their underage
>This is the first time you saw any other girls in your home.

Strike witches S2 was shit and purposeless.


Mins if I join you for a beer user


I wish I could find Asahi in more than just a 6 pack where I live.

>green wall
My nigger

>his battlestation doesn't draw 300w at idle

... You maybe having a Cryptominig virus? 74C 480 at idle....

speccy shot wasn't taken at idle
kill-a-watt was taken at idle

Mine here is hovering aroun 80 watts. That's 20 watts for the monitor and 60 for PC


my console battlestation

i'll be combining it with a pic of my PC desk once that's sorted

>Nightcrawler poster

it somehow reminds me of a hotel

It doesn't look bad for a weeb room. I feel like the room is too full of things, but it's okay. Just store the things you don't use in some plastic chests or something.

Is pic related good? MX Cherry Browns.

Dunno about the chicks, but we've got the same monitor and keyboard.

Same question for this mouse.


Never forget

why do you have a desk in front of a desk?

Your parents already bully you every day, I will pass.

I've used this fucker for a few years now, it's pretty damn good. I've used one MMO mouse before it, a Razer Naga and it was horseshit in comparison. Went through 3 of those fuckers because they kept getting double click issues.

The g600 has been fantastic though. 2 or 3 years now, no mechanical failures, the buttons all work fine still. I'm not a sensor whore or high DPI user, so I can't speak to how important that stuff is for you, but it works fine for my purposes.

As for the buttons, they help in many kinds of games. One I didn't expect was FPS games, but god damn does it help there with faster weapon switching and keeping your hand on WASD. Works good for MOBA and RTS too, I made WASD my camera controls in those sorts of games and then made abilities/units 1 through zero.

i've had my razer naga for 7 years now. not one single issue. don't know what you've been doing to yours

Nothing out of the ordinary, look up the reviews on them, these things just disintegrate. You're more the exception here, nigga.

Thanks for the review. I really like the third mouse button as it seems like it would help with push to speak.

Does anyone have experience with

No prob fampai. I use the third click for PTT as well, it's a godsend.

Where to cop the GoW controller charger?


Fuck forgot to remove my goddamn name from /vg/



I like mine alot, I use the hot keys to play sound effects just to piss of friends. it has 2 usb ports in the back to connect to other devices, this is also my first mechanical keyboard so I can't really say if the brown switches are better than others but they feel fine to me.

My nigger, also how are those speakers? I seen a video about them a while ago from Austin. Are they good?

>Salior Moon
Nice, also thanks for the review, I'll pick it up and give it a try.

>clearly purple
>random tilted shots of some wooden shit and your chair

What in the fuck is going on.

you should also know that this keyboard has 2 usb to power it just in case you do not have enough usb ports.


They're $150. Of course they're good, they're great even. If you're not some audiophile elitist.

I'm not surprised my eyes have been ass for years as for the chair and the magazine holder those were just to fill the rest of the pic.


Ayy, finally your memestation can adapt into new memes. Looking forward to it.


>NASCAR shit
How can anyone enjoy watching middle aged white trash turn left for 4 hours?

L O N D O N (o n t a r i o)

r8 pls

>being canadian

Sorry but I have standards

>timmies mug right there

They have stores in northern states bro

damn, any chance you're coming up here any time soon?

pls respond


Why would I visit a country that is irrelevant?

>finally got rid of the faggy Zelda/GoW bedspreads

Good for you bro

I'll have you know we recently legalized lewd actions with dogs here

Canada is literally less relevant than Iceland as far as global affairs are concerned

untrue, our prime minister recently urged all men to become feminists, AND sold all of our gold we held in the treasury to China.

9/10 would definitely play vidya with you

>Framed wall paips
Why ppl do this

L O N D O N ( o h i o )


Wrong state


What's a good desk?

Nice boat.

Any desk that's low enough for you to bend me over it~


I just want to know what a good desk is. I have an Ikea desk and it's too small for anything beyond what I have, which is a monitor, keyboard, and speakers. Keyboard too. It's very cramped and I want a second monitor. Can you stop lewdposting and help me out here?

Ye boi.

Got to stay up to date with the memes, right.

where did you get that sugar skull?

Really love this one.
Clean and no bright colors. Perfect for relaxing after work.

10/10 user, good job

thank you user, im glad someone r8 me today, im used to be ignored on battlestation thread.

>One a day MENS vitamins


Go back to Sup Forums, Wes Anderson.



Man, I did it again, I could've swore I clicked it.

Kill yourself

A Year old photo and there are some little changes but it looks same.

>He's skinnyfat


>Irma didn't kill him how unfortunate

Irma was a waste of time. It went right over my area and hardly effected a thing. I think it's also starting to get kind of too late after the hurricane to keep saying that, there are plenty of other things that could kill me.

>AIDS hasn't killed him yet

I don't have AIDS either, surely you can do better, like a car crash or something.


It's not like a leech on society like yourself actually leaves the house

I left the house just yesterday. I have to go somewhere again later today. You can't make such broad assumptions, user!

and it was probably so you could get even more pozzed

Don't be that way.

sick bastard