Post best girls in their respective series

Post best girls in their respective series.


Why is Riju so perfect?

Riju is love

Riju is live

I want to feel those blue lips wrapped around my... sandwich.

She has personality unlike Mipha


I wanna fug Riju

She also makes me want to protect her innocense


Who doesn't mate... who doesn't?


It makes you wonder whether or not the blue color lips are natural on gerudo females on not. Do they leave kissmarks?



It's too late to not make this a Riju thread


That isn't Zelda. Also pic related.

Not a girl but he's far superior to any Pokegirls and I want to fuck his boipussy forever.


>lolifags thinking their opinions matter
Real best Zelda girl here.



Thats not Cia.


What dude.

My nigga.

I fapped to her countless times when I was 13.

Right Occupation
Wrong Sister

Mitsuru is better

Ashelin is better


assassin > vipers > chen > vahlen

My wife


Fit lolis are great


Since people rarely post characters from my favorite IPs, might as well I post them first

Where? Did that whale eat her?





She's thicc in all the right places you lowtest cuck.

Why is purple hair so god tier?

>Link Fucks Gerudo in every Timeline
>Proceeds to cuck the Gerudo Genes
>Ganondorf is eventually born under Link
>Link kills him when he comes of age
>Ganon stopped, his shit genes stuck being cucked by Link's arayan seed for the next generation

All he has to do is fuck the Gerudo, it's so simple, just fucking erase the problem at it's core, remove the fucker's ability to reincarnate via the curse

>cuck cuck cuck cuckcuckcuck
Sup Forums was a mistake.

Is that the new girl from XI?


yeah i know

it's time you go back

because it's attached to mommy/onee-san

t. cuck from reddit


She's amazing but I couldn't pick between her and her bff chun

>implying Sup Forums isnt /r/the_donald

Thats not Ibuki.


Going to have to politely disagree lads

wrong kido


All wrong.


Much better than the fucking trash the main quest tries to force on you

Fucking gross. Spoiler that shit next time.

Shouldn't you be shooting heroin or something?

>liking literal niggers
>calling best princess(goddess) shit
Maybe you should off yourself?

It aint easy to think of best girl in Gothic series mane


What is she saying?



ding dong!




Wrong, it's that whore cat with the bed eyes and eye shadow that is best girl


best voice
best feets
best wife

I wish she was in a better game



Only objectively correct post here.

I hope she ended up being canon love interest, I stopped playing around the 13th Chaos Lord.


why is she so perfect bros


She does refer to you in more endearing terms than most people she works with, and she states that you are pretty much the only "human" she cares about.
Man, how long has it been since the 13th Chaos Lord? A year or two?


Like 3 I think I dunno

Damn. I like how the Hero technically being a god is brought up from time to time

It's pretty great to see continuity. I hope the team that makes AQ keeps doing cool shit. Wish my favorite armor wasn't member only though.

>tfw I've been using the same class for five years because I am too lazy to farm
>tfw the cape I want is member's only, so my set looks mismatched

What did she mean by this?

I used the non-member Escherion set if I remembered right. I was a P2Wfag so I had Necromancer and Chaos Shaper.

I'm using Gravelyn's armor (male) right now. Just the right amount of edgyness for me.
I have Mage, Necromancer, Oracle,
Glacial Berserker, Scarlet Sorceress, Royal Battlemage, and Cryomancer, if I remember them all. Too poor to buy the classes I really wanted

i want to see riju as an adult still playing with her stuffed seals when she's alone

Dammit now I want to fire up AQW again

Ring gone!

It's just as shitty as always, but I still enjoy it. There's a thing with dragons that represent the seven deadly sins right now



Fuuuuck I'm doing it