Honorable mention:

Honorable mention:
Persona 5
Yakuza 0
Gravity Rush 2
Sonic Mania
Hollow Knight


never ever

>Persona 5
>Yakuza 0
>2017 game

Sonic Mania was objectively a disappointment.


Your post made me realize how bad year the 2017 have been for video games.

kek stupid cuck putting a game not even out yet on the list


b-but where is Horizon: Zero dawn the Zelda killer


He probably doesn't own a switch

God it's embarrassing to see SEGA's side


2017 is best year since a lot user. Stop baiting

Take away the two Atlus games and you get two Yakuza games, a sonic cd romhack, Valkyria Revolution, miku and puyo puyo
It's embarrassing.

>If you take away two good games you get six good games
Your point?

these pretentious faggots think PUBG won't clean house on every single 2017 award

two yakuza games and puyopuyo are good
what's wrong with you

>six good games
>Valkyria Revolution

>remake of one and zero
>what's wrong with ME

>remake of one and zero
I see no problem here
stop using meme arrow you fag


If you need a remake to fluff your list something is wrong

Is divinity just another crpg that will be forgotten in two months?

>SEGA is the embarrassing side

Look at SEGA's again