What went wrong?

What went wrong?

>tfw doing nothing with your life in 5 years

>home ownership

>tfw making low-quality videos that aren't meant to be watched years down the road

Veganism and the most casual, infuriating and RNG driven game ever existed.

I quit HS 1.5 years ago because it's the only game that has actually made me almost punch a hole in my monitor.

>Hearthstone for 3 years straight
how has he not killed himself?

He decided to focus his entire life on playing an okay-in-small-doses card game and made it into Jobstone. Now he also spends his time shilling awful mobile platform games, because I guess Hearthstone broke his soul and he has nothing left.

Also I think he owns a house and is married to some lady fan?


>"what went wrong?"

You didn't kys yet, OP.

Kek, this.

Imagine doing nothing with your adult, except trying to entertain socially inkept autists. No job career, no nothing.

he earns a fuckload of money and got a non-golddigger qt wife from it


>Was in one of the best WoW guilds in the world
>World first hardcore inferno diablo kill
>Now only plays children's card games and mobile games

how the mighty have fallen

HS is meant to be played once in a while, in short bursts, I don't know how kripp can handle 6-8 hours of HS a day

kripp is known for much more than streaming, underage shit.

Overspecialization. Dude decided to quit every other game and only play Hearthstone, and now he's fucked because his fans will watch nothing else. He can't switch games and it's only a matter of time til HS is dead and his "fans" have moved on to the next game.

is youtube really that lucrative?

veganism. seriously, look at his skin whenever he is close-up. that is not healthy

Greek succubus sucking his life essence out of him.

And he enjoys every second of it.

It's a combination of Youtube, Twitch, and sponsorships.

These guys were the only people who were able to age gracefully while talking over video game footage.

Twitch moreso now. Youtube is clamping down hard on gaming channels since PDP decided to say nigger a few times and a lot of channels that had even mild swearing are losing a lot of ad revenue. On Twitch people will throw money at you just to watch your reaction to it. Kripp's also got sponsors.

Fucking this.
No other game made me ever rage this hard.

>Not watching a gay Asian man supporting his beard by losing $1000 arena bets instead

>HS is meant to be played once in a while, in short bursts
>If you want to actually build a good deck and be able to play ladder, you need to at least grind 150 gold per day for packs, unless you want to pay 200 bucks for every expansion

Bad genes = laziness.

>Not watching a game asian man supporting his beard by losing $1000 arena bets instead

he is like a /ic/ Last Artist Standing superstar becoming a furry porn deliverator
feel bad for him

He's a home owner in one of the most expensive real estate markets in the world. A fucking run down shack goes for millions in Toronto. Also, I wouldn't call making millions, buying property+land, and getting a foreign girlfriend "doing nothing with your life" unless doing something with your life is defined entirely by a 9 to 5.

if you live in Canada you make LOADS of money from twitch donations and subs.

Looks like he's trying to make as much money as he can while he can.

He must be a millionaire or close to it by now considering his lifestyle. He'd probably be able to "retire" when his gig goes belly up.

entertaining socially inept autists is his job. do you think a six figure salary just falls out of his asshole?

that said, he needs to get some other hobbies and shit. it'd make video games less of a chore then.

>claim retirement before age 70 now
>government takes 60% of your income
I can't wait for the collapse of a ton of streamers who thought their nest egg would last them 30 years.

That's the point, Blizzard are greedy jews that want you to give them all your hard earned shekels

He pays 200 bucks every expansion, it's a cost of business

must be ´coz the internet is p expensive there .

A lot of LPers and streamers are seriously bad at managing their finances but I don't think Kripp is one of them since he's been doing this for so long.

Nothing. Hearthstone is a fine game.

>tfw kripp almost only advertises garbage mobile games
can't someone with a decent game pay him off

Easily, have you seen how many subs he's got? This isn't even touching on donations, youtube, and how many sponsorship he takes. I have yet to see a single other streamer with as many longstanding and temporary sponsorships, and he doesn't even accept all the offers allegedly.

I always thought he just used the gold he hoards between expansions. The dude almost always goes positive in arena. If he's spending real cash on his packs what the fuck does he do with the gold?

is that how it works in Canada? They take all your fucking money and give it away to illegal haitians?

Did he look good in 2012 or something?

why do you think he said "retire" in quotes? context is not your strong suit. use your head man.

>claiming anything
You know you can just not work if you have enough money to get by, right user? You don't need to officially go into retirement.

I stopped watching him when he quit Path of Exile so I dunno his situation but yeah, if there's a streamer that's good a managing money it has to be him.

Who the fuck is this fucking cunt? I don't know your faggot e-celebrities.

It's how it works in most first world countries that collect a form of tax. In the US first claim is federal second claim is state. You cannot retire below retirement age without some recourse to your income happening. This is to secure the work force.

it's because they have passion for something that's good and they still want to spread the love. i fucking love artosis and tasteless, why are they so based

Hey guys Kripparian here

Well, yeah, it's because he's not retarded about it. He doesn't go around showing his fans the gold watches, jewellery, and sports cars he buys like some youtubers and streamers. It's mostly because he's an actual shut in autist at heart, but he still doesn't spend money on anything extravagant even though he can easily afford to.

>claim unemployment
>IRS comes knocking eventually instead and secure livelihood income questionnaires

>not letting the state seize your assets and property

The drooling noobs got to him

Who? Are they related to Dominik Diamond?

or, in the united states if he lived here, he could collect unemployment benefits. and it'd be perfectly legal.

>claim nothing
>live on your savings
>don't interact with government in any way shape or form
Wow that was hard