Mgs thread bitches
the first three splinter cells were better
Compelling argument.
>The demo was better than the game
Its the only thing I still replay. A bundle of missed opportunities. Fuck
FPBP. Camp Omega was far better than any location in TPP and GZ didn't feel incomplete.
TPP was alright up until it became very clear they didn't finish development and the publisher made them throw it out the door anyway
u first bb
GZ has a fraction of the gameplay , it's not anywhere near as good a game as TPP
>Its not anywhere as good a game as TPP
>Run to this generic base snake
>Now do it again
>Now do it again
>No enemy patrols
>Everything solved by fultoning it back to base
>Partners make most things trivial
>No bosses
>No levels aside from maybe 2
>But it was better believe me
Nigga you best be joking. Nothing in TPP is even half as good as the level design of Camp Omega
>2 that low
>4 over anything
didnt mean to reply to
Nothing you said had anything to do with level design.
That said, CO is just one base (which is really just a heliport) while TPP is 2 entire areas and FOBs. The story may not have been what you were expecting but get over it already
PSX is coming non believers, so is your time.
Venom snake cared more about his men than Naked ever did
>we never got to go back to Camp Omega
>Kojima said we would
>Kojima lied
Fucking sucks.
I wanted Raiden missions for Phantom Pain where you use the sword against Stalker/Parasite hybrids
We will return.
What is your opinion on Left Alive?
Potentially Metal Gear related, does look like Zero and Paramedic. Square Enix have badmouthed Konami with their treatment of their employees in a statement so it would make sense if they were in cahoots.
But there's no mechs in MGS universe other than the rare few metal gears
>what is a gekko
I'm bored, just messing with you
The whole of TPP is VR, this also might be VR. Survive is basically a minigame of MGS5 like the Ape Escape game was in MGS3 or skateboarding in MGS2. Left Alive may also be a minigame of MGS5, if it's Metal Gear related at all.
Man I believe that there is SOME kind of ruse. But lately the scene has been too quiet. I need moar theories
uhhh sorry, I don't talk to weird people
Weren't you going to kill yourself if E3 wasn't going to have any of the bullshit you "called"
pretty much this
Common knowledge
how the hell can you still keep going after being BTFO to such absurd levels
None of the bases in TPP get close to camp omega in their design. Not a single one.
I don't get it. The number is still 794, what's the point of this image?
The helicopter never crashed. It's still airborne and Big Boss has wounds from the Paz explosion, the same explosion which caused it to "crash". They returned to Omega after the explosion and something happened. Zero probably captured them. The whole of TPP is VR simulation induced by Zero to manipulate Big Boss.
MGS > MGS3 > MGS2 > MGSV >> MGS4 >>>>> PW
Yo what's the best way to play MGS games on PC?
Also should I buy MGSV or Crysis? Both $20
Man you need to pull your head out of your ass, this entire MGSV ruse cruse is to retarded to be intentional.
No company shoots itself in the foot just for a shitty promotional stunt.
Konami don't give a fuck about a bunch of nerds spamming their Twitter and Facebook. When the truth is revealed everyone will love Konami more than ever before for daring to along with an artist's vision. Their stocks and profits have done nothing but improve since Kojima was "fired".
His face looks so fat without a beard, but he's still handsome as fuck.
It sure is nice having all these games right user?
buy a ps3 for cheap somewhere, you can play the entire series on it
only CT
the first 2 SC get immensely overrated. they're shit games
Thank you!
bout to play MGS4 on my PStripple again, what am i infor? whats some kino things to do? how do i play without just using the silenced pistols?
>muh GZ
It was a fucking $15 2 hour demo. No way in hell better than the actual MGS games.
CT is super fucking good. The first two SC's were a bit too linear so I'm glad they added more options in CT, while still retaining the linear SC charm.
>It was a fucking $15 2 hour demo
I spent 25 hours in that demo. It's a good game
I have 29 hours in it, and it's story is better than most of the others, especially 4.
>played 373 hours in TPP
>still remember more fondly the 15 hours I've spent with GZ