People shat on Wiimote

>People shat on Wiimote
>even though launch games (this, Wii Sports) utilized them perfectly, proving the only issue was with shitty developers wanting to rush crap on to the console precisely because it was so good
>even after they made the Wii Motion Plus and games like Red Steel 2 and Wii Sports Resort
>even when Sony and Microsoft were forced to push out shitty, reactionary ripoffs of Nintendo's concept which actually did fail miserably


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that was the only game I liked on wii.

It's a crime that more games on the Wii didn't support custom soundtracks.

The sequel is one f the best racing games ever and was completely overlooked.

I don't think they advertised it at all or even announced that it existed before it was just randomly on shelves one day.

This game was one of the most satisfying games ever to play. I wish I didn't overlook the sequel.

games like NSMB and kirby have actions assigned to waggle for no other reason than to force the gimmick

I don't care how perfectly they're implemented, I'm a fat lazy shit who doesn't want to use motion controls period.

lose some weight you fat fuck

But then I'd have to eat less ice cream and candy bars.

fine with being fat desu

enjoy dying young then, fatty

Well the biggest games for the system for years were Wii Sports and Twilight Princess, and while some elements of those required precision, you did mindlessly waggle for the sword swinging and boxing. That plus the forced, pointless shaking for games like Mario Galaxy and Donkey Kong gave it a negative perception.

Shame the negative connotation didn't go away though. Nintendo Land was fun as fuck and the exact opposite of waggle, Splatoon showed that gyro aiming should be an option for all console shooters at the very least.

3rd parties seem to have it in for making anything for Nintendo consoles, or they just saw Wii Sports' success and assumed that it was simpler(dumber) than it was and shat out barely-functional games. Hell, sandlot basically upstaged every 3rd party dev on Wii with Zangaki No Reginleiv, and that game had TACKED-ON motion controls.

I put more hours into ExciteTruck than I did with SMG and it was totally worth it.

But yeah, the problem with motion controls was that it was associated with tons of cheap shovel-wave with garbage controls.

3rd parties did shit like this:

I am STILL mad

It's a goddamn shame there's an essentially finished version of the Rogue Squadron GC collection, with new bits like lightsaber battles, rotting on a hard drive somewhere because of Lucasarts' fuckery.

This game was even better than Wii Sports yet with an incredibly confusing menu. Pity people will drop it because of the ugly cover art.

Reminds me of Fishing Resort.

This shit was god tier.

Both wii excite games should be remade or at least remastered. Nintendo is just letting them rot on the Wii.

I bought this one day, a year or so after it released, on Sup Forums's recommendation. I had never heard of it, but I love adding games to my Wii collection. I called all the Gamestops that had the game and managed to find a new one complete with the fishing-reel peripheral. But, I still haven't played the game.

God, sometimes I wish I could just freeze time for a year and leisurely enjoy all of these beautiful, little, hidden gems, without feeling stressed about my responsibilities. I think I'll start making a list of games I want to play and allocating time to each one.

I've been hoping for at least that, but maybe even a third game for years. I would fucking love it.